P1- Redemption Flashcards
Difference between the Church and a church
The Church- The people of God among whom Christ is present
A church- The building in which Christians worship
Two main purposes of a Catholic Church
-To provide a space where they can meet to worship together
-To provide a space for individual prayer
Catholic Churches before 1965
-Faced east toward Jerusalem
-Shape of a cross (reminder of Jesus’ death)
-Altar against east wall (priest facing away from congregation)
Catholic Church after 1965
-Altar moved forward to centre of Church
-Shape built around the altar as the focal point
-More focused on ensuring as many people can see and join in with the mass
Three ways that churches help and inspire worship
-Care put into the design/decor of church to show devotion and respect to God
-Side chapels (smaller areas) for believers to pray in a quiet space
-Statues of saints to encourage/inspire Christians to follow their examples
Four ways Catholics believe that Christ is present at Mass
What is the altar
The place of sacrifice where the bread and wine is offered to God at mass and consecrated into Jesus’ body and blood
Why is the altar important
-Christ is truly present , offering himself to the Father on behalf of humanity
-In return, Father offers Body and Blood of Christ to strengthen the lives and faiths of believers
What is the tabernacle
A box where the consecrated hosts (bread) are kept after Mass
Why is the tabernacle important
-Houses the Real Presence of Christ so many like to pray in front of it
-Inspires a deep sense of peace as it reminds Catholics that Christ cares for them
-Can be taken to people who can’t go to mass
What is the lectern
The reading stand, from where Bible readings are given
Why is the lectern important
-As Jesus is the Word of God made flesh, Christ is truly present when the Word of God is proclaimed
-Readings from OT remind us how God guided his people from the beginning whereas NT teaches us about Jesus’ actions/teachings
-Clearly hear and see the Word of God
What is the crucifix
A model or image of a cross with Jesus crucified on it
Why is the crucifix important
-Reminds Christians of Jesus’ suffering to save humanity
-Inspires gratitude and love for all Christ has done for humanity like forgiving their sins
Why do some Christians prefer to use a cross or a Risen Christ instead of a crucifix
-Focuses on Christ as the risen and glorified saviour
-Reminds Catholics that in Communion they receive the Body, Blood, Soul and divinity of the Risen Christ
-Emphasises importance of Jesus’ resurrection
Definition of restoration
When things are brought back to the way God intended for them to be
What is the relationship between free will and sin
-God made creation perfect but also gave humans free will
-Humans can use their free will to sin
-People are born with a tendency to commit sin (original sin)
-Sin has broken the relationship between God and humanity
-God the Son became Jesus to help restore this relationship
Why did God give humans free will
He wanted humans to actively choose him rather than follow him because they can’t do anything else
How did Jesus’ death restore God’s creation and His relationship with humanity
-Jesus lived his life in total obedience to the will of God the Father, (in life and through the sacrifice of his death)
-This helped restore the relationship between God and humans broken by sin
How did Jesus’ resurrection restore God’s creation and His relationship with humanity
-Jesus didn’t sin, he wasn’t held away from God by death and sin
-Jesus was raised back to life destroying the ultimate power of sin and death
-This helped restore the harmony of creation
How did Jesus’ ascension restore God’s creation and His relationship with humanity
Jesus was resurrected and rose up to heaven to take his place beside the Father as the Son of God
-His resurrection and ascension helped restore the cosmic order by making creation as perfect as God intended it to be
Definition of redemption
Through his atonement for our sins, Jesus secured our salvation
Why is Jesus’ death important
-It redeemed humanity through his total obedience to God by dying on the cross
-He continued to show love even when suffering
Why is Jesus’ burial and descent to the dead important
When Jesus died and was buried, people believe he joined everyone who died before him meaning God is with us in death
Definition of resurrection
The rising of Christ from the dead 3 days after crucifixion
Why is Jesus’ resurrection important
-Made life after death possible by destroying the ultimate power of sin and death
-When Jesus resurrected, all those who died before him rose up to heaven with him
Why is Jesus’ ascension important
-Shows Jesus is with the Father, sharing his glory for all of eternity
-Just before, Jesus promised to send his Spirit to all meaning Jesus continues to work in and through his believers
-Gives faith that all believers will go to Heaven
Why is Pentecost important
-Holy Spirit gave the apostles the courage and ability to go out into the world to teach people about Jesus and spread the word of God
How Jesus is the example
-Sets an example for us to follow by being obedient to the will of the Father by going through the suffering of dying on the cross
-Through following his example, humanity is saved
How is Jesus the restorer
-Jesus restored the relationship between God and humans through dying on the cross
How is Jesus the victor
-Jesus’ death is a victory of good and evil
-Jesus experienced pain and death as humans and by bringing the presence of God into those experiences, Jesus was victorious over them
-Made it possible for people to share in the final defeat of suffering and death
What is salvation
Being saved from sin by Jesus’ death and resurrection
Salvation as an ongoing process in the PAST
-Jesus’ death and resurrection brought humans salvation
-Sinners were freed from the power of sin and death ( Jesus destroyed) which made it possible to go to heaven
Salvation as an ongoing process in the PRESENT
-Sin still exists and people have to choose to resist the temptation to sin and accept forgiveness when they do
-The holy spirit guides people to salvation
