P1- Creation quotes Flashcards
Michaelangelo’s Creation of Adam quote(s)
-“very good”- Bible
-“God created humankind in his image”- Bible
-“he breathed into his nostrils the breath of life”- Bible
Nature of God as creator quote(s)
-“In the beginning, God created the heavens and earth”-Bible
-“very good”- Bible
Nature of God as transcendent quote(s)
-“God said ‘Let there be light” and there was light”- Bible
Nature of God as omnipotent quote(s)
-“God said ‘Let there be light” and there was light”- Bible
-“God saw it was good”- Bible
Image of God/Imago dei quote(s)
“God created humankind in his image”- Bible
Free Will quote(s)
“You may freely eat from any tree in the garden”- Bible
Human Dignity quote(s)
“God created humankind in his image”- Bible
Stewardship quote(s)
-“till it and keep it”- Bible
-“The world is a gift”- Bible
Sanctity of Life quote(s)
-“God created humankind in his image”- Bible
-“God breathed into his nostrils the breath of life”- Bible
The Bible quote(s)
“The Bible is not meant to convey precise historical information or scientific findings to us”- Youcat
Natural law quote(s)
-“God created humankind in his image”- Bible
-“Do good and avoid evil”- Catechism
Science and Religion quote(s)
“If methodical investigation is carried out in a genuinely scientific manner, it never truly conflicts with faith”- SVC
Sustainability quote(s)
-“Love thy neighbour”- Bible
-“Till it and keep it”- Bible