Types of Community Health Organizations (CHO)
→ Source of funding and organizational structure
Three Classifications of Community Health Organizations
Governmental CHO
– source of fund: taxes of people; there is tax when buying in the market and tax will be given to the government who will distribute it to different sectors (ex: health sector funded by the government)
Governmental CHO
For this type of CHO, it could be both governmental and non-governmental
– source of fund: in-kind donations; This is voluntarily donated by people.
Regional (state)
● Purpose: To assist the people of member nations attain the best level of health possible
● tells some protocols and preventive measures for containing a particular outbreak or disease so this agency promotes the better quality of life of its members
- Primary international health agency in the world
World Health Organization (WHO)
World Health Organization (WHO)
Founded in________, headquarters in_______
April 7, 1948
Geneva, Switzerland
WHO six regional offices around the world.
• Africa (AFRO), Brazzaville, Congo;
• Americas (PAHO), Washington, D.C., United States;
• Eastern Mediterranean (EMRO), Cairo, Egypt;
• Europe (EURO), Copenhagen, Denmark;
• Southeast Asia (SEARO), New Delhi, India;
• Western Pacific (WPRO), Manila, Philippines.
absorbed by the WHO
International D’Hygiène Publique (1907);
dissolved when the WHO was created
Health Organization of the League of Nations (1919);
United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (1943); dissolved in 1946-its work is carried out today by the Office of the -
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) (1950)
United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)
(1946); formerly known as the
United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund
still an independent organization but is integrated with WHO in a regional office
Pan American Health Organization (PAHO)
is commemorated each year as World Health Day.
April 7
sixtieth anniversary of the WHO was celebrated in
WHO: At the beginning of 2016,____ countries were members.
comprises the delegates of the member nations.
This assembly, which meets in general sessions annually and in special sessions when necessary, has the primary tasks of approving the WHO program and the budget for the following biennium and deciding major policy questions.
World Health Assembly
primary objective of the______ “shall be the attainment by all peoples of the highest possible level of health.”
Purpose: To assist the people of member nations attain the best level of health possible
tells some protocols and preventive measures for containing a particular outbreak or disease so this agency promotes the better quality of life of its members
WHO has led the efforts to contain the outbreaks of_____.
Since July 2014 unparalleled progress has been made in establishing systems and tools that allow for rapid and effective response.
there are now___ rapid diagnostic tools that can detect the Ebola virus in a matter of hours
___worldwide testing laboratories, an Ebola vaccine
registered foreign medical teams
and thousands of trained responders who can rapidly deploy to outbreaks.
Was adopted at the Millennium Summit in 2003
The declaration set out principles and values in seven areas
United Nations Millennium Declaration
was prepared, which established goals and targets to be reached by 2015 in each of the seven areas.
Road Map
On_________ WHO launched the intensified small pox eradication program.
At that time, the plan was to rely entirely on mass vaccination of susceptible persons in endemic countries. The problem was defined as one of the mass vaccinations.
January 1, 1967
In 1967, smallpox was active in___ countries.
During that year,________million people contracted the disease,
and of those, approximately__ million died.
Many millions of others were permanently disfigured or blinded.
10 million to 15 million
The last known natural case of smallpox was diagnosed on ____________ in Somalia.
In_____, a laboratory accident in Birmingham, England resulted in one death and a limited outbreak of the acute disease.
October 26, 1977
In_____ the World Health Assembly declared the global eradication of this disease.
Each ___________has a department or agency that has the primary responsibility for the protection of the health and welfare of its citizens.
Department of Health (DOH)
national government
• primary responsible for the protection of the health & welfare of its citizens, example DOH)
national government health department/agency
create mandates or protocols that are being followed by the regional and local levels.
If DOH creates a mandate that all of the phlebotomists or MTs assigned to do swab test to patients with patients must wear full PPE, it will be followed by the institutions.
They are the ones creating protocols which is appropriate for a certain situation such as outbreak or pandemic like COVID-19.
NHAs - National Health Agencies
In the United States, the primary national health agency
Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS)
“is the United States government’s principal agency for protecting the health of all Americans and providing essential human services, especially for those who are least able to help themselves.”
Lead health agency with the federal government, in the United States of America (USA)
HHS - Health and Human Services
_________- Located in _______, “is the nation’s leading health agency, dedicated to saving lives and protecting the health of Americans.”
Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC)
Atlanta, Georgia
It serves as the national focus for developing and applying disease prevention & control, environmental health, and health promotion and education activities designed to improve the health of the people of the United States.
