Osteology of the Leg, Ankle and Foot. Flashcards
Lower leg
Tibia and fibula, interosseous membrane between them.
Articular surface for fibula
On distal angle of lateral condyle of tibia.
Fibular notch
Most proximal part of fibula, concave area.
Articulates with the tibia.
Interosseus surface of tibia
Marks the lateral margin of the bone.
Extends from the fibular articular surface above to the fibular
notch (of the tibia) below.
Medial malleolus
Pyramidal projection on the distal end of the tibia
on the medial side on the ankle.
Lateral malleolus
Projection on the distal lateral fibula.
Subdivisions of the foot
Anatomical subdivision
Tarsus: Talus, calcaneus, navicular, cuneiforms, cuboid.
Metatarsus: Metatarsals 1-5.
Antetarsus: Phalanges.
Functional subdivision
Hindfoot: Talus, calcaneus.
Midfoot: Navicular, cuneiforms, cuboid, metatarsals.
Forefoot: Phalanges.
Sits in the ankle joint, makes up the inferior part of the talocrural joint.
Sits on top of calcaneus, subtalar joint.
Connects anteriorly to the navicular.
Heal bone.
Articulates with cuboid and talus.
Calcaneus tuberosity is insertion point for Achilles tendon.
Long bone on medial side.
Navicular tuberosity is medial bony projection on the navicular arch.
Articulates with talus and cuneiforms 1-3.
Tarsal bones
Cuneiforms Cuboid Navicular Talus Calcanous
3 bones. Medial, intermediate, lateral(not the most lateral on the foot). Articulates with the navicular and Medial - 1st metatarsal Intermediate - 2nd metatarsal Lateral - 3rd metatarsal
Bigger tarsal bone, most lateral.
Articulates with calcaneus and metatarsals 4&5, lateral cuneiform.
5 Bones. 1st is big toe, 5th is pinky toe.
Base= the proximal end
Neck= distal end of metatarsal
Head= distal to the neck
Articulates with cuneiform, cuboid, phalanges.
One of the most common fractures is at the base of metatarsal 5.
1st has two phalanges. 2-5 have 3 phalanges.
Priximal/distal Proximal/intermediate/distal.
Proximal phalanges articulate with head of metatarsals.
Phalanges also articulate with each other.