Paleontology Flashcards
It is the resting ichnofossil/trace fossils
a. Cubichnia
b. Fodichnia
c. Passichnia
d. Repichnia
e. Domichnia
It is the feeding ichnofossil/trace fossils
a. Cubichnia
b. Fodichnia
c. Passichnia
d. Repichnia
e. Domichnia
It is the grazing ichnofossil/trace fossils
a. Cubichnia
b. Fodichnia
c. Passichnia
d. Repichnia
e. Domichnia
It is the crawling ichnofossil/trace fossils
a. Cubichnia
b. Fodichnia
c. Passichnia
d. Repichnia
e. Domichnia
It is the dwelling ichnofossil/trace fossils
a. Cubichnia
b. Fodichnia
c. Passichnia
d. Repichnia
e. Domichnia
Lagerstatten that contains one of the most important faunas in fossil record from the Cambrian Explosion
Burgess Shale
It is the golden age of trilobites and the age of invertebrates.
Ranges of multiple taxa overlap within a single zone
a. Concurrent-range zone
b. Partial-range zone
c. Total-range zone
d.Consecutive-range zone
Concurrent range zone
FAD and LAD of multiple taxa occur within the range of another fossil range.
a. Concurrent-range zone
b. Partial-range zone
c. Total-range zone
d. Consecutive-range zone
Partial-range zone
A biozone is defined by a set of several associated fossil species or genera.
Assemblage Zone
A type of biozone that contains an abundance of a single taxon.
Acme or Abundance zone
Organisms that live within the water column
Infaunal vs Epifaunal Benthic organisms
Infaunal - living beneath the sediment surface
Epifaunal - living above the sediment surface
Genus Australopithecus that has the largest molars in the Hominids Family.
a. Australopithecus anamensis
b. Australopithecus afarensis
c. Australopithecus africanus
d. Australopithecus boisei
Answer: Australopithecus boisei
Australopithecus anamensis (discovered in Kenya, oldest)
Australopithecus afarensis (“Lucy”, evolved brains and molars)
Australopithecus africanus (have fatter faces and larger brains)
Where is the Homo habilis, “Peking Man” found?
a. Africa
b. China
c. India
d. Indonesia
Peking Man - China
Java Man - Indonesia
The order of “bird-hipped” dinosaurs
a. Pterosauria
b. Crocodilia
c. Ornithischia
a. Pterosauria (Flying and Gliding dinos)
b. Crocodilia (Crocodiles)
c. Ornithischia (Bird-hipped dinos)
The suborder of “thick-headed lizards”
a. Stegosauria
b. Ankylosauria
c. Ceratopsia
d. Pachycephalosaurus
a. Stegosauria (Sophie)
b. Ankylosauria (Fused lizards)
c. Ceratopsia (Frilledor Horned dinosaurs)
d. Pachycephalosaurus (Thick-headed lizards)
The classes called “Platy Jawed Fishes” and “Bony Fishes”. Two answers.
a. Agnatha
b. Placoderms
c. Chondrichthyes
d. Acanthodians
e. Osteichthyes
a. Agnatha “Jawless fish”
b. Placoderms “Platy Jawed fish”
c. Chondrichthyes “Cartilaginous fish”
d. Acanthodians “Spiny Jawed fish”
e. Osteichthyes “Bony fish”
The holocene (recent) index fossil in the Philippines.
a. Schwagerina sp.
b. Globorotalia diminutus
c. Globorotalia calida
d. Globigerina digitata
a. Schwagerina sp. (Permian)
b. Globorotalia diminutus (Miocene)
c. Globorotalia calida (Pleistocene)
d. Globigerina digitata (Holocene)
The cretaceous index fossil in the Philippines.
a. Radiolaria
b. Orbitulina
c. Miscellenia sp.
