P1- Eschatology quotes Flashcards
Paschal Candle
“I am the resurrection and the life…everyone who lives in me and believes in me will never die”- Bible/ “I am the light of the world”
Michaelangelo’s ‘The Last Judgement’
“The Last Judgement will take place at the end of the world at the second coming of Christ”- Youcat
Memorials for the Dead
“I am the resurrection and the life…everyone who lives in me and believes in me will never die”- Bible
Eschatology (end of time)
“Since however we know not the day nor the hour, we must be constantly vigilant”- Catechism
Resurrection of the Body
“It is sown a physical body, it is raised a spiritual body”- Bible
4 last things: Death
“The body decays while the soul goes to meet God and waits”- Youcat
4 last things: Heaven
“Heaven is the endless moment of life”- Youcat
4 last things: Hell
“Hell is the condition of an everlasting separation from God”- Youcat
4 last things: Judgement
“Particular judgement occurs at the moment of death of the individual”- Youcat /”The Last Judgement will take place at the end of the world at the second coming of Christ”- Youcat
Purgatory is a “Purification so as to achieve the holiness necessary to enter the joy of heaven”- Catechism
Particular Judgement
“Particular judgement occurs at the moment of death of the individual”- Youcat
Final Judgement
“The Last Judgement will take place at the end of the world at the second coming of Christ”- Youcat
Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus
“I am in agony in these flames”/ “Between you and us a great chasm has been fixed”- Parable
Cosmic Reconciliation
“It was necessary that there should be sin, but all shall be well”- Julian of Norwich
Church’s teachings/ Preparing for the end of time
“Since however we know not the day nor the hour…we must be constantly vigilant”- Catechism
The Last Rites
“The prayer of faith will save the sick”- Bible
Funeral Rite
“I am the resurrection and the life…everyone who lives in me and believes in me will never die”- Bible
“without in anyway hastening the hour of death, should be able to accept it with full responsibility and dignity”- Catechism