(P) Lesson 2: PPE (Lab) Flashcards
Hierarchy of controls: Protect the worker with personal protective equipment
Hierarchy of controls: Change the way people work
Administrative controls
Hierarchy of controls: Isolate people from the hazard
Engineering controls
Hierarchy of controls: Replace the hazard
Hierarchy of controls: Physically remove the hazard
Recite the hierarchy of controls from least effective to most effective
Admin controls
Engineering controls
“equipment worn to minimize exposure to hazards that
cause serious workplace injuries and illnesses”
“specialized clothing or equipment worn by an employee
for protection against infectious materials” (OSHA)
Appropriate PPE should be based on the?
▶ 1. risk of exposure (e.g. type of activity)
▶ 2. transmission dynamics of the pathogen
▶(e.g. contact, droplet or aerosol)
Modes of COVID-19 transmission
▶ 1. mainly through respiratory droplets and contact
▶ 2. airborne transmission is possible during aerosol-generating procedures (AGPs)
suspension of tiny particles or droplets in the air, such as
dusts, mists, or fumes
Limit opportunities for “touch contamination”
▶ should be fluid-resistant to splash or spray of bodily fluids
▶ provides protection against droplet transmission
▶ wearer can still breathe unfiltered air around the edge of the
Surgical masks (Face masks)
▶ should be fluid-resistant to splash or spray of bodily fluids
▶ provides protection against droplet transmission
▶ wearer can still breathe unfiltered air around the edge of the
Surgical masks (Face masks)
fluid-repelling layer of mask
layer of mask serving as high filter
middle layer
moisture-absorbing layer of mask
▶ tight seal around the edge of the mask so all air passes
through the filter
▶ protect the wearer and the people they come into
contact with from infectious droplet
Filtering face piece (FFP) respirators
Classification basis of FFP respirators
- filtration efficacy
- filter’s oil resistance
N stands for
Non-oil or not resistant to oil
R stands for
Resistant to oil for 8 hours
P stands for
▶ alternative to N95 respirators
▶ protects the user by filtering out
contaminants in the air
▶ uses a battery-powered fan to force air
through a filter cartridge, or canister to a
tight-fitting facepiece or loose-fitting hood
Powered air purifying respirator (PAPR)
▶cover the whole body, including the back and
lower legs
▶difficult to doff
▶generate more heat stress
▶leads to discomfort, fatigue, and dehydration
Recite the sequence for PPE donning
2.Mask or Respirator
3.Goggles or Face shield
4. Gloves
PPE doffing procedure mwah
- Glove
- Lab Gown
- Exit the room then sanitize
- Face shield
- Face mask
- Hand hygiene