p/s fl 4 Flashcards
traditional behaviorist theory
actual outcomes of a behavior determine whether that behavior will be repeated
extrinsic motivation
any motivation that results from incentives to perform behavior.
external motivation
social pressure
the gap between a persons actual self and the ideal self
observer bias
any bias on the part of the observers recording the data.
base rate fallacy
errors people make when they ignroe the base rates (prior probabilities) when evaluating the probabilities (frequency) of events.
detect light rays and convert them to signals for the brain
glass escalator concept
men who pursue occupations that have high proportions of women will quickly ascend the career ladder with promotions.
reaction formation
unconsciously replaces an unwanted or anxiety-provoking impulse with its opposite,
statistical deviancy
cross sectional
one specific point in time
the naming explosion
learning up to 8 new words a day as a child
applying a term for one class of objects to other objects that bear a resemblance
categorical p erception
perceive items belonging to a category as being more similar to each other an less similar to items from other categories.
initially stages of grammatical development
systematic desensitization
classical conditioning… intensity of an unconditioned stimulus is gradually increased until it no longer elicits the conditioned response
elaborative encoding
combining new information with existing memory representations which enhances the probability of retrieving that new information
lack/breaking down of social or ethical standards
relative deprivation
expectations surpass the material resources that a group or individual has
binocular cues
- depth.
- retinal disparity
- convergence (far away = eyes relaxed)
monocular cues
- form
- relative size
- interposition
- relative height
- shading
- motion (parallax)
- constancy
webers law
change must be 0.1 of initial intensity to be noticeable
bottom up vs top down
bottom up = begin with stimulus
top down = use background knowledge
law of common fate
ex: two arrays, one array moving up other moving down. view as two units