Breast Surgery Flashcards
Paget’s disease breast/nipple
Dry skin - resembles eczema
Bloody nipple discharge sometimes
Ulcerated/inverted nipple
Dx investigation of Paget’s disease breast
Punch biopsy
Brown/green/coloured discharge per nipple suspect
Duct ectasia
Hx of trauma to breast with firm round solitary lump
Fat necrosis
20-40 YO w/ bleeding per nipple. +- skin changes
Investigation to be done
Ductal papilloma
Firm, non tender mobile mass in breast of 15-30 YO woman
Clinical dx
Mastalgia + increased breast size and lumpiness just before period, disappears after
- fibroadenosis
Investigation for suspected breast ca
Core biopsy
Prolonged areolar redness with hx of antibiotic use. Green discharge per nipple +- nipple retraction +- small lump around nipple
Periductal mastitis
- young age , smoking is RF
If left untreated - abscess
When should a prophylactic mastectomy be offered?
- Strong FHx of breast ca
- Inherited BRCA 1 BRCA 2- autosomal dominant
- Previous breast ca - in 1 breast
- Biopsy that shows
- lobular ca in situ
- atypical hyperplasia
Mammograms Offered to
All women 50-70 - every 3 years
Strong FHx or BRCA, women 40-70 = every year
Investigation of suspicious breast mass
Core biopsy to confirm dx
Imaging fro breast lump according to age
<35 - US
>36 - mammogram
Breast ca screening - mammogram
50-70 = every 3 years
Strong FHx , BRCA genes aged 40-70 - every year
Commonest form of breast malignancy
Invasive introduction carcinoma