Once known solely for its work to control communicable diseases, the_____ now also maintains records, analyzes disease trends, and publishes epidemiological reports on all types of diseases, including those that result from lifestyle, occupational, and environmental causes.
Beyond its own specific responsibilities, the____ also supports state and local health departments and cooperates with similar national health agencies from other WHO member nations.
Currently, the CDC uses the tagline of
“CDC 24/7
- It “is charged with protecting the public health by ensuring the safety, efficacy, and security of human and veterinary drugs, biological products, and medical devices; ensuring the safetv of foods, cosmetics, and radiation-emitting products; and regulating tobacco products.
Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
> If there are products that have carcinogens or highly toxic chemicals,____ will regulate and ban those products from being sold in the market.
is responsible for the inspection of many foods, such as meat and dairy products.
Department of Agriculture
Restaurants, supermarkets, and other food outlets are inspected by
state and local public health agencies
Department of Health (DOH)
> Headed by the Secretary of Health
- _________- current DOH secretary
- Appointed by the president and is a member of his cabinet
Francisco Duque III
Location of DOH
Location: San Lazaro Compound, ayuman, Sta.Cruz, Manila, Philippines 1003
Functional Clusters of ____________:
Department Order of DOH - DO No. 2011-0188, Annex G
Kalusugang Pangkalahatan:
Two or more departments work together to control or prevent the spread of the epidemic
Inter-sectoral linkages
- mandates the SOPs for the granular lockdowns or any protocols to contain the COVID-19 and to prevent the people from going outside their houses
- mandates the use of masks of people when they go out
Pest control and food safety because food preparation and preservation are important.
Monitors technology that produces side effects which is unsafe for human consumption
Example: Strength of insecticide used in every crop
- Regulates the use of pesticides
-> Assures that the food released in the market does not have or could not cause diseases such as swine flu, bird flu - Mandates rules implementing that if there is a bird flu epidemic/outbreak, the goods should be inspected before selling to the market
Department of Agriculture (DA)
-> Promoting health education
- The school recognizes an effective venue for transmission of basic knowledge to the community regarding sanitary practices, nutrition, food and its effects or dangers
Department of Education (DepEd)
- Prevention of accident
- If there are roads to be cleared out
Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH)
Mandates SOPs for the safety of every individual in the community
- impose rules and regulations for the health safety of individuals.
Ex. Only those with masks can go out.
They also follow the health sector but just strengthen the mandate if people should not go out during this specific time
Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG)
- Promotes mental health awareness and counselling
Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD)
- Implements programs for environmental health safety
Example: Solid Waste Management
Department of Environment and
National Resources (DENR)
PHILIPPINES, there are____ Centers for Health Development (CHD)
, medical director of Region XI (as of 2021)
Dr. Annabelle P. Yumang
- The responsibility of the city or county (municipality) governments
- Source of fund: local tax as it is part of governmental agency
- Purpose: provide health services to the people in their cities, counties, and parishes.
LOCAL-Level Governmental Health Organizations or
LOCAL Health Departments (LHD)
-> Describe the child health programs that synthesize different factors working together to improve the health of the child that include health education, community involvement, family engagement, physical environment, health services and more.
Coordinated School Health Programs
An organized set of policies, procedures, and activities designed to protect, promote, and improve the health and well-being of pre-K through 12th grade students and staff, thus improving a student’s ability to learn.
Coordinated School Health Programs
It includes, but is not limited to, health education; school health services; a healthy school environment; school counseling, psychological, and social services; physical education; school nutrition services; family and community involvement in school health; and school-site health promotion for staff.
Coordinated School Health Programs
- promotes and improves the health of students AND gives students the ability to learn. Importance of nutrition and benefits of GO, GROW, GLOW
Nutrition Month
- effects of certain practices are taught; importance of exercise. Negative effects of smoking and alcoholic drinks. Benefits of drinking water 8 times a day and exercise.
Health Education
- pertains to the abundance of plants, sanitary practices (proper waste disposal), CLAYGO
Healthful School Environment
- training on First Aid
Health Services
-> Receive funding from both public & private sources (taxes from government and in-kind donations from people)
-> Have official health responsibilities but operate independently of government supervision.
QUASI-GOVERNMENTAL Health Organizations
Organizations that have some official health responsibilities but operate, in part, like voluntary health organizations–make important contributions to community health.
Although they derive some of their funding and legitimacy from governments, and carry out tasks that may be normally thought of as government work, they operate independently of government supervision. In some cases, they also receive financial support from private sources.
QUASI-GOVERNMENTAL Health Organizations
Examples of ___________are the American Red Cross (ARC), the National Science Foundation, and the National Academy of Sciences
quasi-governmental agencies
American Red Cross (ARC)
- Founded in ____ by _______
Although it has certain “official” responsibilities placed on it by the federal government, it is funded by voluntary contributions.
