Orthopaedics Flashcards
Slipped upper femoral epiphysis
Features (5)
11-15 year old child + limping Affected limb is shorter than the other External rotation of affected hip with increased hip flexion Painful knee hip thigh and groin Limited hip abduction
Sensory loss in the groin and pelvic girdle
Nerve root responsible?
Sensory loss in the anterior thigh
Nerve root responsible?
Sensory loss in the inner medial thigh and distal anterior thigh
Nerve root responsible?
Sensory loss in the inner medial shin
Nerve root responsible?
Sensory loss in the outer lateral shin and dorsum of foot
Nerve root responsible?
Sensory loss in the lateral foot
Nerve root responsible?
Boy fell vertically on foot
What is the bone likely to fracture?
Also check for spinal fractures
Vertical falls - calcaneus & spine
Stress fractures of the foot mainly affect what bone?
A young man presents with bone pain in the leg and its is unrelated to activity
Pain responded quickly to NSAIDs
Osteoid Osteoma
= benign long bone tumours - e.g. femur , tibia
Long bones
Young people
Respond quickly to NSAIDs
Known case of prostate ca develops perianal/groin numbness and inability to initiates urine
He also complains of back pain
Cauda equina syndrome
Caused by metastasis to spine
Features of cauda equina syndrome (4)
Sciatica - low back , buttocks, hips, legs
Saddle paresthesia - anal/perianal/groin numbness
Urinary retention
Fecal incontinence - inability to control bowels
Commonest cause of cauda equina syndrome
Central disc prolapse
urgent MRI
Urgent referral to orthopaedic surgeon
Urgent surgical decompression
Lower back pain + saddle paresthesia
Next step -
Referral to neurosurgeon/ orthopaedic team for MRI
Lumbosacral disc herniation/ prolapse
Features (5)
Severe lower back pain - radiates to leg \+ve straight leg test Pain getting up from lying position Lying down relieves pain \+/- sciatica
Lumbosacral disc herniation/ prolapse
Next step
Reassure + prescribe analgesics
If there are any red flags or ^ not given - MRI spine
Lumbosacral disc herniation/ prolapse
Usually resolves in 6 weeks if not severe
NSAIDs - for pain relief + give PPI
If there is sciatica - give ** amitriptyline is preferred (or Gabapentin , pregabalin)
If + saddle paresthesia suspect cauda equina = urgent referral
Interbvertebral herniated discs are more common in what ages groups
Intervertebral Degenerative disc more common in what age group?
> 40
Commonest site of herniated/degenerative disc
- L5/S1
2. L4/L5
What is cauda equina syndrome
Cauda equina = “horses tail” T12/L1 to coccyx)
Compression ^= surgical emergency
Shoulder weakness + pain raising arm above head
Plays ( volleyball/ tennis/badminton/swimming)
Or carries heavy object
Supraspinatus tendinitis
Elderly woman came with history of fall
On examination : painful hip, shortened externally rotated leg
Fracture of neck of femur
*elderly woman - osteoporosis - alendronate - NOF frx
Child (girl) - delivered breech
Comes with limping , painless leg that is shorter than the other
Examination shows unequal skin folds
Developmental dysplasia of the hip
Risk factors for DDH (5)
Female - x6 greater risk* Breech presentation* Family history * Oligohydramnios* First born
Commonest fracture 2ry to falling on outstretched hand
Scaphoid frx
Features of scaphoid fracture
Painful base of thumb
Tender snuff box
Pronation + ulnar deviation = pain
Management of scaphoid frx
Xray +ve - scaphoid cast 6 weeks
Xray -ve - cast and repeat xray in 2 weeks
DDH is more common in which hip
Slightly more common in left hip
20% cases are bilateral
Barlow test vs Ortolani test
Barlow - attempts to dislocate articulated femoral head
Ortolani - attempts to relocate a dislocated femoral head
What is used to confirm diagnosis of DDH if clinically suspected
Management DDH
Most unstable hips stabilise by 3-6 weeks of age
Pavlik harness = dynamic flexion + abduction orthosis
- used in children < 4-5 months
While playing football, boy heard pop in his ankle + significant pain in the calf
He was unable to continue playing.
Next step?
