Levels of Healthcare and Referral System in the Philippines
Base (Lower) Part
Top (Higher Part)
Barangay Health Stations & Rural Health Unit
-> Where all of the basic needs are located
Ex: Primary level of care
Base (Lower) Part
- Highest level of care given to a particular patient
Top (Higher Part)
- Bridge between the community to the higher levels of health care, depending on the needs of the person
Barangay Health Stations & Rural Health Unit
refer it to the higher levels such as the emergency or district hospitals or the provincial/city health services or provincial/city hospitals
RHU - rural health unit
Three Factors for Referral
Availability of Services
Qualified Practitioner
Availability of Equipment
-> In the basic level, there is a limited range of services offered
- Higher levels can offer most of the tests needed
Availability of Services
On the basic level, the practitioners are also professionals but it is only limited to their capabilities
In the higher levels, there are dot of health care professionals that could accommodate the patient’s needs; the higher the level, the more qualified practitioners are to treat you
Qualified Practitioner
Basic level - limited kinds of equipment usually for basic assessment
- Higher level - wider range of availability;
sophisticated equipment
Availability of Equipment
Levels of Care
- Primary Level of Care
- Secondary Level of Care
- (Tertiary Level of Care
Usually, the first contact between the community members and other levels of health facility
The facilities are only small and the number of beds is only limited.
The equipment used to assess a person is also limited because they are only treating basic conditions
Primary Level of Care
- Includes the primary health facility
Health care provided by center physicians, public health nurses, rural health midwives, barangay health workers, traditional healers and others at the barangay health stations and rural health units
If you have flu, cough, or fever, you can go to this level of care to accommodate your concerns because they have the capability to treat that particular condition.
Primary Level of Care
- Health facilities either private owned or government operated (infirmaries, municipal and district hospitals, out-patient departments of provincial hospitals)
Secondary Level of Care
They are capable of performing inor surgeries
They provide simple laboratory examination and simple imaging examinations such as chest x-ray
Given by physician with basic health training
Secondary Level of Care
They are the referral center for the primary health facilities
If there is a dengue patient that needs to be admitted, he can go to a district hospital
This level is only intended if the primary health facilities cannot accommodate a particular condition
Secondary Level of Care
- Rendered by specialists in health facilities including the medical centers (regional & provincial hospitals, and specialized hospitals)
- Referral center for the secondary care facility Has many tests offered and can accommodate needs
-> Highest or the utmost level of care in the referral system
Tertiary Level of Care
They handle complicated cases and intensive care cases (Ex: cancer)
• Philippine Heart Center
o National Kidney and Transplant Institute (NKTI)
• St. Luke’s Medical Center o Makati Medical Center o Medical City
Tertiary Level of Care
The higher the level, more services are offered, more sophisticated new equipment compared to those two levels of care
o MRI and CT scan
• Imaging
Nuclear Medicine
Tertiary Level of Care
The HiGHER the level:
The more qualified the health personnel
The more sophisticated the health equipment
The more services available to the needs of a patient
Important role in diagnostic services
The nature of MedTech’s work is to assess body fluids for bacteria, fungi and viruses that may cause a disease for the particular person
They are the ones assessing the doctor for diagnosis
They are also public health laboratory professionals because they can be a bacteriologist, microbiologist and biochemist to test biological and environmental samples in order to diagnose, prevent, treat, and control infectious disease in the community
• They are also trained to do water analysis to check if the water is potable to drink or if there are coliform bacteria in water source
• They also assess biological samples to help the doctors find out what is the organism that caused the problem in the patient’s body
Important role in public health education especially first aid training, BLS trainings, etc.
There is Community and Public Health subject
They are the ones that provide training to the community especially in how to do first aid, BLS trainings, how to have a proper nutrition for their children and also for themselves to prevent lifestvle diseases and other things.