P1- Church and the Kingdom of God Flashcards
What is dramatised prayer and why is it used?
A prayer that involves physical action/ movement
What is a pilgrimage?
A journey to a religious place with a spiritual purpose
What is meant by the Church as pilgrim people of God on a sacred journey of service?
Catholics belief life is a pilgrimage towards heaven and therefore they should live each day faithfully in order to get there
What are the Stations of the Cross?
A series of 14 images that remind Catholics of Jesus’ journey to his crucifixion. It is a type of dramatised prayer and mini-pilgrimage
What are the 4 important Catholic pilgrimage sites?
Why is Jerusalem important to Christians?
-The city where Jesus died
-Visit places like his tomb or the journey to his crucifixion to connect to Jesus more
-Share in Jesus’ life and suffering
-Renew their faith and commitment to Jesus
Why is Rome important to Christians?
-The centre of Catholic faith
-Where St peter died (tomb in basilica)
-Where the Pope lives (Papal palace, Vatican city, Pope’s weekly procession)
-Shows commitment to the Church and the unity with the Pope and all catholics
Why is Lourdes important to Christians?
-Young girl Bernadette saw visions of Mary
-Bernadette dug a spring which water is said to have healing powers and Catholics can bathe in the Holy water
-Can be healed physically or spiritually in the baths
-Feel stronger and more at peace with the body and mind
Why is Walsingham important to Christians?
-The Holy house was built here after a woman had visions of Mary’s house in Nazareth and replicated it
-Catholics walk in procession between the Slipper Chappel and the Holy House
-You can go on pilgrimage without going abroad (more accessible)
What drama film shows the work of mission and evangelism?
Les Miserables
2 examples of how mission/evangelism are expressed in Les Mis?
1) The bishops act of love and forgiveness towards Valjean make him a better person by giving him a job and becoming an important leader
2) Valjean saving Javert’s life (even after Javert tries to send him to prison) makes Javert feel he can no longer persecute Valjean, saving Valjean from imprisonment. Goodness wins out over the law
3 influences of having mission and evangelism in drama?
1) Illustrates the power such values can have to change/improve lives
2) Encourages Christians to show their own values in their lives
3) Inspires Christians to preach the Gospel to others and show it in their lives through actions
What is the Kingdom of God?
The idea of God’s authority and rule, God’s ‘reign’ over the world
How is the Kingdom of God being established a gradual process?
1) The Kingdom began when Jesus was born (God’s power came to earth)
2) It was establised through Jesus’ resurrection and HS at Pentecost
3) extended by Christians who spread the Kingdom on earth
4) It will be completed at the end of time when all will enjoy the eternal happiness of heaven
What is The Lord’s Prayer?
The prayer Jesus taught to his disciples, giving an idea of what is required for God’s kingdom to grow on earth
What does ‘Thy Kingdom come’ mean from the Lord’s Prayer?
It is a prayer for God’s kingdom to come and for people to accept the rule of God in their hearts
What does ‘Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven’ mean from the Lord’s Prayer?
Accepting and following God’s will is important for establishing the Kingdom. When everyone does the will of God, the Kingdom will be fully established
What does ‘Deliver us from evil’ mean from the Lord’s Prayer?
This is a prayer to resist the temptation to sin which will be assisted by God’s grace. The Kingdom will grow as more people choose to accept God instead of rejecting him.
What are the 3 signs of the Kingdom?
What is Justice?
-Bringing about what is right and fair
-Respecting the rights of others
-Ensures all people have access to basic human rights
What is Peace?
-A state of total trust and unity between all people
-Flows from justice
-Removal of tension caused by mistreatment
What is Reconciliation?
-Restores damaged relationships with people or God
-Brings people back who have been separated
-Relies on acceptance and empathy
What is the hierachy of the Catholic church?
What is the role of the Pope?
The head of the Church and successor of St Peter
What are the roles of the Cardinals?
Appointed by the Pope and select the next Pope
What are the roles of the Bishops?
Successors of the apostles who are responsible for overseeing a diocese
What are the roles of the Priests?
Responsible for a small area of the Church called a parish, administer some of the sacraments and preach the word of God
What are the roles of the Deacons?
Assist the Priest and also preach the Word of God
What is the role of the Laity?
Non-ordained members of the Church who learn about the Word of God and go out to spread it
What is a council?
A meeting with the Pope and Bishops to discuss ideas that affect the whole Church
What was the Second Vatican Council?
A series of meetings held by the Pope and Bishops between 1962 and 1965. It produced a series of documents reflecting a more modern approach to the Church and world
What were the 4 documents produced from the Second Vatican Council?
Dei Verbum
Lumen Gentium
Sancrosanctum Concilium
Gaudium et Spes
What does Dei Verbum (The Word of God) teach Catholics?
-Deals with importance and interpretation of the Bible
-Bible should be taken seriously as the Word of God but not read in a literal way
What does Lumen Gentium (On the Church) teach Catholics?