d. Pulleniatina
a. Radiolaria (triassic)
b. Orbitulina (cretaceous)
c. Miscellenia sp. (paleocene)
d. Pulleniatina (pliocene)
“Crawl along bottom” organisms
“Swimmer” organisms
Trace fossil assemblage found in Sublittoral zone
a. Zoophycos
b. Cruziana
c. Skolithos
d. Nereites
a. Zoophycos (Bethyal Zone)
b. Cruziana (Sublittoral Zone)
c. Skolithos (Littoral Zone)
d. Nereites (Abyssal Zone)
Trace fossil assemblage found in Littoral zone
a. Zoophycos
b. Cruziana
c. Skolithos
d. Nereites
a. Zoophycos (Bethyal Zone)
b. Cruziana (Sublittoral Zone)
c. Skolithos (Littoral Zone)
d. Nereites (Abyssal Zone)
Speciation that occurs when a species separates into two separate groups that are isolated from one another. A physical barrier, such as a mountain range or a waterway, makes it impossible for them to breed with one another
a. Allopatric
b. Peripatric
c. Parapatric
d. Sympatric
e. Artificial
Answer: Allopatric (separate 2 groups, physical barrier)
b. Peripatric (separate 2 groups, larger and smaller groups, physical barrier)
c. Parapatric (separated by differences in the same environment, no barrier)
d. Sympatric (no barrier, close proximity, spontaneous separation)
e. Artificial (creation of new species by humans)
A speciation that occurs when there are no physical barriers preventing any members of a species from mating with another, and all members are in close proximity to one another. A new species, perhaps based on a different food source or characteristic, seems to develop spontaneously.
Answer: Sympatric (no barrier, close proximity, spontaneous separation)
a. Allopatric (separate 2 groups, physical barrier)
b. Peripatric (separate 2 groups, larger and smaller groups, physical barrier)
c. Parapatric (separated by differences in the same environment, no barrier)
e. Artificial (creation of new species by humans)
Cyanobacterial communities that have an irregular rather than layered form
is a non-marine evaporite mineral.
Cruziana is the trace formed by which animal?
The three invertebrate groups that comprised the majority of Cambrian skeletonized life
Trilobites, Brachiopods, Archaeocyathids
The earliest reef-like structures were constructed by
Index fossil of Ordivician and Silurian. It is a planktonic invertebrate
This group is from which amphibians are thought to have evolved.
a) Acanthodians
b) Chondrichthyans
c) Crossopterigians
d) Actinopterygians
Answer: Crossopterigians
• Acanthodians - Jawed Fishes
• Chondrichthyans - Cartilaginous Jawed Fishes
• Actinopterygians - Ray-finned fishes
A hardpan or soil crust normally rich in iron
Which of the following is an important characteristic of index fossils?
a. They are only found in igneous rocks
b. They existed for long periods of geological time
c. They had a limited geographical distribution
d. They existed for a short time but were geographically widespread
They existed for a short time but were geographically widespread
Which is the term used to describe morphological similarities shown by genetically distinct members of the same fossil phyla?
a. homomorphy
b. homeomorphy
c. paramorphy
d. hemimorphism
What is a mound-like or reef-like mass of rock built by sedentary organisms called?
a. biolithite
b. bioglyph
c. biostrome
d. Bioherm
Answer: Bioherm
Biostrome: A bedded mass of rock composed entirely of skeletal remains from organisms, often representing a specific depositional environment.
Biolithite: A carbonate rock formed from the skeletons of organisms that grew and remained in place, creating a rigid framework along with associated debris.
Which is the term used to describe morphological similarities shown by
genetically distinct members of the same fossil phyla?
What are acritarchs?
small microfossils of unknown affinity
What type of fossils are known as incertae sedis?
a. introduced later in sediments
b. whose stratigraphic position is unknown
c. whose classification is uncertain
d. which are pseudofossils
whose classification is uncertain
Which of the following among the ancient animal forms thrived from the Cambrian to the Devonian periods and has become extinct to be found only as fossil?
a. graptolites
b. trilobites
c. foraminifera
d. cystoids
The science of palaeoagrostology deals with what subject?
a. study of fossil grasses
b. study of fossil spores
c. study of fossil ferns
d. study of fossil amoeba
study of fossil grasses
In palaeontology, the discipline of palaeoichthyology covers the study of
a. fossil worms
b. fossil fishes
c. fossil traces
d. fossil cockroaches
fossil fishes
Palaeopalynology is the study of what fossils?
a. leaves and stems
b. pollen and spores
c. flowers
d. micro-sized animals
pollen and spores
Which is an important group of fossils that act as zone fossils for stratigraphic correlation on virtually worldwide scale?
a. Bryozoa
b. Radiolaria
c. Coelentrata
d. Foraminifera
Answer: Foraminifera
Coelentrata- a term encompassing the animal phyla Cnidaria (coral animals, true jellies, sea anemones, sea pens, and their relatives) and Ctenophora (comb jellies).
