paper 1 mistakes :( (rui en) Flashcards
which structures are found in both chloroplasts and mitochondria?
1. 70s ribosomes
2. 80s ribosomes
3. circular DNA
1 and 3
prokaryotic – endosymbiotic theory
in animals adapted to cold conditions, how do their cell membranes change in order to carry out exocytosis?
cold = needs more ‘kinks’ bc it needs to be packed less closely when it shrinks – maintain fluidity for exocytosis
- more unsaturated = more kinks = more fluid
more cholesterol and proteins = more fluid
hydrolysis of triglyceride molecule products
glycerol and unsaturated molecule (only bc the pic showed an unsaturated thing connected to a glycerol – I guess hydrolysis breaks the O-C=O bond?? but not the C=C one
amylose has ()-glucose and cellulose has ()-glucose
linkages in amylose and cellulose?
amylose: 1,4 linkages
cellulose: 1,4 linkages
which of the following best explains the purpose of anaerobic respiration in humans during vigorous exercise?
1. to increase the power of muscle contraction during exercise
2. to breakdown pyruvate into lactic acid to release oxygen for muscle cells
3. to be able to produce ATP despite no oxygen supplied to the muscle cells
4. to produce lactic acid to lower the pH in the muscle cells for more efficient contractions
(‘no oxygen’ is NO. u dont just stop breathing???)
order the testing sequence of the following:
animal, healthy human, diseased human
- animal
- healthy human
- diseased human
which part of a nucleotide does a new nuclotide attach!
a. phosphate grp
b. deoxyribose - pentose sugar
c. nitrogenous base
what protein level is a thick coil?
a. primary
b. secondary
c. tertiary
d. quaternary
b. secondary
what are non-mendillian ratios caused by
linked genes
what is methane converted to in the atmostphere?
a. co2 and o2
b. ethanol and co2
c. co and o3
d. co2 and water
(its HARMful)
what is the heirarchy of taza in order of incr numbers of specis
a. genus, family, order, class
b. class, order, genus, family
c. genus, family, class, order
d. clas, order, family, ganus
body cavity functions as a gut, single opening for ingestion and egestion
skin has poison glands, radially symmetrical
a. mollusca
b. cnidaria
c. porifera
d. platyhelminthes
b. cnidaria
c. sea sponge
which of the following properties of water allow for transport of solutes in phloem under mass flow hypothesis?
1 adhesive properties of water
2 solvent properties
3 thermal
4 water is incompressible
2 and 4
needs sucrose to dissolve
forcing of water – high hydrostatic pressure
through what process does a spermatid become a spermatozoa
a. mitosis
b. differentiation
c. fertilisation
d. meiosis
b differentiation
which correctly describtes how nitrogenous wastes are removed from insects?
A) malphigan tubes transport urea into guts of insects
B) malphigan tubes transport urea to be expelled
C) ammonia excreted into urine of insects
D) uric acid mixed w digested food
a+b: malphigan tubes helps form uric acid BUT LOOPS BACK to the gut
what is directly responsible for allergic symptoms eg runny nose?
a pathogens
b histamine
c t-lymphocytes
d antigens
what makes HIV a retrovirus
a) translates info in RNA –> DNA
b) translates info in DNA –> RNA
c) translates info in RNA –> proteins
d) translates info in proteins –> RNA
translates rna to dna = hides in our dna until SHOWTIME when dna –> proteins
what results from the fusion of tumour cells with B cells
1) inability of B cells to divide
2) production of monoclonal antibodies
3) production of antigens
4) activation of T helper cells
what effect do pesticides have on the nervous systems of insects
a) prevent acetylcholinesterase from breaking doen acetylcholine
b) inhibit depolarisation of presynaptic neuron = incr lvls of acetylcholine
c) prod inhibitor = promotes binding of acetylcholine
d) block synaptic transmission by binding w postsynaptic acetylcholine receptors
what is the role of calcium in muscle contraction
a) release tropomyosin from myosin
b) bind to tropopin so myosin-binding sites are exposed
c) bind to tropomyosin so ATP can bind to actin
d) release ATP from actin so myosin can bind to troponin
calcium binds to tropoin = myosin binding sites exposed
does mitosis repair or replace damaged cells
why do fats and oils release twice the energy of carbs
less oxygen atoms in fats vs carbs
does ferilisation require membrane proteins
YES – docking proteins for sperm thingy
where in the mitochondrion does decarboxylation occur?
gel electrophoresis – what characteristics seperate chromosomes? 2
sequence of PCR
a) dentauration > elongation > ligation
b) denaturation > annealing > elongation
c) annealing > elongation > ligation
c a>e> termination
which hormone incr rate of energy storage and use?
a) insulin
b) glucagon
c) thyroxin
d) leptin
incr mtabolism and respiration
whats epidemiological
disease incidence but population based
which organism has DNA in three organelles?