Suspected Achilles’ tendon rupture
-Acute referral (same day) to orthopaedics
How to diagnose Achilles’ tendon rupture
Clinically - Simmonds triad Ask patient to lie prone w/ feet over edge 1. Abnormal angle of declination - more dorsiflexed 2. Gap in tendon 3.Thompson test = squeeze calf muscle -plantar flexion is seen = normal Affected = absent / negative plantar flexion
Dupuytren’s contracture
Abnormal fixed forward contracture
- cause = thickened fibrous connection within palmar fascia
Dupuytren’s contracture
Common in :
Specific causes:
Older male patients
** positive family history ( 60-70%)
Specs: manual labour, phenytoin, alcoholic liver disease, hand trauma , DM , smoking
Treatment of dupuytren’s contracture
Features of trigger finger (stenosis tenosynovitis)
More common in thumb middle or ring finger
Stiff finger + snapping/click when extending
Nodule at base of affected finger
Causes of osteoarthritis
Mechanical wear & tear
- Localised loss of cartilage
- Remodelling of adjacent bone
- Associated inflammation
OA - M=F, commonly seen in elderly Hip knee (weight bearing joints affected), DIP PIP joints Mono arthritis, pain following use *Improves with rest*, no systemic upset \+/- crepitus
rheumatoid arthritis Cause Gender Age Joint affected History
RA- Autoimmune, women Adults - all ages MCP,PIP Polyarthritis always, morning stiffness - improves with use Systemic upset Bilateral symptoms
Xray findings OA
LOSS Loss of joint space Osteophytes at joint margins Subchondral sclerosis Subchondral cysts
Xray findings RA
Loss of joint space
Juxta-articulate osteoporosis
Periarticular erosions
Heberden vs Bouchard nodes
Heb = affects DIP Bou= PIP
Management of OA
Exercise + physiotherapy + weight loss
- Pain = paracetamol
- +NSAIDs oral or COX-2 inhibitors (if no RF for gastric ulcers)
- Opioids - codeine
Always give PPI with NSAIDs
Surgery is last option
Dinner fork deformity
Nerve affected
Colle’s fracture = posterior displacement of distal radius
Dorsal angulation
Nerve = median n injury
Garden spade deformity
Smith’s fracture
Anterior displacement of distal radius
Treatment of colles fracture in elderly
Closed reduction + POP cast below elbow
Mallet finger
Avulsion of extensor digitorum at DIP
= flexed bent finger
Gamekeeper/skier’s thumb
Injury to ulnar collateral ligament
Weakness + pain when grasping things with thumb
Tenderness over MCP
Caused by forced abduction
Monteggia fracture
Dislocation of radial head + frx of proximal 1/3 ulna
Radial n affected
(MU -ulna frx)
Galeazzi frx
Distal Radio-ulna joint dislocation + frx distal 1/3 radius shaft
Paget’s disease - features
Bones affected
Lab abnormality
Increased bone turnover - bendy, thickens and becomes spongy
Commonly - axial bone, long bone , skull
Area is warmer - highly vascular === high cardiac output failure
Normal Ca + normal Phosphate + HIGH ALP
Xray of Paget’s disease (osteitis deformitans)
Cortical sclerosis
Coarse trabecular pattern
= blade of grass lesion - v shape b/w healthy and diseased bone
=multi focal sclerotic patches - cotton wool pattern in skull
Lyric punched out lesions on xray
Multiple myeloma
High ALP
Seen in??
2Bs + P
- Bone - osteomalacia, paget’s, hyperparathyroidism, bone mets
- Biliary tract : cholestasis (obstructive jaundice)
P - pregnancy (physiological)
Think of the following :
Bone mets
SCC of lung
Multiple myeloma
1ry hyperparathyroidism - low phosphate, high/normal PTH
What is multiple myeloma
Plasma cell cancer
- overgrowth of plasma cells replacing bone marrow tissues + overproduction of immunoglobulins
Symptoms of multiple myeloma (5)
Bone pain - back, ribs
Hypercalcemia - polyuria, polydipsia, low mood, confusion
Anemia = fatigue weakness pallor dyspnea on exertion
Recurrent infections
Renal failure
Diagnostic investigation multiple myeloma
Bone marrow biopsy
= abundant plasma cells
Findings in Multiple myeloma Biopsy Blood film Urine/serum proteomics electrophoresis Xray
- Biopsy - abundant plasma cells
- Serum protein electrophoresis - spike in 3.monoclonal immunoglobulins
- Urine protein electrophoresis = bence jones protein**
- blood film = Rouleaux formation
- Xray = lytics lesion
- plasma cells > osteoclasts> bone lysis
Rouleaux formation
Linking of RBCS = stack of coins
Bence jones protein seen in
Multiple myeloma
Polycythemia Vera
Labs in multiple myeloma Ca ALP Hgb ESR RFT
Hypercalcemia - >2.6 Normal ALP (30-150 U/L) Anemia - normocytic normochromic High ESR RFT = could be impaired (50% of cases) - low GFR, high urea and creatinine
Multiple myeloma
Bence jones
Plasma cells
Seen where?
Plasma cells - BM biopsy
BJ - urine protein electrophoresis