page 68 to 77 Flashcards
drains scalp and side of head
sup temporal vein
merge with max vein and punges into parotid gland
sup temporal vein
from pterygoid plexus of veins
max vein
retromand vein
formed from sup temporal and mx vein
divide at angle of mandible into ant and post br
retromand vein
X the SCM
and formed by post auricular and retromand vein
drains skins
parotid gland
muscle of face and kneck
common facial vein drain to

ant facial vein and ant retromand wein drain to
common facial vein

ant and post retromand vein drain from
retromand vein

EJV drains from
post aur vein
recieve infraorb and deep facial vein
facial vein
forms from supraorbital and supratrochlear vein
facial vein
from sigmoid and inf pet sinus
drains the dural venous sinus
exits skulpl via jug foramen
descends kneck in carotid sheath
IJV merge with subclavian vein
to form brachiocephalic ven

area where sup facial vein communicate with deep system
danger triangle of face
base of danger triangle
upper lip and ant maxilla

infraorb region
apex of danger triangle
drains directly to juguloomohyoid node
submental ln
tip tongue
skin chin
floor of mouth
mand incisor
center of lower lip
submental l.n.
drain to retropharyngeal ln to jugulodigastric LN
mastoid and occipital LN
scalp and auricle
mastoid LN
occipital LN
retrophar LN
post nasal cavity
soft palate
middle ear
submand LN
submental nodes
max/mand teeth
nose and paranasal sinus
facial ging and mucosa/ging of hard palate
post flooor of mouth
tongue(ant 2/3)
submand LN
drain directly to jugulodic LN
submand and Parotid LN
sup parotid
cheek auricle
temporal region
deep parotid
middle ear
sot palate
post nasal cavity
middle ear
soft palate
post nasal cavity
retropharyngeal LN
h shaped gland at laryngeal tracheal junction
thyroid gland
2 lobes joined at isthmus
thyroid gland
TH and calcitonin
thyroid gland
thyroid gland
glandulat br of cerv ging of symp trunk
follicular cells
make thyroglobulin
and storeds in colloid
precursor to T3 and T4

vessels next to par gland
common carotid art


cricoid cartieldge

produce calcitonin
parafollicular cells
(lowers blood Ca and PO4)
thyroglossal duct
thyroid gland to tongue devleopment
foramen cecum
base of tongue is proximal remnant of thyroglossal duct
drains to IJV
middle and sup thyroid vein
branch of ECA
sup thyroid art
branch of thyrocerv trunk
inf thyroid art
drains to brachiocephalic vein
inf thyroid vei
parathyroid gland
pea shaped organ
develop from 4th pharyngeal arch
2 sup parathyroid
develp from 3rd phary punch
2 inf parathyroid
post surface of thyroid
parathyroid gland
innerv of Parathyroid gland
post gang symp fibers of sup cerv ganglion
pth gland–>make pth
reg ca and po4 metab
deficiency of PTH
dec Ca to cause tetany
voice production
9 cartiledges
3 singles and 3 paired cartiledges
vetib fold
false vocal cords
no role in vocalization
vocal folds
true vocal cords
vocal lig and vocalis m
sound production
spincter of resp tract
thing leaf shaped cart
covered with mucus membrance
root of tongue

b/n glossoepiglottic folds
taste buds
located on sup surface of epiglottis
vocal folds and rima glottis

raise larynx
suprahyoid and stylopharyngeus
depress larynx
thyroid cartiledge
form laryngeal primonince
sup thyroid notch
sup surface attached to hyoid by thyrohyoid membrane

only laryngeal cartiledge to form complete ring around airway
cricoid cart

epiglottic cart
flexibility to epiglottis

aretynoid cart.
vocal cord attach post
abducts vocal fold
post cricoaretynoid
adducts vocal fold
lat cricoaretynoid
relax vocal fold
close rima glittides
transverse and oblique arytenoids
stretched and tenses vocal fold
inserts to musc process of arytenoid cart
post cricoarytenoid
lat cricoarytenoid
inserts to opposite arytenoid cart
transverse and oblique arytenoid
insert to thyroid cartiledge
insert to vocal lig and vocal process of arytenoid cart
relaxes post vocal lig
tense ant vocal lig
antagonist of cricothyroid m
innerv by recurrent laryngeal nerve
post cricoaytenoid
lat cricoarytenoid
transverse and oblique
ext laryngeal nerve
origin is cricoid cart
post cricoarytenoid
lat cricoarytenoid
origin is the thyroid cart
origin is arytenoid cart
origin is anterolat cricoid cart
origin is depression b/n lamina of thyroid cart
branch of vagus n
recurrent laryngeal nerve
comes off vagus in mediastinum and
ascend to larynx in tracheoesophogeal groove
recurrent laryngeal nerve
close ass with thyroid gland and inf thyroid art
recurrent laryngeal nerve
wraps around aortic arch
left recurrent laryngeal n
wraps around right subclavian
right recurrent laryngeal nerve
involved intrinsic m of larynx(except cricothyorid)
motor innervation
invovles laryngeal mucosa below vocal folds and upper trachea
sensory innerv of recurrent laryngeal nerve
exits from jug foramen and is a branch of vagus nerve
sup laryngeal nerve
passes thru thyrohyoid membrane
sup laryngeal nerve
ext br of sup laryngeal nerve
inerv cricothyroid m
int br of sup thyroid nerve
orovide sensory info to laryngeal mucosa
above vocal fold
nasal cavity
lined by c shaped tracheal rings
resp ep
lines trachea
10cm; 2.3 cm
long and diameter of trachea
c5-6 level to sternal angle (T4/T5)
after tertiary bronchi
terminal bronchiole
resp bronchiole
secondry bronchi
5 lobar bronchi
upper 4-5 ribs
intercostal m
seeratus ant muscle
lateral of axilla
corachobrachialis and bicep
within intertuburcular space
post of axilla
teres major
lat dorsi
ant of axilla
pec major mior
subclavian m
axillary fascia
base of axilla
brachial plexus
biceps brachi
ax vessels
contents of axilla
passes lat border of 1st rib and is continuation of subclavian art
axillary art
close with medial cord of brachial plexus
ax artery
post to pec minor
ax artery
becomes brachial art
as passes inf border of teres major and enters arm
ax art
medial to tendon of biceps brachi at elbow
brachial art
ax vein
formfrom brachial vein and the basilic vein at inf bordr of teres major
changes name to subclavian vein at lat border of first rib
ax artery
drain to axillary vein
cephalic vein
found in deltopelvic groove
found b/n deltoid and pec major
cephalic vein
drain superficial arm
and blood from radial side of arm
cephalic vein
drains blood from deep arm
brachial vein
drains blood from sup arm
basilic vein
phrenic nerve and subclavian vein
pass on surface of ant scalene m
brachial plexus and subclavian vein
pass b/n ant and middle scalen
brachial plexus
innerv shoulder girdle and upper limb