Organs Flashcards
Where is the location of the heart
Wht is the structure of the heart
What is the main function of the heart
- between lungs in chest, with apex to the left
- Cardiac muscle and epithelial linings.Pumps blood to the lungs and round the body carrying oxygen and nutrients to cells, removing carbon dioxide
Location of organ
structure of organ
Main function
One on either side of the heart, filling the chest cavity.
Simple epithelia and elastic fibres allowing expansion and contraction.
Inhalation and exhalation of gases linked to respiration
Location of organ
structure of organ
Main functions
Inside the skull, in the head.
Nervous tissue consisting of neurons and neuroglia.
Receives and sends nervous impulses as a means of communication.
Name of organ
Location of organ
structure of organ
Main functions
In abdomen, on left side beneath the diaphragm.
Non-striated muscle in three layers, epithelium, gastric glands.
Churns and mixes food into a paste (chyme), begins digestion
Name of organ
Location of organ
structure of organ
Main functions
In the abdomen, on right side beneath the diaphragm.
Cuboid epithelial cells in lobules.
Large number of functions such as secretes bile and salts, stores glycogen etc.
Name of organ
Location of organ
structure of organ
Main functions
Lies between the stomach and duodenum on left side of abdomen.
Glandular epithelium.
Secretes digestive juice down ducts to small intestine, also secretes insulin and glucagon.
Duodenum Name of organ
Location of organ
structure of organ
Main functions
C-shaped part of the small intestine lying beyond the stomach.
Two coats of non-striated muscle, lined by columnar epithelium.
Passes chyme to ileum and secretes major digestive secretions.
Ileum Name of organ
Location of organ
structure of organ
Main functions
Long coiled part of small intestines joined to duodenum
- two coats of non straited muscle and vili lined by columnar epithelium
- passes undisgestive to colon , absorbs nutrients to blood stream
Colon Name of organ
Location of organ
structure of organ
Main functions
Joins to ileum in right-hand side of the abdomen, runs up to the liver infront of the stomach down the left side to join with the retum
Two coats of non-striated muscle, but outercoat not complete.
Absorbs water, producing semi-solid faeces.
Name of organ
Location of organ
structure of organ
Main functions
One on each side of the back wall of the abdomen below diagraphm Left kidney is higher than the right, due to position of the liver.
Composed of nephrons.
Eliminate waste products and water, maintaining homeostasis.
Name of organ
Location of organ
structure of organ
Main functions
-Lies centrally at front of lower pelvis
Non-striated muscle lined by epithelium.
- collects and stores urine until its an appropriate time to release
Name of organ
Location of organ
structure of organ
Main functions
One either side of the pelvis below the kidney
Connective tissue and blood vessels , epithelial cells that form follicles
Produce ova or eggs secretes hormones
Name of organ
Location of organ
structure of organ
Main functions
One on either side of the penis in a skin sac called the scrotum. Lie outside the body cavity
Conncteive tissue, blood vessels and epethial cells forming convoluted seminiferous tubules
Produce spermatozoa
Centrally in the pelivs connected on each side to overies by oviducts ( fallopian tube)
Non striated muscle lined by special epithelialum
Produces new epithelium monthly, supports and protects foetus untill birth , contacts powerfully to expel foetus and placenta during birth
Name of organ,
Location of organ
structure of organ
Main functions
Covers whole body
Kertinised compound epithelium above arelor tissue
Water and bacteria proof covering , assists in body temperature and homostes