Emergency Flashcards
Drugs that can cause hypoglycemia
Excess antidiabetic agents - insulin, glicazide
Excess paracetamo, apsirin, sulphonylureas
Treatment of hypoglycemia
1- conscious + can swallow
2- conscious+ cant swallow
1- 200ml fruit juice oral oral glucose gel
2- 200ml 10% glucose IV or 1mg glucagon IM or SC
3- IV 75ml of 20% glucose or 1 mg glucagon IM or SC
When is glucagon ineffective in the treatment of hypoglycemia
Alcohol related hypoglycemia
Wallace rule of 9
Each full arm - 9 Head+ neck = 9 Ant leg = 9 Post leg = 9 Ant chest = 9 Post chest = 9 Ant abdomen = 9 Post abdomen = 9 Perineum = 1%
Superficial epidermal burn appearance
1st degree
Red + painful
Pale pink painful blistered skin after house fire
Type of burn?
Partial thickness (superficial dermal) 2nd degree
Non blanching erythema, reduced sensation at site of burn
Type of burn
Partial thickness, deep dermal
2nd degree
White/ brown/black burn
No blisters
Not painful
Full thickness
3rd degree
Immediate management burns
Remove non adherent clothing
Thermal - remove them from source of heat, irrigate wound with cool water b/w 10-30 mins, cover with cling film (layered not wrapped)
Chemical - brush any powder off and then irrigate for 1 hour - do not attempt to neutralise
When to refer to secondary care in burn cases
All full thickness cases
Deep dermal > 5 % in adults, all deep dermal burns in children
Superficial dermal burns - face hands feet, perineum, genitalia, flexures or circumferential burns of abdomen , limbs or torso or neck
Any inhalation injury
Any electrical or chemical burn
Suspicion of non accident injury
Management of burns
ABC, referral criteria
Sup epiderm al analgesia, emollient
Sup dermal - cleanse wound, leave blister intact
= avoid topical creams and apply non adherent dressing - review 24 hrs
Management of severe burns
Stop burn process and resuscitate
IV fluids , insert catheter
= > 10% TBSA in children , >15% in adults
Echarotomies - in circumferential full thickness burns of torso or limbs
IV fluid calculation in burns
Parkland formula
TBSA% x Kg x 4 = ml
50% given in first 8 hrs
50% over best 16 hrs
Starting point of resuscitation in burns
Time of injury
Referrals for burns (burns unit)
> 5% children
10% adults
Give IV fluids if > 10, 15% adults
Burns of hands perineum face
RFs for paracetamol overdose
Liver enzyme inducing drugs - CRAP GPs
Malnourished patients - anorexia, bulimia, hepatitis C , cystic fibrosis, HIV
Patient who have not eaten for few days
- investigations
- treatment
FBC UE LFT INR blood gas glucose
-Serum paracetamol @ >=4 hr post ingestion if >150mg/kg consumed or unknown amount (NOT post admission)
-Admit anyone with ingestion within 8 hrs >150mg/kg (>24 pills) or unknown amount
- if presents within 1 hr with >150mg/kg - activated charcoal
-N- acetyl cysteine = 5 situations
Liver transplant
When should n acetyl cysteine be given in paracetamol overdose (5)
- staggered overdose - all tablets were not taken within 1 hr
- doubt over paracetamol ingestion - regardless of plasma paracetamol concentration
- if plasma conc paracetamol (@ 4 hrs) is above appropriate line
- > 8hrs (late presentation) + ingested >150mg/kg or dose unknown
- jaundice or liver tenderness
Features of paracetamol poisoning
- 24 hrs
- 48 hrs
Initial - nausea , vomiting, pallor
24 0- hepatic enzymes rise
48- jaundice, enlarged liver
Hypoglycaemia, hypotension, encephalopathy, coagulopathy, coma can also occur
Liver transplant criteria in paracetamol overdose ?
Arterial ph <7.3, 24 hrs after ingestion Or all of the following : - PT > 100 s - creatinine > 300 umol/l - grade III or IV encephalopathy
Hepatic encephalopathy grading
1 - behavioural changes, mild confusion, slurred speech, disordered sleep
2- lethargy, moderate confusion
3- stupor, incoherent speech, sleeping but arousable
4- coma, unresponsive to pain
Aspiration of FB in child
Next step?
Indirect laryngoscopes +- fibre optic examination of pharynx
If ^ not given and you see direct , pick that
Magills forecps
Where are they used?