Raminafera are assigned to which phylum?
a. Porifera
b. Protozoa
c. Annelida
d. Polyzoa
Answer: Protozoa
a. Porifera - sponges
c. Annelida - segmented worms
d. Polyzoa - Bryozoa (“boob” animals)
The earliest fossils of foraminifers were recorded from which
stratigraphic unit?
a. Neoproterozoic
b. Lower Cambrian
c. Upper Cambrian
d. Lower Ordovician
Lower Cambrian
Which one of the following fossil groups is bivalve?
a. trilobite
b. gastropod
c. Brachiopod
d. ammonite
by the definition of bivalve, it has two symmetrical shells, brachiopods have 2 different shells.
For what is the Ediacara Formation of Australia famous?
a. largest assemblage of marine fossils
b. discovery of Precambrian trilobites
c. assemblage of metazoan fossils
d. earliest assemblage of stromatolites
assemblage of metazoan (differentiated cells) fossils
Which one of the mollusks is a bivalve?
a. cephalopod
b. beleminite
c. nautolid
d. lamellibranch
Answer: Lamellibranch (typical seafood, white shell, grooved/striated outer shell)
a. cephalopod - with tentacles
b. beleminite - extinct tentacles
c. nautolid - lol its the famous Nautilus
What is the name given to the apical part of a beleminte:
a. protoconch
b. teleconch
C. phragmacone
d. siphuncle
Belemnite: Extinct ancestors of cephalopods
Answer: protoconch (the upper head of the “squid”)
b. teleconch
C. phragmacone -the chambered part of the belemnite shell that aids in buoyancy
d. siphuncle - tube-like structure that connects the chambers of the phragmocone
Which class of mollusks is coiled in shape?
a. Lamellibranchita
b. Ammonoidea
c. Nautiloidea
d. Placophora
Answer: Ammonoidea (Extinct) and Nautiloidea
Lamellibranchita - bivalve
Placophora - flattened body covered by multiple plates
Which class of Mollusca is spiral in shape with an apex?
a. Amphineura
b. Scaphopoda
c. Cephalopoda
d. Gastropoda
Answer: Gastropoda (snails, slugs)
b. Scaphopoda - consists of tusk shells, which are elongated and tubular
c. Cephalopoda - tentacles
A cephalopod which is coiled like a screw is described by which term?
a. evolute
b. brevicone
c. conispiral
d. involute
Answer: conispiral
a. evolute - shell where the whorls (radiating, and not necessarily spiral) are exposed
b. brevicone - shell that is short and broad
d. involute - shells where the whorls are tightly wound and partially hidden
In which invertebrates would you find a part known as taxodont?
a. mollusk
b. nautiloids
c. porifers
d. crinoids
Taxodonts (of hinges)
Answer: Mollusks
You would find the term ‘phragmocone’ in the description of which
a. ammonites
b. brachiopods
c. Ostrocods
d. lamellibranches
The term phragmocone is associated with the fossils of ammonites (as their shells are characterized by a series of chambers divided by septa) and belemnites.
Which is the characteristic property of the group Brachiopoda?
a. coiled shells
b. bivalve shells
c. absence of septa
d. presence of hypostrome
presence of hypostrome
In which stratigraphic horizon are the first brachiopod fossils found?
a. Neoprotrozoic
b. Cambrian
c. Ordovician
d. Devonian
Lamellibranchs are a class of which group of animals?
a. Mollusca
b. Crustacia
c. Onychophora
d. Echinodermata
A lamellibranch with one muscle scar to each valve is called?
a. anisomyarian
b. dimyarian
c. isomyarian
d. monomyarian
Conodonts are considered fossils of which part of animals?
a. jaws
b. teeth
c. vertebrae
d. talons
Ammonites became extinct in which geological age?
a. Permian
b. Triassic
c. Jurassic
d. Cretaceous
The earliest geological record of a scaphopod is from which period?
a. Ordovician
b. Silurian
c. Devonian
d. Permian
Scaphopod (mollusks, “tusk shells”)
Answer: Ordovician
To which classification does a fossil fish belong which has incompletely ossified exoskeleton?
a. Selachii
b. Dipnoi
c. Ganoids
d. Teleosts
Answer: Ganoids
a. Selachii - sharks and rays
b. Dipnoi - lungfishes
d. Teleosts - more advanced bony fishes with fully ossified skeletons.