1 sponge
2 fern
3 flatworm
d bacterium
girl… nucleus mitochondria chlorpplast its the fern
unique chemical characteristic of lipids?
1 carbon rings
2 low proportion of O vs C
3 contains OH grp
4 only C,H,O
which are GOOD
CIS unsaturated = HDL
TRANS unsat = LDL
saturated fatty acids
CIS unsaturated = HDL = GOOD
TRANS unsat = LDL = BAD
saturated = BAD (cholesterol buildup)
which type of inhibition is not affected by incr substrate
1. competitive
2. non-competitive
3. reversible reaction
2 non comp
sequence these
a) decarboxylation of pyruvate
b) diffusion of protons thru ATP synthase
c) phosphorylation of glucose
c –> a –> b
what is the antisense strand?
template strand
- is the strand translated
- read 3’ to 5’
which process inveolves the removal of introns
a) reaction catalysed by RNA polymerase
b) formation of mature eukaryotic RNA
c) production of okazaki fragments
d) reaction catalysed by DNA polymerase
formation of mature eukaryotic RNA
mollusca 2 examples
clam and slug
what cells are stimulated to divide by cytokines produced by T helper cells
a) macrophages
b) bacterial cells
c) tumour cells
d) b-lymphocytes
t cells help activate and do stuff to b cells
what drug action could work in treating the overabundance of neurotransmitters dopamine and serotinin in the synapses?
a) release of cholinesterase into synaptic cleft
b) incr reuptake of dopamine and serotonin by PRE synaptic neurons
c) incr permeability of PRE to sodium
d) bloackage of dopamine and serotinin recepters in POST syn
movement of elbow and triceps when lifting an apple?
extension vs flexion
relaxed vs contracting
which organism has DNA located in 3 organelles?
1. sponge
2. fern
3. flatworm
4. bacterium
the fern!
which characteristic can show that a molecule is a lipid?
1. carbon rings
2. very low proportion of oxygen to carbon
3. OH groups (which fatty acids have)
4. only made of C, O, H
2 very low proportion of oxygen to carbon
olive oil reduces risk of coronary heart disease. whi9ch are responsble for the health benefits?
1. cis unsat fatty acids
2. trans unsat fatty acids
3. saturated fatty acids
1 only
which process involves the removal of introns?
1. reaction catalysed by RNA polymerase
2. formation of mature eukaryotic mRNA
3. production of koazaki fragments
4. reaction catalysed by DNA polymerase
whats the biggest sink in the carbon cycle + biggest flux
oceans , photosynthesis
what mollusca has no shell
slug :(
which organ SECRETES lipase, amylase, protease?
how to treat overabyndance of the nuerotransmitters dopamine and serotionin?
1. release cholinesterase into synaptic cleft
2. incr re-uptake of dopamine and serotonin by presynaptic neurons
3. incr permeability of presynaptic neuron to sodium
4. blocked dopamine and serotonin receptors on presynaptic neurones
what is the role of calcium in muscle contraction?
1. release tropomyosin from myosin
2. to bind to troponin so myosin bindign sites
3. bind to tropomyosin so ATP can bind to actin
4. to release ATP actin so myosin can bind to troponin
when lifting an apple to bite it, the movement of the elbow? extension/flexion // the state of triceps? relaxed/contracting
in animals adapted to cold conditions, their cell surface membrances change as the weather gets colder, allowing cells to carry out exocytosis
what change occurs in their cell surface membranes?
1. decr ratio of proteins to saturated phospholipids
2. decr ratio of unsat phospholipids to sat
3. incr ratio of proteins to unsat
4. incr ratio of unsat to sat
exocytosis = more fluid required to maintain fluidity
unsaturated has double bonds (kinks)
when cold = shrink, closely packed
fluidity = incr cholesterol and proteins – incr kinks
hence cannot be closely packed
which is the correct description for the structure of amylose and cellulose?
amylose – alpha/beta glucose, 1,4/1,4+1,6 linkages
cellulose – alpha/beta glucose, 1,4/,1,4+1,6 linkages
amylose – alpha, 1,4
cellulose – beta, 1,4
does a new nucleotide attach at the phosphate group or the ribose sugar?
the ribose sugar
methanogens produce methane. what is methane gas converted to in the atmosphere
carbon dioxide and water
arrange the heirarchy of taxa in order of increasing nuymbers of species
genus, order, family, class
animal with single opening for ingestion and egestion, radially symmetrical – what phylum
cnidaria (like jellyfish!)
which of these properties of water allow for transport of solutes in phloem under mass flow hypotehsis?
