P2- Peace and Conflict Flashcards
What does the Bible teach about violence?
-Violence is a rejection of the ideals God wants for the world
-Jesus taught that seeds of bitterness, anger etc need to be controlled as they may lead to violence
-Wrong thoughts can turn into bad actions (Cain and Abel)
-People need an inner calm to avoid violence
What does the Bible teach about bullying?
-Bullying is a destructive form of violence
-Words can destroy one’s self esteem , causing fear and leaving them with a sense of powerlessness
-Comments published online can bring even more distress
What does the Bible teach about forgiveness?
-Jesus forgave Peter for denying knowing him
-Jesus tells Peter to forgive “seventy seven times”
-Parable of the Unforgiving Servant
-Lord’s Prayer says to “Forgive us our trespasses…”
Why do Christians believe forgiveness is important?
-It shows grace and mercy and pardons someone for their sins
-Jesus asked God how to forgive those who crucified him
Why do Christians believe reconciliation is important?
-It brings stronger relationships, a peaceful future, appreciation and acceptance, opportunities to live without fear and learn from past mistakes
What does the Bible teach about reconciliation?
-Jesus emphasised the importance of reconciliation by saying that if you are bringing a gift to God but have a problem with someone you need to sort it out first
-Reconciliation leads to the peace Jesus prayer for at the Last Supper
Why do Christians believe justice is important?
-It is God’s desire that everyone should be treated fairly
What does the Bible teach about justice?
-The Old Testament prophet Amos taught that justice is more important than ensuring worship is done correctly
What is the link between justice and human dignity?
-Injustices can cause people to lose their sense of self-worth
-It can deny people dignity as they have been treated unfairly
Why do some Christians agree with righteous anger/violent protest?
-It is acceptable as it can be controlled and channelled into positive action which can improve a situation
-Although Jesus taught that anger should be avoided whenever possible, he showed righteous anger when he turned the tables over in the Temple
Why do some Christians disagree with righteous anger/violent protest?
-Most Catholics agree with the UK law that it is legitimate to protest peacefully and may protest against injustices in public
-may take part in peaceful marches or processions to make their point
-Many Christians believe violent protest is an ineffective and damaging way to create change and may result in a loss of life
What are the conditions of the Just war Theory?
1) Must be a last resort
2) Innocent civilians should not be attacked
3) Must be declared by a legitimate authority like a state
4) Must be a reasonable chance of winning/ bringing peace
5) Must be a just cause like self defence
6) Only proportional force should be used e.g no WMD
Why does the Catholic Church disagree with Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD)?
-Completely indiscriminate and have long term effects
-Totally disproportionate to any possible success that might follow
-Possibility of success is so small no “victors, only victims”
-Cost of WMD is huge which prevents gov spending money to improve lives
-Possession of WMD increases tension which makes the world feel less safe
Why might some people agree with WMD?
-Having nuclear weapons deters aggressive attacks from other countries
-Having such weapons is important for self defence particularly when other countries also have them
What are the consequences of modern warfare?
-Civilian casualties
-Refugees harmed
-Environmental damage
What does the Catholic church believe about civilian casualties as a consequence of modern warfare?
-It is wrong for civilians to be attacked or threatened instead they should be protected
What does the Catholic church believe about refugees as a consequence of modern warfare?
-Civilians forced to flee fighting due to destroyed homes or serious risk of death
-Flee with few possessions and have difficulty rebuilding their lives
-End up living in refugee camps in poor conditions
-refugees should be welcomed by all countries
What does the Old Testament teach about war?
-Israelites were forced to establish themselves in the Promised Land to defend their country and they were persecuted people fighting for survival
-OT passages show God’s wish for peace for all and no war
Why do some Christians agree with the concept of Holy War?
-A Holy War must be approved by a religious leader with great authority like the Pope
-The purpose of the war should be to defend the Christian faith from attack
-Those who take part will earn spiritual rewards
Why do some Christians disagree with the concept of Holy War/ Religion and belief as a reason for war and violence?
-Christians are more likely to use the power of argument rather than military strength
Why do some Christians agree with pacifism?
-Jesus taught it is much better to try and bring peace than use violence
-Early Christians would not fight
-Examples like Martin Luther King and Martin of Tours were pacifists
-After WW2, some Catholics founded Pax Christi (The Peace of Christ) to try and reconcile
What does the Catholic church believe about pacifism?
-Everyone and every nation has the right to defend themselves but emphasises the need to use non-violent approaches first to resolve conflicts
-Force may be necessary in self-defence or to protect the weak
What is Terrorism?