Family Equidae includes fossils of which animal?
a. dog
b. rodent
c. giant pig
d. horse
The greatest modern site for hominid research on the globe is situated where?
a. Caves in northern China
b. Piltdown in England
c. Kenyan part of Great Rift Valley
d. Narmada Valley
Kenyan part of Great Rift Valley
Ramapithecus is an important hominid fossil. What is its stratigraphic
a. Upper Miocene-Lower Pliocene
b. Lower Miocene-Lower Pliocene
c. Lower Pliocene-Lower Pleistocene
d. Upper Pliocene-Lower Pleistocene
Upper Miocene-Lower Pliocene (about 16.6 million to 5.3 million years ago)
Characterized by modern reptiles such as lizards and snakes.
a. Archosauria
b. Taptosauria
c. Lepidosauria
d. Stegosauridae
Answer: Lepidosauria
a. Archosauria - includes all dinosaurs, birds, and crocodilians
The oldest dinosaur fossil in the world was discovered from which geological horizon?
a. Late Carboniferous
b. Late Permian
c. Middle Triassic
d. Lower Jurassic
Middle Triassic
Which is the smallest known dinosaur at about the size of a chicken?
a. Archeopterex
b. Compsognathus
c. Seismosaurus
d. Barapasaurus
Answer: Compsognathus
a. Archeopterex - first bird
c. Seismosaurus - ~40 meters, long neck and tail
d. Barapasaurus - ~20 m, long neck and tail
The first dinosaur remains were reported from strata how many million years back?
a. 320
b. 270
c. 230
d. 200
230 MA (mid-triassic)
Traces occurring within the casting medium are known as?
a. epichnia
b. hypichnia
c. exichnia
d. endichnia
Answer: hypichnia
a. epichnia - on the surface
- The Gondwana fossil Vertebraria is believed to be which part of a plant?
a. leaf
b. branch
c. root
d. stem
Another important Gondwana leaf fossil is named as
a. Belemnopteris
b. Gangamopteris
c. Pterygospermum
d. Rusangea
Gangamopteris (very similar to Glossopteris)
The well-known Gondwana fossil Glossopteris is leaf of which group of plants
a. cycadeles
b. ferns
c. gymnosperms
d. conifers
gymnosperms (seed plants)
Fossils of angiosperms appear first in rocks of which geological age?
a. Upper Jurassic
b. Lower Cretaceous
c. Upper Cretaceous
d. Danian
Lower Cretaceous
What is the term for fossil fern plants?
a. spermatophytes
b. bryophytes
c. pteridophytes
d. thallophytes
Answer: pteridophytes
a. spermatophytes (seed-bearing)
b. bryophytes (non-vascular, mosses)
d. thallophytes (no true stems, algae, fungi)
A plant body without differentiation into root, stem and leaf is known
a. filament
b. membrane
c. bark
d. thallus
When did flowering plants first appear in the geological
a. Triassic
b. Jurassic
c. Cretaceous
d. Palacocene
What was the earliest eukaryotic organism widespread in the
a. Chroococus
b. Tawuia
c. Conophyton
d. Chuaria
When did fossil plants first appear in the geological record?
a. Upper Ordovician
b. Lower Silurian
c. Upper Silurian
d. Lower Devonian
Upper Ordovician
A dinosaur fossil park designated a World Heritage Site has been
established where in the world?
a. Saketi in Himachal Pradesh
b. Alberta, Canada
c. Mammoth Cave, Kentucky, USA
d. Yosemite, California, USA
Alberta, Canada
Which is the structure morphologically very similar to stromatolites but is abiogenic?
a. cabonado
b. geyserite
c. speleothem
d. calcrete
Which of the following is an example of a branching stromatolite?
a. Stratifera
b. Colonnella
c. Baicalia
d. Kussoidella
Answer: Baicalia
a. Stratifera - laminated
b. Colonnella - columnar shape but lacks the distinct branching
Collenia is a commonly found stromatolite. What does it look like?
a. branching columns
b. concentric
c. wavy laminae
d. conical domes
wavy laminae
Which is the famous locality where stromatolites can be seen in the process of formation even today?
a. Yellowstone Park,
b. Lake Baikal, Russia
c. Chilka Lake, Orissa
d) Shark Bay Western Australia
Answer: Shark Bay Western Australia
The oldest stromatolites are known to occur from where?
