PAPER 1 - PSYCHOPATHOLOGY - behavioural approach to explaining & treating phobias Flashcards
what is the key theory of the behavioural approach to explaining phobias?
2-process model by Mowrer involves classical and operant conditioning
what is the 2-process model by Mowrer?
- acquisition of the phobia - classical conditioning
- involves learning through association
- NS paired with UCS - become associated, leads to CR - maintenance of the phobia - operant conditioning
- avoidance of feared object = rewards = negative reinforcement
what was the aim of the Little Albert study by Watson and Rayner?
to show how emotional responses can be learned through classical conditioning
what was the procedure of the Little Albert study by Watson and Rayner?
- experimental lab study
- 11 month old Albert presented with white rat & was content
- every time white rat was presented, a loud nose was made - 3 times
- repeated this a week later
what were the findings of the Little Albert study by Watson and Rayner?
Albert began to cry and was very distressed whenever he was presented with a white rat or any small white fluffy creature
what were the findings of the Little Albert study by Watson and Rayner?
Albert began to cry and was very distressed whenever he was presented with a white rat or any small fluffy creature
what criticisms can be made from the Little Albert study?
- unethical
- no protection from psychological harm
what conclusions can be made from the Little Albert study?
phobias can be acquired through classical conditioning
what was the NS, UCS and UCR in the Little Albert study?
- NS - white fluffy objects
- UCS - noise
- UCR - being startled/fear
how is the fact that there is research evidence supporting SLT as an explanation, a limitation?
Bandura & Rosenthal - model acted in pain every time buzzer went off, observers showed emotional response to buzzer demonstrating acquired fear response
how is the fact that not everyone can relate their phobia to an experience a limitation?
not everyone can relate their phobia to an experience, can be a result of other processes not just classical conditioning, may have forgotten trauma
how is the 2-process model considered a limitation?
cognitive factors get overlooked e.g. irrational thinking may cause extreme anxiety and cause a phobia - leads to cognitive therapies
how is biological preparedness a limitation?
seligman argued that animals and humans are genetically programmed to rapidly learn association between potentially life threatening stimuli and fear
- ancient fears
- behavioural approach cant explain all phobias
why is the diathesis-stress model a limitation of the behaviourist approach?
- explains why not everyone develops a phobia from a negative experience
- proposes that we inherit genetic vulnerability for developing mental disorders, however it only manifests itself if triggered by a life event
what are the 2 therapies based on classical conditioning that are used to treat phobias?
systematic desensitisation (SD)
what are the 5 stages in SD?
- patient learns relaxation techniques
- constructs a desensitisation hierarchy of fear
- starts at lowest level and practices relaxation techniques until fully engaged whilst relaxed
- patient goes to next level and repeats
- once at highest level of hierarchy & patient can relax with most feared situation, they have achiever counter conditioning
what is counter conditioning?
gradual exposure to feared stimuli should break association of stimuli with fear
what is reciprocal inhibition?
when someone has learned to control their fears through relaxation
what are the strengths of SD?
- found to be successful for range of phobias - 75% respond to SD
- more successful in VIVO than in VITRO of feared stimuli
- faster and cheaper, require less effort for patient
- appropriate for all people including those with learning difficulties
what are the limitations of SD?
- not appropriate for phobias with underlying evolutionary survival component but are for phobias related to personal experience
- symptom substitution - symptoms only tip of the iceberg, if symptoms are removed, cause still remains
what is flooding?
exposing sufferer to the phobic object/situation for an extended period of time in a safe controlled environment
- prolonged exposure creates new association
what are the limitations of flooding?
- not appropriate for all phobias - can increase fear and cant predict when or who this happens to
- only successful if they stay in the situation until they are calm
- evidence for effectiveness is mixed
what are the strengths of flooding?
- still in use today
- factors that influence effectiveness have been identified
- greatest benefits of flooding is those with height phobia