Direct laryngoscopy
Treatment of opioid overdose
IV naloxone
- fast action , short duration
Can be repeated every 2-3 minutes if no response
Shorter half life than methadone
Features of opioid overdose (4)
Symmetrical Miosis
Respiratory depression
Altered consciousness
= low RR BP HR and pinpoint pupils
NICE guidelines on head injury - Immediate CT (within 1 hr ) Adults (7)
- GCS <13
- GCS <15 @ 2hrs post injury
- Open/depressed skull frx
- Any sign if basal skull fracture
- post traumatic seizure
- Focal neurological deficit
- > 1 episode of vomiting
Signs of basal skull fracture (4)
Panda eyes
CSF leakages - ear nose
Battles sign
NICE guideline CT head - head injury
Within 8 hours
Adults (6)
Adult + Loss of consciousness or amnesia + RFs:
- > = 65 years old
- history of bleeding or clotting disorders/ on warfarin
- dangerous mechanism of injury
- > 30 mins of retrograde amnesia - can’t remember events before injury
What GCS is an indication for intubation
= 8
CT guidelines head injury - within 1 hr
Children (6)
Seizure GCS < 14 - initial assessment GCS <15 after 2 hrs of injury Basal skull fracture signs Tense fontanelle/open skull fracture/ depressed fracture Focal neuro deficit
CT head within 1 hr in children
According to RF in head injury (6)
Head injury + >/= 2 of the following - LOC >/= 5 mins Amnesia >/= 5 mins >/= 3 episodes vomiting FFH> 3 metres RTA high speed Abnormal drowsiness
If only 1 RF - observe for at least 4 hrs after injury
Management of anaphylaxis
ABC , high flow O2, lay patient flat
IM adrenaline - ant lateral aspect middle 1/3 thigh
Observe for 6-12 hrs after onset of symptoms
Serum tryptase - sometime taken to establish anaphylaxis
- remain elevated up to 12 hrs
If hypotensive - give IM adrenaline 1st then IV fluids
Doses of epinephrine/hydrocortisone/chlrophenamine <6 mo 6mo - 6 years 6-12 years Adults/ children > 12
<6 mo - 150mcg/ 25mg / 250mcg/kg
6-6 yrs - 150mcg / 50mg / 2.5mg
6-12 - 300 mcg / 100mg/ 5 mg
Adults - 500 mcg / 200mg / 10 mg
Adrenaline/ epinephrine
(MCG/1000= ml ) 1 in 1000
E.g 0.15 ml 1 in 1000
What causes tingling in panic attacks
- caused by resp alkalosis due to CO2 washout
Management of panic attacks
Upcoming attack - beta blocker
During : Breathing excercise - paper bag
If severe and ongoing
- benzo
Long term - CBT , SSRIs
Diaphragmatic rupture
- dx
- features
Chest and abdominal pain , resp distress, diminished breath sounds
Usually left side affected
Dx - initial - CXR - unreliable (curt NGT in stomach is pathognomonic)
Thoracoabdominal CT - diagnostic
Confusion + ataxia + squint in
chronic alcoholics
Chronic alcohol syndrome
Urgent IV thiamine
Vitamin B1
Confusion ataxia and squint
+ retrograde amnesia + confabulation
Wernicke’s korsakoff syndrome
Aspirin overdose
Symptoms - earliest, clinically significant
Acid-base abnormality
Tinnitus , impaired hearing - early
Hyperventilation, nausea, vomiting, dehydration fever double vision
Feeling faint
Early - resp alkalosis
Late - metabolic acidosis
Excessive sedation, dry mouth, skin Tachycardia, dilated pupils ECG - prolonged QRS, QT, PR Suspected overdose? Treatment?
IV fluid bolus 250ml NS
IV sodium bicarbonate 50-100ml 8.4% slowly - corrects ECG changes
Aim for pH 7.5-7.55
Organophosphate overdose
Increased saliva ,tear production, diarrhoea Vomiting Small constructed pupils Sweating Muscle tremors Confusion
Plummer Vinson syndrome
Triad -
Treatment - iron supplementation, dilation of webs
Boerhaave syndrome
Severe vomiting - oesophageal rupture
Management of Mallory Weiss tear
If vitally stable and hemodynamically stable =
- discharge with advice or repeat FBC or observe vitals for fear of deterioration
Discharge low risk blatchford score patients
Severe - resuscitation ( high flow O2, IV fluids, IV blood)
Blatchford score : low risk
SBP >/= 110 Urea < 6.5 Hb >/= 13 males or >/= 12 females Pulse < 100 Absence of melena , liver disease, HF, syncope
Admission and early endoscopy for GI bleed + calculation of Rockall score if :
SBP <100 and pulse >/= 100 - hemo disturbance
Continued bleeding
Age >/= 60, all patients over 70 should be admitted
Liver disease, HF , known varices