The unlawful use of violence usually against innocent civilians to achieve religious and political goals (undermine the gov)
What is Extremism?
Vocal or active opposition to fundamental British values
2 Biblical perspectives on Terrorism
1) Paul taught everyone should obey authorities as they have been put in charge by God ‘Let every person be subject to the governing bodies” (Romans 13)
2) Paul’s command ‘Never avenge yourselves’ (Romans 12) shows violence and terrorism is always wrong
Catholic Church’s teachings on Terrorism
Pope Francis said it is wrong to carry out acts of terrorism in the name of God ‘Terrorism threatens, wounds and kills indiscriminately; it is gravely against justice and charity’ (Catechism)
2 contrasting views on what motivates terrorists
1) Some believe they are motivated by their religion
2) Others say they have a distorted and inaccurate view of the world and what God would want: their actions have been completely rejected by the religion they claim to represent
What is torture?
The action of inflicting severe physical or psychological pain on someone as a punishment or in order to force them to do or say something
5 reasons the Catholic church opposes torture
1) It views it as barbaric
2) It is illegal
3) It denies the victim their basic human rights
4) International law doesn’t allow it even in war
5) Catholics see it as always wrong and inhumane
What is radicalisation?
Adopting extreme views on religious, social or political issues
Catholic view on radicalisation
The Church focuses on mutual respect so it is concerned about radicalisation as it can make people unwilling to accept any alternative views
Modern view on radicalisation
-It tends to take place amongst younger people who feel rejected by society or religion
-Seen by most as a threat to the unity of society and can potentially lead to terrorism
2 contrasting views on radicalisation
1) Some believe it is the fault of individuals or groups who must be stopped
2) Others say society must prevent people from feeling left out by using education systems, tackling inequality and ensuring nobody feels rejected
What is a martyr?
A person who suffers or dies because of their beliefs
What is martyrdom?
Being willing to die rather than renounce their beliefs
2 Biblical teachings on martyrdom
1) ‘Let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me’- Matthew 16:24
2)’Blessed are you when people revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account’- Matthew 16:24 (The Beatitudes)
Catholic Church’s view on martyrdom
-Values martyrs for following Jesus’ example
-Christians should reject standards against Jesus’ teachings
-Through their example, martyrs bear witness to the truth of their faith and encourage others to reject wrong standards
-Doesn’t accept radicals killing themselves in suicide bombings as martyrs
Contrasting views on martyrdom
-Many in Britain admire others who stand up for their beliefs
-Some would argue no belief is worth dying for and there are more effective ways to challenge others’ beliefs than by dying for a cause
What is peacemaking?
Working for peace in the world and trying to get rid of the causes of tension that leads to conflict
What is conflict resolution?
Creating peace where there have been disputes
What are the 2 organisations that strive for peace?
Pax Christi
Justice and Peace Commission
How does Pax Christi strive for peace?
-Works in 50+ countries to establish peace based on mutual respect, justice and reconciliation
-Aims to get involved at an early stage of conflict so peaceful resolution can be found without using violence
-Raises awareness in schools
-Protests against WMD
-Campaigns for less money to be spent on the military
How does the Justice and Peace Organisation strive for peace?
-It is a national organisation that works within each diocese of the Catholic Church
-Aims to help reduce violence and tension by focusing on respect for the individual and all of creation
-Campaigns to remove nuclear weapons
-Raises awareness of situations where people are deprived of their rights and needs
2 Catholic Church teachings on Peacemaking
-‘Peace is not merely the absence of war. Instead it is rightly called an enterprise of justice’- Pope Benedict- Christians need to work to live in a peaceful world and will only be achieved through equality and fairness in society
-‘Blessed are the peacemakers’- The Beatitudes- Jesus calls his followers to work for peace in the world in their own lives but also on a global scale
What are the 2 Catholic agencies that strive for Conflict resolution and support victims of war?
Aid to the Church in need (ACN)
How does CAFOD strive for conflict resolution and support victims of war?
Established orphanages and rehabilitation centres in Sierra Leone after the civil war to help children who had been forced to become child soldiers
How does Aid to the Church in need (ACN) strive for conflict resolution and support victims of war?
-Spent almost 1 million providing shelter, food and water to those in the Syrian civil war and to thousands of refugees compelled to leave the country
How has the Pope made an effort to resolve conflicts?
-2013= urged people to pray for peace in Eastern Ukraine, highlighting the number of civilian casualties
-2014= organised a meeting of prayer between the presidents of Israel and Palestine
-2014= organised a football match in Rome’s Olympic Stadium to raise funds for children affected by war. Many people of different religions took part