a. Bijawar Group of India
b. Marble Bar in the Pilbara
c. Gun Flint formation of Ontario
d. Ediacara Formation of Australia
Marble Bar in the Pilbara
What was the name of the scientist who coined the term “stromatolite”?
a. M. R. Walter
b. Bertrand-Sarfati
c. H. J. Hofmann
d. Kalkowsky
Ernst Louis Kalkowsky
A sedimentary structure left by a living organism, both fossil and living, is known as?
a. cryptozoon
b. lebensspur
c. zoophyte
d. paleophyte
Modern-day algal stromatolite mats are found in which area?
a. Great Barrier Reef
b. off Fiji
c. off Nancowry Island
d. off Bermuda
Shark Bay, Western Australia - Great Barrier Reef is the nearest answer
What are small variously-shaped, concentrically laminated structureS called?
a. sphurilite
b. oncolite
c. cryptozoon
d. coccoid
Who was the geologist who coined the term ‘Gondwanaland?
a. A.L. Du Toit
b. Comte de Buffon
c. Alfred Wegener
d. Eduard Suess
Eduard Suess
In which geological time is Gondwanaland thought to
have broken up?
a. Carboniferous
b. Permian
c. Mesozoic
d. Eocene
The apparent match between deposits of which geological age between India and Australia suggests that they were joined together?
a. Triassic
b. Devonian
c. Palaeocene
d. Permian
Name the class of fish common to South America, Africa and Australia which is used as an evidence that once the continents were together?
a. Ganoids
b. Dipnoi
c. Selachii
d. Teleosts
Answer: Dipnoi (Lungfishes)
a. Ganoids (rhomb-shaped scales, e.g. sturgeons)
c. Selachii (rays and sharks)
d. Teleosts (the largest group of bony fish)
The geosyncline that has thick sediments with an abundance of
volcanic rocks is classified as what?
a. parageosyncline
b. autogeosyncline
c. eugeosyncline
d. miogeosyncline
Answer: eugeosyncline
a. parageosyncline - shallow sandstone and limestone
b. autogeosyncline - accumulation of sediments from the adjacent land areas, may not be volcanic
d. miogeosyncline - the shallow inner segments of geosynclines
Studies of fossils and radioactive isotopes have shown that the Earth’s magnetic field had flip-flopped, north and south, several times. How many times at least?
~ 183, some sources say ~ 171
What are the rocks that form the upper part of the oceanic crust?
a. sedimentary
b. solidified oozes
c. basaltic lavas
a. acidic lavas
Basaltic lavas (Since we are only talking about the crust itself, not including the sedimentary covers of the oceanic crust)
What is the number of major lithospheric plates?
a. five
b. six
c. seven
d. eight
Seven (Pacific Plate, North American Plate, Eurasian Plate, African Plate, Antarctic Plate, Indo-Australian Plate, South American Plate)
An ____ identifies and dates the strata in which it is
found. It combines awide geographic range with anarrow
stratigraphic occurrence.
index fossil
When did the first land plants appear?
When did the first fishes appear?
When did the first insects appear?
When did the first reptiles appear?
When did the first amphibians appear?
When did the first dinosaurs appear?
When did the first mammals appear?
When did the first birds appear?
When did the first flowering plants appear?
First Eukaryote
Bangiomorphia (1.2GA/Proterozoic)
Konznetrat- vs. Konzervat-Lagerstatten
Konznetrat(consentrat)-Lagerstatten - high concentration of fossil
Konzervat(conserva-Lagerstatten - exceptional preservation of fossils
What is the age of a trilobite fossil?
Answer: Cambrian
Marine Macrofossils:
Trilobites - Cambrian
Graptolites - Silurian, Ordovician
Brachiopods - Silurian
Ammonoids (Tentacled Spiral Shell) - Mesozoic (Cretaceous)
Goniatites (Early Ammonoids) - Devonian, Carboniferous
Gastropods (Snails, slugs) - Cenozoic
Echinoderms (Sea Urchins) - Cretaceous
Crinoids (Sea Lilies) - Paleozoic
Corals - Devonian, Mississippian
What is the age of a graptolite fossil?
