OSHA Packet- Hazard Communication Standard Flashcards
Prior to federal action, many states enacted this law which gave employees the right to know of any potentially hazardous materials in the work-place, precautions to be exercised in handling such materials, the permissible exposure limit for the materials, and proper fist aid in the event of accidental exposure.
Right-to-know Laws
- Preempts state right to know laws.
- The standard requires chemical manufacturers to evaluate potential hazards in products and communicate hazards to employers.
- Employers are required to train employees to identify hazardous substances and handle them safely.
- Provides for safe handling of hazardous substances in general.
OSHA’s Hazard Communications
Have been established for the handling of certain substances that OSHA considers to be particularly hazardous, such as formaldehyde. All procedures outlined in this plan shall apply to substances containing formaldehyde. Additional policies and procedures shall also apply, and are outlined in a separate formaldehyde exposure control plan specifically for compliance with OSHA’s standard on occupational exposure to formaldehyde.
Additional OSHA Requirements
All hazardous substances or products containing hazardous substances on the premises shall be properly labled. Labels Shall:
- Identify hazardous contents
- Provide appropriate warnings; and
- List the name and address of the manufacturer.
Shall be inspected for proper labels prior to storage and use. The manufacturer or products recieved without proper labeling shall be immediately contacted to remedy the problem. Communication with the manufacturer shall be documented.
All Products Recieved
Shall be labeled, regardless of whether the product contains a hazardous substance. Workers shall not use a product from an unlabeled container unless the contents have been satisfactorily and adequately identified and all hazards are fully understood.
All Containers in the Workplace
Full disclosures of hazards, precautions to be taken in handling materials, and first aid treatments shall be provided by manufacturers on these. These are maintained to inform workers about the hazards and safe handling of specific products. They also contain important information in case of an emergency. All workers should be informed about the information contained on these and how that information should be applied under routine or emergency circumstances.
The manufacturer or products recieved without proper MSDSs shall be immediately contacted to remedy the problem. Communication with the manufacturer shall be documented.
All Products Recieved Shall be Inspected for Proper MSDSs Prior to Storage or Use
One binder shall be placed in the preparation room and one binder shall be placed in the office. The binders shall be conspicuously marked “MSDS”, and kept in a designated location known to all employees at all times.
Two Sets of MSDSs shall be Maintained in Alphabetical Order in Loose Leaf Binders
The list shall be in alphabetical order by product name and include the name and address of the manufacturer.
A List of Hazardous Substances Shall be Maintained and Placed in the Front of Each MSDS Binder
Shall review the MSDS for products to which they will be exposed prior to use.
Appropriate protecting clothing and equipment shall be provided and maintained at no cost to employees.
Protective Clothing and Equipment
The use of protective equipment and clothing is ______. MSDS provide information on necessary protection for specific products and should be reviewed prior to use.
All hazardous substances shall be handled with care. Safe practices in and around the funeral home shall include, but not be limited to:
- The use of appropriate gloves and other protective clothing or equipment when handling open containers.
- Caution in the handling of containers.
- Bottle caps shall be replaced and secured immediately after use;
- The cover shall be kept on the emblaming machine whenever it contains injection chemical; and
- The ventilation or exhaust system shal be in operation whenever hazardous materials are being used in the preparation room.
Safe Practices
It shall be attended to promptly after turning the ventilation or exhaust system to its maximum setting.
Regardless of the Size of the Spill
It shall be wiped up with a cloth or other absorbent material. Seal the material in a plastic bag, and dispose of in accordance with applicable regulations. Gloves shall be used.
If the Spill Consists of an Ounce or Two of Arterial or Cavity Solution
Additional protective clothing shall be used, including goggles. Depending upon the size of the spill, a repirator may be necessary. The spill shall be covered with absorbent material. If the spill contains formaldehyde, spray it with a small amount of ammonia to neutralize the formaldehyde. When the liquid is absorbed, place the clean-up materials in a well ventilated area, and ultimately seal them in a plastic bag for disposal in accordance with applicable regulations.
If the Spill is Larger than One or Two Ounces
Clean-up workers shall avoid breathing fumes or dust. All ignition sources shall be eliminated immediately. The powder shall be swept up carefully and placed in a covered container suitable for disposal. Remaining film shall be picked up with a wet mop, which shall be placed in a well ventilated area to dry.
If the Spill is Powder
Shall an employee risk health or safety to attend to a spill.
Under No Circumstances
Or if the worker experiences any signs or symptoms of exposure, the worker shall seal off and leave the area immediately. Everyone in the building shall be alterted to a potential hazard, and emergency personnel shall be called to the scene.
If the Degree of Risk is not Known
Many of the products used regularly in the preparation room are rated combustible or flammable. Special attention shall be given to the MSDSs for these products. These products shall not be used near an open flame, sparks, or any source of ignition.
Special Caution- Combustible and Fammable Materials
Have a flash point below 200 degrees Fahrenheit.
Have a flash point below 100 degrees Fahrenheit.
Workers shall be knowledgeable about the location and use of the nearest fire extinguisher suitable for the product in use. If a fire cannot be immediately brought under control and extinguished, everyone in the building shall be alerted and the fire department shall be called to the scene.
In the Case of Small Fires
A written hazard communication training program shall be provided for all new employees and repeated whenever a new hazard is introduced into the work area. The program shall include:
- An explanation of the requirements of the standard;
- A careful review of hazardous substance labeling;
- A detailed review of information contained on the MSDS;
- Disclosure of designated locations of MSDS binders and review of policies regarding their use;
- A careful review of safe handling practices; and
- A careful review of procedures to be followed in the event of a spill.
Employee Training
Training shall be documented by these people.
Trainer and Trainee