10.3 (bioninja summary) Flashcards
what is evolution (gene pools)
Evolution is the change in the allele frequency within a gene pool
over several successive generations
what is a gene pool
the sum total of all the genes (and the alleles)
that are present within an interbreeding population
what is allele frequency
the relative proportion of a
particular allele within a population
effect of genetic drift on gene pools
changes the composition of a gene pool due to random / chance events within the population
* There is higher drift in smaller populations (faster change)
* There is lower drift in larger populations (greater stability)
effect of natural selection on gene pools
changes the composition of a gene pool due to environmental selection pressures
* Selection may be stabilising, directional or disruptive
population bottlenecks
- occur when an event reduces the
population size by an order of magnitude - Surviving population has less genetic variability (⇧ drift)
founder effect
- establishment of a new
population by a fraction of a larger existing population - new population has less genetic variability (⇧ drift)
3 types of selection
imagine these as graphs
- stabilising selection (culls extremes)
- directional selection (favours one extreme)
- disruptive selection (favours both extremes)
what is stabilising selection +example
When an intermediate phenotype is
favored at the expense of extremes
* Operates when conditions are STABNLE
* Example: Human birth weights
⇨ Too large = birth complications
⇨ Too small = high infant mortality
what is directional selection +example
When one phenotypic extreme is
selected at the cost of the other
* Operates when conditions CHANGE
* Example: Antibiotic resistance
⇨ Antibiotic = ⇧ resistance
⇨ No antibiotic = ⇧ susceptibility
what is disruptive selection + example
When both extremes are favored at
the expense of the intermediate
* Operates when conditions FLUCTUATE
* Example: Moth pigmentation
⇨ Pigmentation = camouflage
⇨ Benefit depends on conditions
when does reproductive isolation occur
when barriers prevent two
populations from interbreeding (gene pools kept separate)
= gradual accumulation of genetic diffs = speciation
2 types of repro isolation barriers
- Pre-zygotic barriers (no offspring are produced)
- Post-zygotic barriers (offspring are not viable or infertile)
3 types of pre-zygotic barriers
temporal – populations have repro cycles at diff times (distinct from e/o)
behavioural – populations exhibit/respond to specific courtships
geographic isolation – occupy diff habitats / niches in an area
allopatric speciation
Occurs when geographic barriers isolate populations
*physically separated populations are exposed to different environmental conditions and begin to diverge
sympatric speciation
Occurs when populations diverge within a shared location
* Reproductive isolation leads to genetic divergence
sympatric speciation – polyploidy
a possible cause
A failure to undergo cytokinesis during meiosis results in
gametes with additional sets of chromosomes (not haploid)
- more common in self pollinating / axesual plants
2 models for speciation pace
- phyletic gradualism (gradual)
- punctuated equilibrium (rapid bursts)
Phyletic Gradualism
Speciation occurs at a constant pace over a period of time
* Involves a continuous / gradual accumulation of mutations
* Theory is supported by the presence of intermediate
fossils (e.g. evolution of the modern horse hoof)
Punctuated Equilibrium
- Speciation occurs in rapid bursts with periods of stability
- If conditions are stable, characteristics are maintained
- Environmental change promotes rapid divergence
- Gaps in the fossil record provide support for this theory