P2- Relationships and Families Flashcards
What does the Bible teach about human beings as male and female?
-God created both men and women
-Both created in his image and blessed by him so they are equal in the Church
-It was a part of God’s plan for Adam and Eve to “be fruitful and multiply” meaning men and women are expected to procreate
-Men and women complement each other
What does the Bible teach about human beings as sexual/ purposes of sexual love?
-Sex should be marital as it is a commitment to loving exclusively for life and it has to be consummated to be valid
-Sex should be unitive to expresses couples love for each other
-Sex should be procreative as God creates new life through sex and marriage contains the commitment to accepting children
What does Pope John Paul II’s ‘Theology of the Body’ teach?
Marital sex:
-Unites a couple in love and self-giving
-Brings 2 people into a community of persons
-Shows mutual love and respect leading to greater intimacy
-Gives the possibility of creating new life
-Can make use of natural periods of infertility to reduce the chances of pregnancy
Why do Christians disagree with sex before marriage?
-Sex should be treated with respect and consideration
-sex should be open to the creation of new life
-No danger of STD’s if you are married
-It trivialises the sacred act of sexual love
What are the contrasting views in society about sex before marriage?
-Using contraceptives are a responsible way to prevent STDs and unplanned pregnancies
-Many Christians and non-Christians have sex before marriage
-Many have casual sex and use contraceptives to prevent pregnancy
Why do Christians disagree with adultery?
-It betrays trust in marriage and causes harm to the innocent partner
-It brings distress and tension into homes and causes the whole family to be unhappy
-It can cause the break up of a marriage
What are the contrasting views in society about adultery?
-It may break up a marriage but there may be a reason why
-Personal happiness is important even if it may cause someone else harm
-May be other reasons why the marriage is falling apart
-Maybe the couple have made a serious mistake in getting married and have found more suitable partners
What do Catholics believe about homosexuality?
-Sex should be open to the possibility of new life
-Homosexuals should live celibate lives
-Homosexual relations aren’t acceptable as there is no possibility of new life
-People are loved by God regardless of their sexual orientation so they should still be treated with respect
What are the contrasting views in society about homosexuality
-Church of England supports the idea of same-sex civil partnerships
-same-sex marriage legalised in the England and Wales in 2014 reflecting the views of many in British society
-Some United Reform churches perform same-sex marriages
What are the conditions of a valid Catholic marriage?
-Couples must be free to marry
-Getting married of their own free will
-Actual moment of marriage is consent
-Promises made in presence of a Catholic priest
-Couple willing to accept children from God
-Marriage must be consummated
-Couple not closely related
What is the nature of marriage according to the Catholic church?
Marriage is seen as:
-An exclusive union between a man and woman
-Sign of the love of Christ for the Church
-A sacrament through which God’s love and blessing is given to the couple
-Providing the loving relationship and atmosphere for children to grow and flourish
State two marriage vows and explain them
“I call upon these persons here”- Public declaration to assure each other their love is genuine and asks for church community’s support
“Till death do us part”- Commitment only ends when one partner dies
State 3 grounds for an annulment in the Catholic Church
-Couple never had sex
-Didn’t freely enter the marriage (forced)
-They insist on using contraception and refuse to accept God’s gift of children
What does the Catholic church believe about divorce?
-Marriage promises made before God cannot be broken
-God made man and woman to be united as one
-Jesus taught that a divorce remarrying commits adultery
-Marriage is “Till death do us part”
What are the contrasting views in society on divorce?
-It is impossible to know what the future holds
-If the marriage is broken, divorce may the most compassionate solution
What does the Catholic church believe about remarriage?
-It can happen if the original partner has died
-Anyone who divorces and remarries cannot receive communion
-can be allowed if the first marriage was annulled so it is not classed as a marriage
-Not allowed to remarry in the Church if the original spouse is still alive
What are the contrasting views in society on remarriage?
-Anglicans, Methodists and other free churches do not encourage remarriage but will sometimes marry divorcees
-Most Protestant denominations will not stop those who remarry from receiving communion
What does the Catholic church believe about cohabitation?
Disagrees because:
-It breaks the sanctity of marriage
-It removes the commitment from sexual union
-it may destroy the sense of family
-If the couple split it will affect the children
-It may create insecurity as one might leave
-It reduces the effort to make the relationship last
-It breaks the sanctity of sexual union
What are the contrasting views in society about cohabitation?
-It is quite common in Britain
-Some people want to see if the relationship works out by living together
-Financial reasons
-Some live in committed relationships throughout life
-Same-sex marriages cohabit until they decide if they wish for civil partnerships or marriage
What does the Catholic church believe about same-sex marriage?
-Marriage is a sacrament between a man and woman
-Same-sex couples cannot have children naturally and lovingly from God so they cannot meet the requirements for a valid marriage
What are the contrasting views in society on same-sex marriage?
-In 2014, British gov legalised same-sex marriage
-Homosexuals should have the same rights as heterosexuals and so they should be able to marry
-They do not see being able to have children as an essential part of marriage