Must know Notes Flashcards
- Fluid dye
- Distension of superficial vessels
- Blood drainage
- Leakage from intravenous punctures
- Clearing of intravascular blood discolorations
Signs of Distribution
- Dye in tissues
- Firming of tissues
- Loss of elasticity (begin firming)
- Drying of tissues
- Tissue distension- rounding of fingertips, lips and toes
- Mottling of tissues (bleaching)
- Fluorescent dye observed using black light
Signs of Diffusion
Potential of Hydrogen
pH of 7.0
pH of 6.9
As the number increases, the level of this decreases.
pH of 7.1- 14
As the number increases the level of this increases.
Base (Alkaline)
Upon death, the pH starts to decrease. Eventually going to 7.0 (neutral). This stage is known as ______. The body is very limber.
1st Stage of Flaccidity (Primary Flaccidity)
Once at 7.0, the pH continues to move towards acidity stopping somewhere around 6.5-5.5. Eventually the pH will start to rise returning to 7.0 (netural). This stage is known as ________, the body will be at various stages of stiffness.
Stage of Rigor
Once at 7.0, the pH will continue to rise into the Base/Alkalinity range, increasing as time goes on. This is the stage of _______, when the body becomes limber again.
Secondary Flaccidity
Upon the pH raising to ____, the bacterial begins to thrive. Thus, the stage of decomposition begins to hasten.
The time frame that pH changes from 7.4 to acidic levels varies immensely for example, the stage of primary flaccidity am be as brief as a few seconds. This will be known as ______________.
- Occurs when death occurs suddenly and in situations such as stress.
Instantaneous Rigor Mortis
Reliving the rigor mortis of instantaneous rigor mortis is difficult to say the least. However it must be done at this time. Otherwise, it is almost impossible to properly position the hands.
Prior to Embalming
- Rotate
- Flex
- Extend
- Massaging
4 Ways to Relieve Rigor Mortis
States that rigor will first appear in the face, neck, thoaracic and abdominal cavities and will dissipate in the same order.
Nysten’s Law
People with _____ muscle will go into rigor faster, stay in the stage of rigor for a shorter time, be significantly less prominent during the stage of rigor, and enter the 2nd stage of flaccidity quicker.
People with _____ muscle will take longer for rigor to appear, the stage of rigor will remain longer, the rigor will be more prominent during the stage of rigor and the stage of 2nd flaccidity will take longer to occur.
Base of the femoral triangle.
Inguinal Ligament (Pouparts Ligament)
Medial Boundary of the femoral triangle.
Lateral Border of the Adductor Longus Muscle
Lateral boundary of the femoral triangle.
Medial Border of the Sartorius Muscle
Apex of the femoral triangle. This is not part of the femoral triangle, it leads to the popliteal space.
Adductor Magnus Muscle
- Part of the liver
- Part of the right kidney
- Greater omentum
- Coils of small intestine
- Gallbladder
Right Hypochondriac
- Stomach
- Cardiac and pyloric orifices
- part of the liver
- duodenum
- pancreas
- suprarenal glands
- parts of both kidneys
- greater omentum
- Left lobe of the liver
- fundus of the stomach
- spleen
- tail of the pancreas
- splenic flexure of the colon
- part of the left kidney
- greater omentum
Left Hypochondriac
- Lower portion of the liver
- Ascending colon
- Right kidney
- Coils of small intestine
- Greater omentum
- Hepatic flexture of the colon
Right Lumbar
- Transverse colon
- Part of both kidneys
- Part of the duodenum
- Coils of small intestine
- greater omentum
- Inferior vena cava
- Descending abdominal aorta
- Left kidney
- Descending colon
- Coils of small intestine
- Greater omentum
Left Lumbar
- Part of the ascending colon
- Cecum
- Veriform Appendix
- Coils of small intestine
- Greater omentum
Right Inguinal
- Distended bladder in adults
- Uterus during pregnancy
- Coils of small intestine
- Greater omentum
- Part of the decending colon
- Sigmoid flexture of the colon
- Coils of small intestine
- Greater omentum
Left Inguinal