Anatomy Flashcards
Musculo-cutaneous nerve Nerve root Motor supply Sensory Injury
C5- C7
Elbow flexion - biceps brachii ; supination
Sensory - lateral forearm
Axillary n Root Motor Sensory Injury
C5, C6
Shoulder abduction - deltoid
Sense - inf region of deltoid
Injury - flattened deltoid ( humeral neck fracture/ dislocation)
Radial n Root Motor Sensory Injury
C5 - T1
Extension forearm wrist fingers thumb
Sens - dorsal aspect b/w 1st & 2nd metacarpals
Wrist drop - humeral shaft fracture
Median n Root Motor Sensory Injury
C6 - T1
LOAF muscles
Palmar aspect lateral 3.5 fingers
Injury - @ wrist - the arm muscle paralysis, opponens pollicis
@ elbow - loss of forearm pronation + weak wrist flexion
Carpal tunnel syndrome - wrist lesion
LOAF muscles and function
lateral 2 lumbricals, MCPJ flexion, IPJ extension
opponens pollicis brevis, - opposes thumb
abductor pollicis brevis - abducts thumb
flexor pollicis - flexes thumb
Ulnar nerve Root Motor Sensory Injury
C8, T1
Intrinsic hand muscles ,LOAF (wrist flexion)
Medial 1.5 fingers
Claw hand -; medial epicondyle frx
Long thoracic n
Serratus anterior
Injury - blow to rbs, lifting weights , complication of mastectomy
Winged scapula
Pain more severe on contralateral tilting of head
Winged vs dropped scapula
Winged - long thoracic n affected
Dropped - accessory n (CN 11) = supplies trapezius + SCM
Unable to move shoulder
Wrist drop
Saturday night palsy
Crutch palsy
Radial nerve
Crutch - compression against spiral groove on medial humerus
Sat - radial n compressed in medial aspect of arm
Flexor digitorum superficialis
Flexion of PIP and MCP joints
Flexor digitorum profundis
Flexion DIP
Extensor digitorum
Extension - middle 3 fingers - index, middle, ring
@ MCP IP joints
Extensor pollicis longus
Extends thumb @ IP
Full extension of thumb - EPL
Extensor pollicis brevis
Thumb extension @ MCP
Midline structure pierced in lap chole
Lines alba
Structures pierced in laparoscopy
Midway pt b/w umbilicus + sup iliac spine
Internal oblique + external oblique aponeurosis
What is liable to be pierced in chest drain insertion (5th ICS mid axillary)
Intercostal Vein artery nerve + intercostal muscle
- located @ inferior border of a rib
Popeye arm appearance
Proximal biceps tendon rupture
What is affected in tennis elbow
Lateral epicondylitis
Wrist extension
What is affected in golfer’s elbow
Medial epicondylitis
Finger flexors and pronation
Nerve supply eye muscles
LR6 SO4 rest 3
OTA = same , opposite, same
Occult motor n function
Pupil constriction
Supplies most eye muscles
N to levator palpebrae
Injury = my crisis, ptosis - same side. ; outward gaze , diplopia
Trochear n
Superior oblique
Injury = diplopia on downward gaze - opp side
Vertical diplopia
Abducens n
Lateral rectus
Diplopia on lateral gaze (same side) (horizontal diplopia)
Same side
Saphenous n supplies
Injury in
Medial foot sensation
It is purely a sensory nerve
Injury = varicose vein surgery, vein harvest for bypass, knee arthroscopy
Sural n supplies
Lateral foot sensation
Safe triangle for chest drain
5th IC slightly anterior to mid axillary line
Boundaries - Ant - pect minor Post- latissmus dorsi Superior - base of axilla Inferior - 5 th ICS
Lymphatic drainage of ovaries/testis
Para-aortic LNs
Skin (perineum, scrotum, vulva)
Lymphatic drainage
Superficial inguinal LNs
Lymphatic drainage of tongue
Ant 2//3
Post 1/3
T - submental
Ant - submandibular
Post - jugular omohyoid ( deep cervical LNs)
LNs of posterior oropharynx
Deep cervical
Skin of medial malleolus drains to
Inguinal LNs
Skin of lateral malleolus drains to
Popliteal LNs > inguinal
Superficial inguinal LNs drain
All below umbilicus excepts gonads and lateral foot
Politeal LNs
Drain lateral foot
Deep lymphatics of glans, clit drain to
External iliac
Branches of common peroneal + fn
Superficial - lateral compartment of leg - everts foot
Deep - anterior compartment leg - dorsiflexes the foot
Vein that runs on lateral aspect of leg
Short saphenous vein
What veins runs on medial aspect of leg
Long/great saphenous v
4 sensory branches of common peroneal n
Sural communicating - lower posterolateral leg
Lateral sural cutaneous - upper lateral leg
Superficial fibular (peroneal) - anteroom the leg except b/w 1st 2 toes
Deep fibular (peroneal) - skin b/w 1st 2 toes
Thumb Abduction + extension weak + ulnar deviation of wrist
Little finger paresthesia
N root injury?
Fingers abduction + adduction w/ pain and paresthesia
N root injury?
Loss of thumb sensation and elbow flexion
N root injury
C 5,6 - Erbs palsy
Motor function of C5 6 7 8, T1
5-flex elbow
6- extend wrist
7- extend elbow
8- flex fingers
T1 - addict + abduct fingers
Nerve roots for thumb , middle 3 fingers, pinky
Thumb - C6
Middle 3 - C7
Pinky - C8