208 -217 Flashcards
pulp origin
ectomesenchymal cells of dental pappila
coronal pulp
found in pulp horn
radicular pulp
found n pulp cavity
has mesenchymal cells that form dentins
formative function of pulp
nourishes the avasc. dentin
nutritive function of pulp
free nerve endings provide pain sensation
sensory function of pulp
produce reparative dentin as needed
protective function of pulp
single layer of odontoblast lining pulp chamber
odontoblstic zone
cell free zone of Weil
devoid of cells (exccept during dentinogenesis)
has parietal plexus of nerves and plexus of BV
cell rich zone
fibroblast and undiff mesenchymal cells
fibroblast , macrophage, leukocye, blood and lymph vessels
my. symp. nerve fiebrs
collagen 1 and 3
ground substance
no elastic fibers
pulp core

concentric layers of mineralized tissues
true denticles
surround dentinal tubules or odontoblastic processes
surround dead cells or collagen fibers
false denticles
free denticles
located freelyin pulp chamber
attached denticles
attached to ant chmber wall
interstitial denticle
embedded in pulp chamber wall
dystrophic calcification
calcification of collagen bundles or collagen fibers surrounding BV and nerves
inc collagen fibers and calcifications
aging of pulp
dec. pulp chamber vol.
apical 4amen size
effect of aging on pulp
avasc tissue about 10 micor meters thick covering radicular dentin
compositon close to bone
origin of cementum
diff. ectomesenchymal cells of dnetal follicle
provide attachment for teeth
prevent root resorption during tooth movement
formation functon of cementum
continual apical cementum deposition accounts for continual tooth eruption and movement
during root formation ——- cells of dental follicle migrate through gaps in—— —– and orient themselves along —— dentin.
Here they diff. to —– and sec. ——-
during root formation ectomes. cells of dental follicle migrate through gaps in Hertwigs root sheath and orient themselves along radicular dentin.
Here they diff. to cementoblast and sec. cementoid
As cementoblast —– away from dentin . matrix is —— and new layer of cementum matrix secreted/ these form —- lines, seen —–
s cementoblast retreat away from dentin . matrix is calcified and new layer of cementum matrix secreted/ these form resting lines, seen microscopically
cementoblast can be trapped in own matrix–> known as
cementocytes, residing in lacunae.
recieve nutrients via caniliculi that extend to PDL
constantly produced at apical portion of root
(accout for continual eruption of teeth)
deposition of excessive cementum
primary cementum
first formed cementum
covers coronal cementum
acellular and consists of ext. collagen fibers
secondary cementum
overlies primary cementum
covers apical cmemetum
can be acellular or cellular
mde of mixed collagen fibers
has cementocytes
founf in areas of cementum
celular cementum
devoid of cells
coronal areas of cementum
acellular cementum
int. coll fibers
made by cementoblasts
parralel to tooth surface
Ext. coll. fibers
made by PDL
arranged perpendicular to tooth surface
when trapped in cementun, know as sharpies fibers
mixed coll. fibers
combo of intrinsic and extrinsic fibers
aging effects on cementum
inc. cementum depositon
cementum enables tooth movement b/c is more important to resorption than alv. bone
alv. bone
bone in maxila and mandlible
interalveolar setpum
bony projection separating 2 alveoli
interradicular septum
alv bone b/n roots of multirooted tooth
origin of alv bone
diff. ectomes. cells of dental follicle
alv bone proper
thin layer of cortical bone
surronds teeth and into which PDL fibers are embedded
bundle bone
lamina dura
crib. plate
supporting alv. bone
alv bone proper
part of alveolus that surrounds alv bone proper
supporting alv bone
coritcal bone
buccal and lingual outer surfaces of maxilla and mandible
thicker in mandible and post regions
cortical bones(plate)
cancellous bone
fills area b/n cortical plate
makes up majority of alv bones
adiographic appearance of lamina dura determined by
x ray beam angulation and integrity
radiograhic presense of crestal lamina dura
no correlation with periodontal attachment loss
soft Ct b/n
tooth and alv bne
.2 mm wide
but varies with tooth function and age
diff. ectomes. cells of dental follicle
origin of PDL
attachment of tooth to alv bone
functions of PDL
cells responcible for formaton of peridontium
formative function fo PDL
nutritive funnction of PDl
vasc network providing nutrient to cells
sensory function of PDL
aff. nerve fibers responcible for pain pressure and propioception
ell responcible for remodeling of peridontium
remodeling function of PDL
most common cell of PDL
cementoblasts or clasts
osteoblast and osteoclast
macrophage, mast cells, eosinophil
undiff. mes. cell
ground substance of PDL
remnants of HERS
ep. rests of Malassez
closer to cementum than alv bone
calcified mass either attached or unattached to root surfaces
mostly collagen type 1
but also type 3
principle collagen fibers
transeptal fibers
interproximally over alv crest from cementum of one tooth to adjacent tooth.