1 adhesive properties of water
2. solvent properties of water
3. thermal properties of water
4. water is incompressible
2 and 4
sucrose needs to dissolve
needs to build high hydrostatic pressure
through what process does a spermatid become a functioning spermatozoa
1. mitosis
2. differentiation
3. fertilisation
4. meiosis
what makes HIV categorised as a retrovirus? it translates info in…
1. RNA to DNA
2. DNA to RNA
3. RNA into proteins
4. proteins into RNA
1 RNA to DNA
hides by injecting its RNA into DNA during latency period. DNA translated into proteins affecting T cells (burst and die)
what effect do pesticides have on the nervous system of insects?
block synaptic transmission by binding with postsynaptic acetykcholine receptors
what bonds link monosaccarides together to form dissacharides
gorter and grendel test – what did they determine abouyt cell membranes?
phospholipid bilayer – nothing abt proteins im pretty sure
what is the difference between two alleles of a gene?
1. their amino acid sequence
2. their base sequence
their BASE sequence
is chorionic villus sampling or aminocentesis performced earlier in pregnancy and which has higher risk
CVS earlier
CVS more risk
which conditions favour methane production?
- eubacteria / archaeans
- waterlogged soil / organic matter / oxygen
waterlogged soil
in an insect leg, what is the muscle on the inner part and whcih is the outer one
inner = extensor
outer = flexor (=bicep)
Which genotype is normally found on a gamete?
Rr or RS
What are the evolutionary origins and functions of homologous structures
Common/ different origin/ both
Same / different function / both
Common Origin
(Both) function
What are the evolutionary origins and functions of homologous structures
Common/ different origin/ both
Same / different function / both
Common Origin
(Both) function
What is another name for epinephrine
Which process does not take place in the stroke of chloroplasts
- Synthesis of carbohydrates
- Fixation of carbon
- Reduction of NADP
- Synthesis of RuBP
Reduction of NADP
Which process does not take place in the stroma of chloroplasts
- Synthesis of carbohydrates
- Fixation of carbon
- Reduction of NADP
- Synthesis of RuBP
Reduction of NADP
how does study of rock deposition provide evidence of when organisms first started to photosynthesise?
1. fossils of leaves found
2. analysis of rocks for magnesium could indicate chrlorophyll formation
3. carbon content of rock indicates amt of carbon dioxide in atmos
4. rocks of diff colour desposited when o2 released by psis
dogs are descended from wolves thru selective breeding – what is a result of this?
1. many diff species of dogs exist
2. legs of diff breeds of dogs show discreet variation
3. dogs have a variety of pheotypes
4. tails of dogs are analogous structures
how does an image produced through tomography differ from conventional electron microscopy?
tomography can prod 3d structures
how does the overuse of antibiotics make them less effective?
1. can cause mutation in bacteria
2. incr number of bacteria better adapted for survival
what iccurs during skeletal muscle contraction
1. myosin and actin filaments decr length
2. calcium ions bind to troponin
3. atp binds to actin heads
4. dark band gets shorter
what stage of spermatogenesis prod haploid from diploid
1. spermatogonia -> pri spermatocyte
2. pri -> sec
3. sec -> spermatids
3. tids -> sperm cells
what enzyme removes RNA primers and replaces them with DNA during DNA replication?
DNA polymerase I
what is contained in skeletal muscle?
1. cross bridges betw muscle fibres
2. sarcomeres formed of contractile myofibrils
3. myosin filaments form cross bridges with troponin and tropomyosin
4. multinucleate cells w numerous microfibrils made of contractile sarcomeres
why is the singer nicolson model better than the davison danielli model
1 has extrinsic proteins
2 shows how the layers are arranged
3 helps understanding fluidity of cell membrane
4 shows how o2 diffuses into cell
singernicolson is the fluid mosaic model – proteins are INSIDE not outside
how do methanoic archaeans living in peat bogs obtain energy to survive
syn methane from co2 released from decomposing peat (decomposed vegetative matter)
why are daily FSH injections given during IVF treatment
to induce ovary to prod more eggs than normal
which end gets the methylated cap and which gets the poly-A-tail
5’ cap
3’ tail
what releases histamine
white blood cells
what is fused with tumour cells in the production of monoclonal antibodies
plasma cells
what bone is the bicep and tricep attached to
bicep: inside, hence radius
triceps: ulna
where is the greatest quantity of water reabsorbed un the nephron
proximal convoluted tubule
at which stage of the cell cycle are chromosomes duplicated
S phase
replicates chromosomes = 2 sister chromatids
what end of the DNA strand are the leading and lagging strands during replication
BOTH are 3’
(tail end)
Effect of low temps on enzymes?
Inactivates them / slows down