Critical Care Flashcards
Features of TCA overdose
What changes are seen on ECG?
Excessive sedation, dry mouth and dry flushed skin
Tachycardia, sweating, dilated pupils (sympathomimetic effect)
ECG - sinus tachycardia, prolongedQRS, QT, PR
Wide QRS, broad complex tachycardia
Management of TCA overdose
ECG monitor
Metabolic acidosis- IV bolus NS 250ml
+ Na bicarbonate 50mmol slowly of 8.4% NaHco3 IV
Aim for pH 7.5-7.55
The bicarbonate will correct the ecg changes and cardiac rhythm
Electrolyte imbalance in refeeding syndrome?
What is refeeding syndrome?
Metabolic disturbances that occur as a result of reinstitution of nutrition in patient who have starved/severely malnourished
Starvation — low glucose, low insulin , high glucagon, increased gluconeogenesis == hypophosphatemia as a result of depletion of phosphate stores due to low glucose
Refeeding -high glucose, high insulin, increased cellular uptake of phosphate
Hypophosphatemia from starvation + phosphate demand from refeeding
== severe hypophosphatemia
- tissue hypoxia, myocardial dysfunction, diaphragm can’t contract
Other electrolyte imbalances in refeeding syndrome
How do you avoid refeeding syndrome?
Slow feeds
Magnesium K+ and phosphate supplement
What drug is useful in SAH
Sumatriptan/ Nimodipine
What serious complication can occur with SAH at 4-12 days
How do you manage it
Cerebral vasospasm
Diminish this by giving calcium antagonist (Nimodipine) for 5-14 days
Most common cause of SAH
Common associated genetic conditions to SAH
Polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) - HTN + repeated kidney stones = assoc. berry aneurysm = assoc SIADH = HypONa**
CT w/o contrast
If inconclusive - LP after 12 hrs on onset
= bloody CSF -> Xanthochromic (due to bilirubin)
Splenic rupture manifestations
Left sided chest pains + abdomen * esp after RTA
Rapid fall in BP
Rise in HR
Findings on imaging splenic rupture
What method is diagnostic?
XR - Absent left posts shadow
FAST - free peritoneal fluid
If splenic rupture is confirmed what is the Tx?
Urgent surgery
*subsplenic hematoma can be treated conservatively if stab;e and kept under observation
Coiled NGT above hemidiaphragm after RTA is a sign of?
Diaphragmatic rupture
What is the most accurate way of assessing NGT placement
What is triple vessel disease?
LAD RCA Circumflex arteries are blocked with atherosclerotic plaques
Management of ACS in pt with triple vessel disease + anemia
ECG shows ST depression ischemia in several leads
Dual anti platelets - aspirin + clopidogrel
+ SC Fondaparinux ( LMWH)
+blood transfusion