-Deals with the nature and structure of the Church
-Stresses all members of Church have important roles, not just the Pope
-Emphasises the idea of a pilgrim Church moving forward within modern society
What does Sancrosanctum Concilium (On the Sacred Liturgy) teach Catholics?
-Deals with the liturgy and church services
-Emphasises people should be able to take more of an active role in worship
-Allows Catholics to hear the mass in their own language
What does Gaudium et Spes (The Church in the modern world) teach Catholics?
-Deals with issues relating to modern society
-Stresses the Church shouldn’t be separated from modern society but should guide people on how to live in the modern world
What is the Magnificat Prayer?
A prayer said by Mary after she became pregnant with Jesus and visited her cousin Mary
How is Mary a model of discipleship?
-Often described as the ‘Mother of God’
-Serves an example of a mother to the rest of humanity
-Agrees to give birth to Jesus, putting trust in God
What does “my soul magnifies the Lord” teach Catholics about Mary?
-Mary praises God’s greatness
-Mary is aware that God has shown his love for all people by doing great things for her and all of humanity
What does “he has looked down with favour on the lowliness of his servant” teach Catholics about Mary?
-Mary shows humility
-She recognises that she is only special because of what God has done for her
What does “he has brought down the powerful from their thrones and lifted up the lowly” teach Catholics?
-Encourages the poor and helpless that they will be shown mercy
-Those who trust God will be saved
Why is the Magnificat a controversial prayer?
-There is a sense of revolution in the play
-Some say it supports the poor rebelling against corrupt governments for equality and promoting justice
What are the Four Marks of the Catholic Church?
Definition of the Four Marks of the Catholic Church?
Four qualities that are necessary for the Catholic Church to exist.
Explain the mark ‘One’
-Church is one united body (Body of Christ)
-Made up of many individual churches but all part of one Church
Explain the mark ‘Holy’
-God’s presence makes the Church holy
-The church is a community of sinners made holy by God
-Christians are guided by the Holy Spirit
Explain the mark ‘Catholic’
-Catholic means ‘universal’ or ‘worldwide’
-The beliefs of the Church are universal
-Strengthens the Catholic Church’s community
Explain the mark ‘Apostolic’
-Church’s teachings are built on the teachings of the 12 apostles
-Successors of the apostles guide the Church today
What is Apostolic Succession?
The authority of Peter and the apostles passed on to the next generations of Popes and bishops. They are all inspired by the Holy Spirit and therefore the teachings are infallible (without error)
What is the Magisterium?
The combined teaching authority of the Pope and Bishops
What are the 2 natures of the Magisterium?
How is the Church conciliar?
-Councils are held to make important decisions and update Church teachings
-Help the Pope discuss the issues with others and understand the feelings of the whole Catholic church community
-Councils influence the teachings and direction of the Church
-Express the whole voice of the Church
How is the Church pontifical?
-Pope is the leader with the highest authority passed on from generations from St Peter who was chosen by Jesus
-This makes the Pope the representative of Christ on earth
-Pope’s teachings are infallible
-Decisions of the council have no authority until approved by the Pope
3 examples of Catholic Social Teachings
Option for the poor
Human dignity
What is human dignity?
All humans are worthy of being treated with dignity and respect as all were created and made in God’s image
What is Preferential Option for the poor?
It reminds us of God’s preferential love for the poorest and most vulnerable people
A Catholic charity that works on a local level
St Vincent de Paul (SVP)
Examples of what SVP do to help the community
-Visit people in need
-Help individuals with practical needs
-Set up food banks and sell clothes
-Run summer camps for children
-Offer support to the vulnerable
A Catholic charity that works on a national/global level
Examples of what CAFOD do to help the community
-Emergency aid
-Provide long-term aid
-Challenges laws that hurt those living in poverty (campaign)
-Provide help to those being threatened by the actions of companies (e.g farmers)
What is a vocation
A calling from God to take on a certain role in life
3 examples of Christian vocations
Religious life (monks and nuns)
Family life
How does Priesthood live out the kingdom values?
-Act of celibacy
-Serves others in his parish community
-Promise of obedience to their bishop knowing they are obeying the voice of God
How does a Religious life live out the kingdom values?
-Live in small, religious communities around a life of prayer
-Vows of poverty, chastity and obedience
-Live simple lives dedicated to prayer and serving others
How does a Family life live out the kingdom values?
-Love unites a family together
-Catholic parents show Kingdom values in their relationship with each other
-Aim to teach their children the values to spread the Kingdom of God on earth
A person who lives out the Kingdom values
Pope Francis
Examples of how Pope Francis lives out Justice
-Increased number of priests working amongst the poor in Argentina (when he was archbishop)
-Lives in a smaller flat rather than the grand Papal palace
-Sets an example by living a simple life
Examples of how Pope Francis lives out Peace
-Helped restore relations between Cuba and USA in 2014
-Uses public addresses to pray for peace
-Brings country leaders together that have been at war with each other
Examples of how Pope Francis lives out Reconciliation
-Washes the feet of 12 local prisoners on Maundy Thursday
-Helped Muslim and Jewish leaders pray together
-Visits areas of tension to try and restore harmony