Geohazards Flashcards
The surfacial point directly above the focus of an earthquake.
The slowest seismic wave.
a. P-wave
b. S-wave
c. Love Wave
d. Rayleigh Wave
Rayleigh Wave
These minerals are found in the Transition Zone
Wadsleyite and Ringwoodite
Which of the following is a Magnitude Scale?
a. Richter
b. Mercalli
The largest recorded earthquake
1960 Valdivia or Great Chilean Earthquake. M9.5
MMIS description: Felt by all, many fightened. Some heavy equipment moved; a few instances of fallen plaster. Damage slight.
a. Intensity 3
b. Intensity 5
c. Intensity 6
d. Intensity 8
Intensity 6 Strong
MMIS description: Felt by all, many fightened. Some heavy equipment moved; a few instances of fallen plaster. Damage slight.
a. Intensity 3
b. Intensity 5
c. Intensity 6
d. Intensity 8
Intensity 6 Strong
MMIS Description: Felt indoors by many, outdoors by few during the day. At night, some awakened. Dishes, windows, doors disturbed; walls make cracking sound. Sensation like heavy truck striking building. Standing motor cars rocked noticeably.
a. Intensity 2
b. Intensity 4
c. Intensity 7
d. Intensity 3
Intensity 4 Light
PEIS Description: Perceptible to people under favorable conditions. Delicately balanced objects are disturbed slightly. Still waters oscillate slowly.
a. Intensity 1
b. Intensity 2
c. Intensity 3
d. Intensity 4
Intensity 1 Scarcely Perceptible
PEIS Description: Generally felt by most people indoors and outdoors. Many sleeping are awakened. Some are frightened, some run outdoors. Strong shaking and rocking felt throughout the building. Hanging objects swing violently.
a. Intensity 4
b. Intensity 5
c. Intensity 6
d. Intensity 8
Intensity 5 Strong
The abnormal rise of sea level due to the approaching tropical cyclone’s strong winds approaching the coast, pushing the ocean water over the low-lying coastal areas.
Storm surge
The following places in Mindanao are marked as liquefaction susceptible by PHIVOLCS except:
a. Cagayan de Oro
b. Isulan
c. Agusan del Sur
d. Panabo
Cagayan de Oro
PHIVOLCS Tsunami Bulletin Evaluation: Sea level disturbances such as strong currents and rapid rise and fall of seawaters are expected. People are advised to stay away from the beach and not to go to the coast.
a. No Tsunami Threat
b. Sea-Level Change Monitoring
c. Tsunami Warning
Sea-Level Change Monitoring
Which among the following scenarios can a storm surge be considered as expected?
a. 1 masl
b. 2.0 masl
c. 2.6 masl
d. 3.1 masl
2.1-3 masl
A block of wire mesh containing gravel- to boulder-sized rock fragments that is used as landslide-control, especially on roadsides and riverbanks.
Application of concrete along vertical or overhead faces of rocks through spraying it along the faces to help the stabilization of fractured rocks.
A concrete or wooden reinforcement built along the shoreline that dissipates and reduces wave energy.
Fence-like structures built at right angles from the coastline to break up waves, reduce eroding energy, and help collect sediments along its walls.
A long, narrow structures built at right angles from the shore that limits sediment input within the inlet.
Large chunks of rocks and debris that are ejected from a volcano.
A hot mixture of volcanic debris and tephra that is saturated with water.
When did Mt. Pinatubo last erupted?
June 15, 1991
What is the direction of seismic P-waves in earthquakes?
a. Transverse
b. Liner
c. Periodic
d. Longitudinal
Green colored member of the Chert group