Pain 1 Peripheral Mechanisms and Central Pathways Flashcards
Describe the process by which stimuli activate and travel through the brian?
1) stimuli activate receptor (temperature, pain, touch or pressure)
2) AP is elicited in nerve (Dorsal route ganglion nerve)
3) AP enters spinal cord and synapses on ascending nerve in dorsal route horn
4) nerves travel across the spinal cord and ascends to brain
5) signal travels to sensory cortex where processed and acted upon
What are somatic senses?
not dependant on a specialised organ e.g. thermoception, magnetoception (direction), nociception
Define pain?
unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage or described in terms of such damage
What are the pain receptors called and where are they located?
Nociceptors - across body but very few in brain
What are the three types of pain stimuli?
- Chemical e.g. change in PH causes pain
- Mechanical e.g. trauma
- Thermal e.g. pain due to cold or hot temperatures
Describe what happens on cellular levels to activate nociceptors?
- chemical mediators activate nociceptors
Give examples of what can activate nociceptors
- hydrogen ions
- stretch
- extreme temperatures
- strong pressures (mechanical stimuli)
What is the difference between unmyelinated and myelinated neurones?
- faster conduction velocity (fast pain)
- sharp pain (unmyelinated = dull)
- almost immediate (delay in unmyelinated)
- Localised
- only in superficial tissue (unmyelinated also in deep)
What autonomic responses to pain are there?
Sympathetic - Fear - Pupillary dilation - Pallor - Sweating Parasympathetic - Bradycardia - Syncope - Hypotension - Urination - Nausea
What is referred pain?
Pain is perceived as coming from a different region to its origin e.g. visceral organ pain felt in superficial area of body
where is the sensory cortex located?
outer area of the cerebrum close to motor cortex
What is the sensory homunculus?
distorted representation of the brain showing which areas of the body have greatest sensory capacity and so brain mass devoted to them
How is the sensory cortex arranged?
different regions for different areas of the body, each nerve coming from the body part goes to the region of that body part
What are the two components of pain?
- unconscious detection of harmful stimuli using sensory receptors (nociception)
- strong emotional and subjective response to it
What are the alternate names for myelinated and unmyelinated nerves?
myelinated = A(delta sign) unmyelinated = C fibres
What are the proprioception senses?
- nociception (pain)
- equilibrioception (balance)
- proprioception (sense of position adn movement of parts of ones body)