resist mesial distal forces

extend obliquely from cementum just apical to JE to alv. crest
resist vertical force
alv. crest
horizontal colagen fibers
extend at right angle fro cementum to alv. bone
resist lat. and rotational forces
oblique fibers
extend obliquely from cementum to alv bone.
most abundant principle fibers
mainr esistance to masticory forces
oblique forces
apical fibers
extend from cemetum to alv bone at rot apices
resst vert. forces
interradicular fibrs
extend from radicular cementum to interradicular alv bone. only on multirooted tooth.
resist vert forces
oxytalin fibers
elastic like fibers
runnign parralel to tooth surface and bend to attach to cementum.
largely ass. with BV
Vasc of PDL comes from
max artery
periosteal veseels
to PDL from periosteum
(primary source of vasc)
apical vessels
br. of dnetal vesels that supply apical regions of PDL
trans alv. vessels
br. of transeptal vessels that perforate alv. bone proper
anstomose vessels of
gingiva go to PDL
nerve fibers of PDL
from trigem nerve
free nerve ending
transmit pain and is most abundant
ruffini corpsucle of nerve fiber in PDL
nerve fibers of PDL
have coiled and psindle endings
lymphatics of PDL
drain to submand. LN
except mand. incisors which drain to submental nodes
low PDL width
low cellularity and fiber content
aging on PDL
teeth in hypofunction have
dec. PDL width with fibers arranged parralel to root
teeth in hyperfunction
inc. PDL width.
initation of odontogenesis
at week 6 inutero
underlying ectomes. cells induce overyling ectoderm to prolif. ,
form localized thickening at site of each tooth called dental lamina
defects in inititation
anodontia or supernumeray teeth
week 8 in utero
bud stage
Bud stage; ectodermal and ectomes. cells prolif
to make round shape of tooth bud
cap stage
week 9 in utero
enamel organ begins to form
1 layer cells at convex region (OEE) and concave region (IEE)
B/n the 2 ep layers
loosely arranged Stellate retic.
(some cells of stellate retic. become densely packed near IEE and known as enamel knot
dental pappila
condense ectomes. cells (w/in concavity of enamel organ)
dentla follicle
capsule like encasing mesenchyme surround enamel organ
succadaneus dental lamina
form adjaent to primary enamel organ
dens in date
defected in cap stage
bell stage
at week 11 in utero
beel stage
morphogenesis and histodiff occur
enamel organ
well defined;
Stratum Int.
lateral to IEE
Stratum Int
becomes more sparesly arranged due to INC PG synthesis
stellate retic.
enamel knot disspappear
bell stage
tall columnar
cells of IEE
cells of dental pap.
become tall and columnar
after preameloblast forms
(called preodontoblast)
dental lamina disintegrates
and remnans known as
ep. rests of Serres
macrodontia, microdontia
Bell stage defect
start at week 14 in utero
Appos. stage
REE forms when the SR. collapses merging OEE and IEE
APPOS stage
secrete detin matrix first
secrete enamel matrix after dentin is first formed
root formation begins
appos. space
dental pappilar forms pulp tissue
APPOS stage
dental follicle forms
alv bone
enamel dysplasia
enamel pearls
starts at 4-6 months in utero
APPOS stage
tarts at DEJ
and takes 2 years to finish
mineralization phase