page 118- 127 Flashcards
GVE fibers of CN7 (origin)
sup. salivatory nucleus
secromotor function
GVE fiber types of CN7 (motor function)
Lac gland of nasopharynx and sinus
submand. subling gland
GVE of cN7
CN8 SSA fibers to and from ?
origin of cell bodies of SSA fibers types of CN8
spiral ganglion
purpose of hearing
CN8 SSA fiber types
afferent of CN8 SSA fiber types
organ of corti
Vest ganglion
origin of cell bodies of CN8
purpose of balance and afferens include semicirc. canal
CN 8
CN 9 to and from
jugular foramen
GSA fiber of CN9 origin of cell bodies
Sup. ganglion
function of CN9 GSA fiber type
afferent fibers of CN9 GSA fibers
GVA fiber type of CN9 origin of cell bodies
inf petrosal ganglion
function of GVA fiber type of CN9
post 1/3 tongue
middle ear
GVA fiber of CN9
GVA function of CN9
chemo and baroreceptor
carotid body and sinus
afferent of GVA CN9
SVA of CN9 (origin of cell bodies)
inf pet. ganglion
function of CN 9
SVA fiber
afferent of SVA fiber of CN 9
post 1/3
SVE of CN9
motor for swallowing
and nucleus ambiguous as origin of cel bodie
efferent fibers of SVE of CN9
origin of cell bodies of CN9 GVE
inf salivatory nucleus
secromotor functon
GVE fibers of CN9
parotid gland
PS path of pharynx and larynx
CN 9 efferent fibers
CN 10 to and from skull
jugular foramen
function of CN 10
origin of cell bodies of CN 10 GSA fibers
sup sal ganglion
post meninges and ext ear
aff fibers of CN 10 GSA fibers
GVA fibers of CN 10 (origin of cell bodies)
nodose ganglion
post meninges ,ext ear
CN10 afferent GSA
viscera of pharynx
thoracic and abd viscera
CN 10 GVA affeent
laryngeal additus and epiglottis
afferent SVA CN10
function of CN 10 SVA
nodose ganglion
origin of cell bodies of SVA CN 10
SVE CN10 origin of cel bodies
nucleus ambiguous
motor function
pharyngeal constrictors
lev. palatini
laryngeal m
Cranial division of CN11 (to and from skull)
jug 4amen
secromotor function
GVE of CN11
dorsal nucleus of CN 10
GVE fibers
nucl. ambiguous
origin of cell bodies SVE CN11
motor function
viscera of kneck
thoracic and
ab cavities
eferent of GVE of CN 11
cranial m. larynx
efferent of CN 11
spinal divisin of CN11
to and from skull
4amen magnum
ventral horn C1-6
origin of cell bodies (spinal division of CN11)
spinal —> SCM trapezus
efferent of spinal division (cn 11)
hypoglossal canal
to/ from skull
CN 11
GVE type of CN 11 origin of cell body
hypoglossal nuc
motor function
CN 11
int and ext muscles of tongues
efferent of CN11
Optic nerve(cn2)
gang cells of retina(converge at optic disc to form — —-)
leave orbit via —-/—–
optic chiasm (— —- —- unite at floor at —– ant to pit stalk)
optic trach
Lat gen. nuclei
geniculocalcarine fibers
—- —– in primary visual cortex of occipital lobe
gang cells of retina(converge at optic disc to form optic nerve
leave orbit via optic 4amen/canal
optic chiasm (2 optic nerves unite at floor of diencephalon;ant to pit stalk)
optic trach
Lat gen. nuclei
geniculocalcarine fibers
Calcarine Sulcus in primary visual cortex of occipital lobe
—- side fibers decussate and go with contralat optic tract
— —- fibers stay ipsilateral
Left visual fold= — optic tract
right visual field= —- optic tract
nasal side fibers decussate and go with contralat optic tract
Temporal hemiretina fibers stay ipsilateral
Left visual fold= right optic tract
right visual field= left optic tract
oculomotor nerve
xtraocular m, lev. palpebra sup
carries PS and S contro to pupil
trochlear nerve
smallest CN
only CN exiting from post surface of brain stem

after optic nerve crosses optic chiasm
Left visual field will be on
right side of midbrain

geniculocalcarine tract travels to occipital lobe from
lat. geniculate body
CN 3
medial rectus
sup rectur
Inf rectus
Inf oblique
sup oblique
Lat rectus
medial rectus
elevation and adduction
sup rectus
depressin and adduction
inf rectus
inf oblique
elevation and abduction
sup oblique
depression and abduction
Lat rectus
sup rectus
adducts and elevates
inf oblique
abducts and elevates

sup rectus
adducts and elevates
direct and consensual papp responce
pup. lightreflex
doesn’t involve cortex
tf after shining light into one eye that eye constricts and the pupil of contralateral eye
direct responce afferent
optic nerve of eye tested
optic nerve of eye tested
consensual responce(affernet)
CN3 of opp eye
consensual responce (efferent)

in the pathway/ reflex arch; place before Edwinger westphal nucleus
ciliary ganglion to constrictor pupillae muscle
from the edinger westphal nucleus
gaze from far to near
pupil constrict(accomodate)
eyes move midline(converge)
lens more convex
optic nerve
visual ass cortex
edwinger westphal nuclei and oculomotou nucleus
—- and —- respectively
optic nerve
geniculate body
visual ass cortex
frontal eye field
edwinger westphal nuclei and oculomotou nucleus
constrictor puppilae and medial recti respectively
injury to CN 3,4,6
blurred vision
ptosis(drooping eyelid) and dilated pupil
CN 3injury to palpebrae sup. and spincter pupillae m.)
Lesion Cn6
eye directed to nose
Trigeminal NErve
Largest cranial nerve
in the middle cranial fossa
trigeminal ganglion
3 divisions leave through foramina in sphenoid bone
Trigeminal nerve
sensory GSA
facial snesation
Light touch , pain and temp, propioception
efferent SVE of CN 5
motor to muscle of mastication
lev. palatini
tensor tympani
No Ps in trigeminal nerve at origin
other nerves distribute PS pregang by way of trigeminal br. like
N/A motor sensory
sensory of V1
upper eyelid
frontal sinus
upper nasal mucosa
low eyelid
upper cheek
lip, gum, palate,hard palate
nose tonsils
upper teeth
temperoauricular skin
Low face
lower teeth
Muscles of Mastication
tensor tympani
ant digastric
tensor veli palatini
V3 motor
Lingual Nerve
genral sensation
ant 2/3 tongue
floor of mout
mand lingual gingiva
ant 2/3 tongue
taste sensation of tongue
Auriculotemporall nerve
Sensory nerve; front ear and TMJ
Post gang Ps; to parotid
termination of inf alv. nerve
sensory to skin of chin , skin, low lip mucus membrane
Mental nerve
motor to muscles mastication, ant digastric,
motor branch of Trigeminal
inf alv nerve
mylhyoid and inf dental plexus
terminates as mental nerve
motor to mylohyoid
inf alve nerve
sensory to teeth ,skin of chin , lower lip
inf alv nerve
anestitizing the inf alv nerve
block this br of V3 as it enters mand 4amen
Needle course of Inf alv nerve
Lies lat to m. pterygoid at mand 4amen
what happens if needle penetrate to post
hit parotid gland and CN7
Ips facial paralysis