Answer: Ordovician-Silurian
Marine Macrofossils:
Trilobites - Cambrian
Graptolites - Silurian, Ordovician
Brachiopods - Silurian
Ammonoids (Tentacled Spiral Shell) - Mesozoic (Cretaceous)
Goniatites (Early Ammonoids) - Devonian, Carboniferous
Gastropods (Snails, slugs) - Cenozoic
Echinoderms (Sea Urchins) - Cretaceous
Crinoids (Sea Lilies) - Paleozoic
Corals - Devonian, Mississippian
What is the age of a brachiopod fossil?
Answer: Silurian
Marine Macrofossils:
Trilobites - Cambrian
Graptolites - Silurian, Ordovician
Brachiopods - Silurian
Ammonoids (Tentacled Spiral Shell) - Mesozoic (Cretaceous)
Goniatites (Early Ammonoids) - Devonian, Carboniferous
Gastropods (Snails, slugs) - Cenozoic
Echinoderms (Sea Urchins) - Cretaceous
Crinoids (Sea Lilies) - Paleozoic
Corals - Devonian, Mississippian
What is the age of an ammonoid fossil?
Answer: Mesozoic (Cretaceous)
Marine Macrofossils:
Trilobites - Cambrian
Graptolites - Silurian, Ordovician
Brachiopods - Silurian
Ammonoids (Tentacled Spiral Shell) - Mesozoic (Cretaceous)
Goniatites (Early Ammonoids) - Devonian, Carboniferous
Gastropods (Snails, slugs) - Cenozoic
Echinoderms (Sea Urchins) - Cretaceous
Crinoids (Sea Lilies) - Paleozoic
Corals - Devonian, Mississippian
What is the age of a goniatite fossil?
Answer: (Early Ammonoids) Devonian-Carboniferous
Marine Macrofossils:
Trilobites - Cambrian
Graptolites - Silurian, Ordovician
Brachiopods - Silurian
Ammonoids (Tentacled Spiral Shell) - Mesozoic (Cretaceous)
Goniatites (Early Ammonoids) - Devonian, Carboniferous
Gastropods (Snails, slugs) - Cenozoic
Echinoderms (Sea Urchins) - Cretaceous
Crinoids (Sea Lilies) - Paleozoic
Corals - Devonian, Mississippian
What is the age of a Gastropod fossil?
Answer: (Snails, slugs) Cenozoic
Marine Macrofossils:
Trilobites - Cambrian
Graptolites - Silurian, Ordovician
Brachiopods - Silurian
Ammonoids (Tentacled Spiral Shell) - Mesozoic (Cretaceous)
Goniatites (Early Ammonoids) - Devonian, Carboniferous
Gastropods (Snails, slugs) - Cenozoic
Echinoderms (Sea Urchins) - Cretaceous
Crinoids (Sea Lilies) - Paleozoic
Corals - Devonian, Mississippian
What is the age of a Echinoderm fossil?
Answer: Cretaceous
Marine Macrofossils:
Trilobites - Cambrian
Graptolites - Silurian, Ordovician
Brachiopods - Silurian
Ammonoids (Tentacled Spiral Shell) - Mesozoic (Cretaceous)
Goniatites (Early Ammonoids) - Devonian, Carboniferous
Gastropods (Snails, slugs) - Cenozoic
Echinoderms (Sea Urchins) - Cretaceous
Crinoids (Sea Lilies) - Paleozoic
Corals - Devonian, Mississippian
What is the age of a Crinoid fossil?
Answer: Paleozoic
Marine Macrofossils:
Trilobites - Cambrian
Graptolites - Silurian, Ordovician
Brachiopods - Silurian
Ammonoids (Tentacled Spiral Shell) - Mesozoic (Cretaceous)
Goniatites (Early Ammonoids) - Devonian, Carboniferous
Gastropods (Snails, slugs) - Cenozoic
Echinoderms (Sea Urchins) - Cretaceous
Crinoids (Sea Lilies) - Paleozoic
Corals - Devonian, Mississippian
What is the age of a coral fossil?
Answer: Devonian, Mississippian
Marine Macrofossils:
Trilobites - Cambrian
Graptolites - Silurian, Ordovician
Brachiopods - Silurian
Ammonoids (Tentacled Spiral Shell) - Mesozoic (Cretaceous)
Goniatites (Early Ammonoids) - Devonian, Carboniferous
Gastropods (Snails, slugs) - Cenozoic
Echinoderms (Sea Urchins) - Cretaceous
Crinoids (Sea Lilies) - Paleozoic
Corals - Devonian, Mississippian