28-37 Flashcards
tf the sup cerebellar art leads to thebasilar art

which 2 art lead to left vertebral art
ant spinal art
post. inf. cerebellar art
tf ant inf cerebellar art leads to basilar art
2 branches off aorta
commonc carotid
subclavian art
vertebral art comes off of
subclavian art
tf ica has 2 branches in the neck
F none
largest brnch of ICA
middle cerebral art
ant cerebral art and middle cerbral art both lead
to ICA
slitlike space
oral vestibule
post termination of oral cavity proper
palatoglossal arch

transverse palatine ridge
opening of parotid duct is located
behind 2nd molar

palatine gland

palatopharyngeal arch

palatine tonsil

palatopharyngeus muscle

sup pharynegeal constrictor

lev. veli palatini

tensor veli palatini

pterygoid hamulus
tongue motor sense
cn 9 cn 10
sensation of tongue
CN 7,9, 10
Taste innerv
ant 2/3 of tongue is innerv by
epiglottis innerve by
Port 1/3 innerv by
pathway of nerves innervating tongue
solitary tract
Brain stem nucleus____
thalamic nucleus_____
Gustacoryy cortex next to somatosensory rep. of tongue
nucleus of sol tract
ant 2/3 tongue SA fibers
post 1/3 tongue(SA)
CN 9
tf sweet is detected post to salt and sour on tongue
F most ant
other sensation post to sour on tongue
part of CN7
chorda tympani
nuc. of sol. tract
sup. sal. nucleus
arise from ____
emerge from ____ _____
cross Medial surface of ——–
join lingual nerve in IT fossa
gen. gang.
petrotympanic fissure
tympanic membrane
chorda tympani pregang PS
synapse in submand ganglion

opening to submand. duct
whartons duct
opening to rivian duct
sublingual duct
taste pathway question; after nerve hit nucleus of sol tract; what does the nerve become
MEdial lemiscus
most numerous and avascular
also found in rows and form rough texture
filiform pap.

mushroom shape and contain tastebud

fung pap.
7-9 circular structure with tastebud
serous only and
withing von ebner
circumvallate papilla
lat surface of tongue in ridges
rudimentary and non functional
foliate pap.

what is T

lingual tonsil

sulcus terminalis
upper part of thyroglossal duct
4amen cecum
back front and sides of tongue
mucus gland
posterior of tongue only
serous gland
ant ling glands
mixed seromucus gland
muscles containing tongu
styloid process
hyoid bone
genial tubercle
lat tongue drain to
submand LN
tip of tongue drain to
submental LN
middle of tongue drain to
inf deep cerv
post tongue drain to
sup. depp cervical LN
all muscles of tongue innev by CN12 except
lingual art
supply tongue

inf insertion of genioglossus
origin is the genial tubercle
genioglossus m
pull tongue up and back
ant soft palate is origin of
palatoglossus m.
insertion is side of tongue
hyoglosuss and styloglossus
insertion of palatoglossus
side and dorsum of tongue
innerve by CN10
prottrude tongue
depress tongue and pull down sides
flaten and broaden tongue
verticalis m. of tongue
arise from median fibrous septum and pass lat
transversus m
transversus m. of tongue
narrow and elongate tongue
superior part of this muscle make dorsum concaver
longitudinalis m.
longitudinalis m(inf)
make dorsum convex
shorten tongue
longitudinalis m.
tongue against roof
by CN12 mkes LA LA
moves lip to make Mi Mi
CN 10
raise palate and makes ku ku
medial to hyoglossus
ling art
which is not lat to hyoglossus m
ling vein
ling nerve
subman duct
hyoglossal nervve
ling art
ling art
motor innerv to palate
phar plexus
sensory innervation to palate
joins the naspal nerve
greater pal nerve( it is posterior)
third part of max art
supply palat
sphenopal vessels and nasopal nerves
travel from incisive foramen
palatine processes of hard palate
max bone
hor plate of hard palate
palatine bone
hard palate
covered with keratinized mucosa
palatal sal. gland is in
hard palate and beneath mucosa
soft palate
covered by non ker. mucosa
ant palatal submucosa
has fat
post zone of palatal submucosa
has mucous glands
palatal aponeur.
fibrous CT of soft palat
results from incomplete fusion of palatine shelves
bifid uvula
unilat damage to phar. plexus
uvula deviate to contalat side
house palatine tonsils
ant pilar
palatopharyngeus m.
post pillar
draws tongue and soft palate closer together
ant pillar
post pillar
elevate pharynx
close nasopharynx
post pillar
narrows isthmus of fauces
ant pillar
swallow aid
post pilar
nasopharynx contains
pharyngeal tonsils
dorsum of tongue
contain lingual tonsils
no LN sinus or crypts
pharyngeal tonsil
surrounded by CT and ep
pharyngeal tonsils
lymphoid follicles with single crypt
lingual tonsil
max size in childhood then diminish
palatine tonsil
has crypts and lymphoid follicles
palatine tonsil
covered by CT and ep(partly
palatine tonsil