other muscle info Flashcards
Made up of bundle of collagen fibers
(Dense regular connective tissue)
Connectes muscle to bone
Sheet like tendons
(covers the abdomen)
Muscle fiber
Is made up of several Myofibrils bunched together
Muscle fascicle
AKA bundle of fibers
Made up of several muscle fibers
Skeletal muscle
Made up of several bundles of muscle fascicles
Most superficial connective tissue sheath
Separates individual skeletal muscles
Covers entire muscle under the fascia
Mostly made up of collagen fibers
The anchoring point on bone where muscle originates from. Is usually the spot that does not get moved
End of the muscle that the tendon attaches to bone or other structure. Usually far side of joint so movement can occur when muscle contracts
Prime mover
aka agonist
The muscle that does most of the movement
Muscle that opposes movement of another muscle.
(this is important so that you can hold your hand up to shake someones hand and its not either hanging loosely or against your upper arm)
Muscle that helps the prime mover
Fixators are synergists
Are synergists that stabilize origin (the bone that the prime mover is connected to) of prime mover
What muscle arrangement
strap like, evenely spaces fascicles, muscle and tendon are same width
What muscle arrangement
Broad triangular shaped muscle that tapers down into a single tendon
Fascicles attach to tendon at an angle making a feather like appearance.
3 basic types
unipennate, bipennate, multipennate
What muscle arrangement
fascicles only attached to one side of the associated tendon
(looks like a paint brush or flag)
What muscle arrangement
Fascicles attached to both sides of the associated tendon
(looks like a feather)
What muscle arrangement
Several regions of fascicles joined by connective tisse; each section helps for a single tendon
What muscle arrangement
Circular fascicle arrangements; surround bondy openings; provide voluntary control over defication and urination
Muscle that wraps around another structure (bone)
What muscle arrangement
Muscle midsection (belly) is thicker than each tapered end
First class lever
Fulcrum sits is the middle between load and force applies
Second class lever
Fulcrum is at one end of lever, applied force is near other end with the load somewhere inbetween
Third class lever
Fulcrum and applied force are close together at the same end, load is near the other end
(most of the body is this lever to make for fast movement)
Isotonic eccentric contractions
Constant tension where the muscle lengthens
Ex: slowly lowering a heavy object (still using muscle action to hold it up)
(elastic stretches)
Isotonic concentric contractions
Constant tension where the muscle shortens
Ex: lifting an object off the ground
(concentration of muscle/contraction)
Isometric contractions
Muscle length remains the same.
Ex: pushing against a wall
(one meter is the same length no matter what)