P2- Peace and Conflict quotes Flashcards
Violence as a feature of human condition
“Sin is lurking at the door, you must master it”- Bible (The Story of Cain and Abel)
“No human being can tame the tongue, it is a restless evil, full of deadly poison”- Bible
Jesus told Peter to forgive “seventy seven times”- Bible
“Peace, I leave you. My peace, I give you”- Bible
“Goods created by God for everyone should in fact reach everyone”- Catechism
“Do justice and love goodness”- Bible
Anger (including righteous anger)
“Anyone who is angry with a brother or sister will be subject to judgement”- Bible
Just War Theory
“Non-combatants, wounded soldiers and prisoners must be respected and treated humanely”- Catechism
Nuclear War and Weapons of Mass Destruction
“No victors, only victims”- Pope Benedict
“Till it and keep it”- Bible
Consequences of modern warfare, civilian casualties, refugees and environmental damage
“Non-combatants, wounded soldiers and prisoners must be respected and treated humanely”- Catechism
Holy war/ Religion and belief as a reason for war and violence
“Blessed are the peacemakers”- Bible
“Peace alone, is holy, not war”- Pope Francis
Old Testament Biblical perspectives on war
“Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth”- Bible
“Do not spare them, but kill both man, woman and child”- Bible
“The church strives for peace but does not preach radical pacifism”- Pope Francis