Osmotic Regualtion & Excretion Flashcards
Physiological systems of animals operate in a —envirement
Relative concentrations of — and — must be maintained within fairly nairly limits
- Water
2. Solutes
Controls solute concentrations and balances water gain & loss
Osmoregulation is largely based on — movements of — between — fluids and the — environment
- Controlled
- Solutes
- Internal
- External
Freshwater Animals face — environments
Desert and marine animals face — environments
Animals that face diluting environments show adaptations that ———, Conserve — and ——
- Eliminate Excess Water
- Solutes
- Uptake salts
Animals that face desiccating environments show adaptations that ——, & eliminate ——
- Conserve Water
2. Excess Salts
Excretion rids the body of —— and other waste products
- Nitrogenous metabolites
Systems for — & — are often linked
Osmoregualtion & Excretion
Concentration of a dissolved substance
Units: moles per liter of a solution
Concentration of all solutes that contribute to the osmotic pressure of a solution
Units: Osmoles per liter of a solution
Osmolarity determines the — of water across a —— membrane
- Movement
2. Selectivley permeable
What are the 3 possible scenarios of osmosis
- Isomotic
- Hyposmotic
- Hyperosmotic
Same concentration of solutes
Lower relative concentration of solutes
Higher realtive concentration of solutes
Net flow of water is from the — to the — solution until osmotic pressure is balanced by hydrostatic pressure
- Hyposmotic
2. Hyperosmotic
— is the concentration of solutes in a surrounding fluid, relative to that within the cell
What 2 things have animals used as adapted strategies for dealing with osmotic challenges?
- Osmoconformers
2. Osmoregulators
Osmoconformers are — with their surroundings and ——regulate their osmolarity
- Isomotic
2. Do NOT
Osmoregulators expend — to control water — & — in a — or — environment
- Energy
- Uptake & Loss
- Hyperosmotic or Hyposmotic
Conformers maintain the line of —, while regualtors help to maintain — & —
- Conformity
2. Stability & Homeostasis
Most animals are —; they cannot tolerate substantial changes in external osmolarity
- Stenohaline
— Animals can survive large fluctuations in external osmolarity, common in estuaries and tidal pools
Osmoregulation in freshwater animal:
Diffusive — gain, and the diffusive — loss
- Water
2. Ion
Osmoregulation in seawater animals:
Diffusive — gain, then diffusive — loss
- Ion
2. Water
Virtually all freshwater animals are —
Freshwater animals constantly lose — and gain — by diffusion from their — environments
- Salts
- Water
- Hyposmotic
Freshwater animals maintain osmotic balance by, excreting large ammounts of ——, and replacing — by —— across the gills and diet
- Dilute Urine
- Salts
- Active Uptake
Most marine invertabrate are —
Most marine vertabrates and some invertebrate are —
Marine animals constantly lose — by osmosis and gain — by diffusion
- Water
2. Salt
Marine animals maintain osmotic balance by:
Drinking — and excreting — across gills
Excreting salts and retaining water by —
Diet also contributes to — & — uptake
- Seawater, Salts
- Kidney’s
- Salt & Water
Land animals must make adaptaion to reduce ——, which is key to survival on land
- Water Loss
These are adaptations what kind of animals have made to help reduce water loss?
- Body covering help prevent dehydration
- SOme, including desert animals, adopt a nocturnal lifestyle
Land Animals
Land animals maintain water balance largely by — & — — food
- Drinking
- Eating
- Moist
Osmoregulator must —— to maintain osmotic gradients
Expend Energy
The amount of expeneded energy to maintain osmotic gradients differs based on:
- How different the animals — is from its —
- How easily —&— move across the animals surface
- Osmolarity, Surroundings
2. Water & Solutes
Among the most significant wastes are — breakdown products of — & ——
- Nitrogenous
2. Proteins & Nucleic Acids
The form in which the nitrogenous waste take depends on —&—, largely — availability
- Phylogeny & Habitat
2. Water
What are the 3 forms of nitrogenous waste?
- Ammonia (NH3)
- Urea
- Uric Acid
Direct produc tof protein and nucleic acid catbolism can be converted into urea & uric acid
Ammonia (NH3)
Most excretory systems produce urine by refining a — derived from — or —
- Filtrate
2. Blood or Hemolymph
4 key functions of most excretory systems
- Filtration
- reabsorbtion
- Secretion
- Excretion
Filtering of body fluids
reclaiming of valuable solutes
Adding noessential solutes and wastes from the body fluids to the filtrate
Processed filtrate containing nitrogenous wastes are released from the body
What organ is the main osmoregulatory/excretory organ of vertabrates?
The kidney’s Function(3) in …
- Excretion: elimination of wastes and toxicants
- Osmoregulation: solute and water balance
- Acid/base balance: maintaining blood pH
Human kidney’s are located on — sideof vertebral column, just below the —
- Either
2. Diaphragm
Each kidney is connected to a — that drain urine from the kidney to the —— where stored until voided through —
- Ureter
- Urinary Bladder
- Urethra
Nephron organization for stepwise processing of Blood filtrate
- filtration
- reabsorbtion
- Secretion
- Excretion
The blood filtrate produced in Bowman’s capsule contains —,—,——,—,——, & other small molecules
- Initial Concentrations are — as in plasma
- Salts, glucose, amino acids, vitamins, nitrogenous waste
2. Same
The mammalian kidney’s ability to —— is a key terrestrial adaptation
Conserve Water
Hyperosmotic urine can be produced only because considerable energy is — to transport — against ——
- Expended
- Solutes
- Concentration Gradients
The two primary solutes affecting osmolartity are — & —
NaCl & Urea
In the proximal tubule, — & — are reabsorbed
- FIltrate volume —, but its osmolarity remains the —
- Water & Salt
- Decreases
- Same
The loop of Henle maintains a high — concentration in the kidney to reabsorb —
- Utilizes a ———
- salt
- Water
- Countercurrent Multiplier System
Considerable energy is expended to maintain the osmotic gradient between the — & —
- For its size the kidney has one of the — metabolic rates of any organ
- Medulla & Cortex
2. Highest
Mammals control the — & — of urine
Volume & Osmolarity
Antidiuretic Hormone (Vasopressin) regulates —— by making the collecting duct epithelium more — to water
- Water retention
2. Permeable
An — in blood osmolarity triggers the release of ADH by the —— which helps to conserve water
- Increase
2. Posterior Pituitary
Osmoreceptor cells in the — monitor — osmolarity and regulate release of — from the posterior pituitary
- Hypothalamus
- Blood
When osmolarity rises above its set point, ADH release —
When osmolarity drops below a set point, ADH release —
— & — Inhibit the release of ADH
Alcohol & Caffeine