Salvation as an ongoing process in the FUTURE
-Will be completed at the end of time
-When the Kingdom of God is established, the power of sin and death will be destroyed and everyone will share in the glory of Christ
Contrasting Christian view on salvation
It is only a past process and therefore is complete
3 ways that salvation is reflected in the Mass
-Christ offering himself to the father is re-enacted so Catholics are also offering themselves up with Christ
-Through receiving Holy Communion, Catholics receive body and blood
-Christ enters their lives to give grace and strength to resist sin
Explain St Irenaeus’ salvation metaphor
-Parallels between Adam and Jesus in the symbol of two trees -Humans were lost eating from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil but saved by The Tree of the Cross that Jesus died on
-Jesus’ obedience by dying saved us all
Explain St Anselm’s salvation metaphor
-Jesus’ obedience paid a ransom for humans sins
-Used a metaphor from the slave trade
-Slaves could be freed by enough money, humans are freed by Jesus’ obedience which allows them to go to Heaven
What is the conscience
Christians believe it is the voice of God in their heart and soul guiding them to do what is right
2 different ‘sides’ of the conscience according to Catholics
1) Made up of natural instinct- People born with understanding of right and wrong which helps Christians instinctively do good and avoid evil
2) Needs to be educated- Developed and shaped by listening to others and Church teachings. They can only do what is right when they have enough knowledge to make the right decision
The conscience is guided by the…
Holy spirit
What does the quote “A well formed conscience will never contradict the moral law, as taught by Christ and his Church” teach about the conscience
If the decision a person makes clearly goes against the moral law and Jesus’ teachings, then their conscience cannot be formed/ educated well enough and needs to be exercised more
4 beliefs Catholics hold about the conscience
1) A voice of God in each person
2) Has to be listened to alongside reason to make decisions
3) Must be educated through listening to others, praying, experience etc
4) If uneducated, can lead to misunderstanding and misinterpretation of issues
What happens during the Penitential Rite
Catholics come together at Mass to apologise to God and each other for any of their sins .
Why is the Penitential Rite important
It strengthens their relationship with God as they accept God has forgiven and redeemed them
What happens during the Liturgy of the Word
Readings are given from the Bible with one taken from the Gospel.
Why is the Liturgy of the Word important
It reminds Catholics that God has guided his people. Through the Gospel, Jesus shows in his words and actions, how God loves us all
What happens during the Liturgy of the Eucharist
Priest says a special blessing to consecrate the bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ
Why is the Liturgy of the Eucharist important
It reminds us of Jesus’ sacrifice by redeeming us from sin
What happens during the Communion Rite
The congregation receive the Eucharist which binds them to Christ.
Why is the Communion Rite important
They receive God’s grace which gives them strength and guidance to resist sin and follow Jesus’ teachings.
What happens during the Final Blessing
The Priest sends the congregation to spread God’s word and share the presence of Christ
Why is the Final Blessing important
Helps spread the Kingdom of God on earth
What are the Words of Institution
-The Words Jesus said at the Last Supper
“This is my body which will be given up for you”
“Which will be poured out for you and for many for the forgiveness of sins”
“Do this in memory of me”
At what point during the mass are the Words of Institution said
During the Liturgy of the Eucharist when the bread and wine are consecrated into the body and blood of Christ
Two reasons why the Words of Institution are important
-Christians share in the redeeming effects of Jesus’ death and resurrection
-The bread and wine are consecrated into Jesus’ body and blood
What is the Agnus Dei
-The prayer said shortly after Communion
-“Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, [have mercy on us/grant us peace]”
Why is the Agnus Dei important
-The sacrifice of a lamb saved the Jews from being killed by the Angel of Death
-Jesus is the new Lamb of God as he sacrificed himself for humans to be freed from sin
What is Eucharistic Adoration
Honouring the Real Presence of Christ in the consecrated bread and wine
Two ways Catholics show adoration or respect to the Eucharist
-Benediction services (service where you pray in front of the Tabernacle which houses the real presence of Christ)
-Receiving Communion on the tongue to remind them they are receiving Jesus himself
Two belies Catholics hold about the importance of the Eucharist
-Mass is the ‘source’ of Christian life= Body and Blood gives life to the soul and keeps the Sabbath day holy by celebrating the day of resurrection
-Mass is the ‘summit’ of Christian life= Offering of Christ on the cross is the highest form of prayer to God
What do Orthodox Christians believe about the Eucharist
-Very similar to Catholics as they believe Christ is fully present in body and blood
-More emphasis on symbolism
-Behind iconostasis screen as it is too holy to be seen by the congregation
-Only celebrated as a community
What do Anglican Christians believe about the Eucharist
-Some believe b+w becomes b+b
-Many believe Spirit of Christ is received when communion is given
Christ is spiritually present but doesn’t literally become b+b
-Christ is present in the community that share the Eucharist
What do Nonconformist Christians believe about the Eucharist
-It is a memorial of the Last Supper so it is done to remind them of that event
-Christ is present in particular Bible readings
-Christ enters people’s lives when they receive the communion
What do Quakers and the Salvation army believe about the Eucharist
-Don’t celebrate any form of Eucharist
-Believe Christ is present through the Spirit who inspires their prayers/actions
-Don’t practise the sacraments as they believe the whole of life is a sacrament