1881 by Clara Barton
“Official” duties of the _______ include:
• Providing relief to victims of natural disasters such as floods, tornadoes, hurricanes, and fires (Disaster Services)
• Serving as the liaison between members of the active armed forces and their families during emergencies (Services to the Armed Forces and Veterans).
American Red Cross (ARC)
also engages in many nongovernmental services.
These include blood drives, safety services (including water safety, first aid, CPR, and HIV/AIDS instruction), nursing and health services, youth services, community volunteer services, and international services.
The Red Cross idea was not begun in the United States. It was begun in ______ by five Swiss men in Geneva, Switzerland, who were concerned with the treatment provided to the wounded during times of war.
The group, which was called the International Committee for the Relief to the Wounded, was led by __________(1828-1910 C.E.).
Henry Dunant
With the assistance of the Swiss government, the International Committee brought together delegates from ____ nations in 1864 to the Geneva Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded in Armies in the Field (now known as the first Geneva Convention) to sign the _________
Geneva Treaty
The efforts of Henry Dunant and the rest of the International
Committee led to the eventual
establishment of the______________. The _____, which is still headquartered in Geneva and governed by the Swiss, continues to work today during times of disaster and international conflict.
International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)
red crystalS to signify ____.
- Its purpose is the funding and promotion of scientific research and the development of andividual scientists.
- receives and disperses federal funds but operates independently of governmental supervision.
National Science Foundation (NSF)
- Chartered by Congress in 1863, ____ acts as an advisor to the government on the question of science and technology. Included in its membership are some of America’s most renowned scientists. Although neither of these agencies exists specifically to address health problems, both organizations fund projects, publish reports, and take public stands on health-related issues.
National Academy of Sciences (NAS)
Funded by private contributions, membership dues and grants
- Funded by private donations or membership dues.
There are thousands of these organizations that all have one thing in common: They arose because there was an (unmet needs
Not headed by government officials but by a person or owner of a company, particularly appointed head of group
For the most part, the agencies operate free from governmental interference as long as they meet nternal Revenue Service guidelines with regard to their specific tax status.
One of the earliest mentions of the term ‘NGO’ was in ___ when the UN was created. The UN introduced the term NGO distinguished between the participation of international private organizations and intergovernmental specialized agencies.
According to UN, all kinds of private organizations that are independent from government control can be recognized as
- Nonprofit organizations created by concerned citizens to deal with a health need not met by governmental health agencies
Arose because of unmet health needs
If the governmental agency has insufficient supply or services, these agencies tend to help the patient to fulfill their needs
Voluntary Health Agencies
- In 2009, the consolidation of Senate Bill 3285 and the House Bill 6509 was signed by Former ___________ and is now known as the RA No. _______ or the Philippine Red] Cross Act of ______
Philippine Red Cross
Pres. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo
are funded by membership dues.
Serve to protect and promote the standards of the profession
- An endowed institution that donates money for the good of humankind
- Made up of health professionals who have completed specialized education and training programs and have met the standards of registration, certification, and/or licensure for their respective fields.
Professional Health Organizations
- Their MISSION is to promote high standards of professional practice for their specific profession, thereby improving the health of society by improving the people in the profession.
Professional Health Organizations
Philippine Association of Medical Technologists (PAMET)
Philippine Association of Schools of Medical Technology and Public Health, Inc. (PASMETH)
Professional Health Organizations
-> Provide money for projects and research to benefit society, more directed toward improving health
Have money to give away; can support long term or innovative research projects
Have made and continue to make significant contributions to community and public health in the United States and throughout the world.
Philanthropic Foundations
foundations support community health by funding programs and research on the prevention, control, and treatment of many diseases. Foundation directors, sometimes in consultation with a review committee, determine the types of programs that will be funded.
Some foundations fund an array of health projects, whereas others have a much narrower scope of interests.
Philanthropic Foundations
- the largest transparently operated private foundation in the world.
Its aim is to enhance the health care globally, reduce extreme poverty, expand educational opportunities and access to information technology in America.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
The development of a vaccine for yellow fever by a scientist funded by the _________ is an example of one such long-range project.
Rockefeller Foundation
contributed to community health in rural communities, improved hospital facilities, & tried to strengthen mental health services;
Commonwealth Fund
- contributed greatly to family-planning and youth sexuality efforts / throughout the world;
Ford Foundation
- worked to improve the culture of health and policies dealing with health-related systems; access to medical and dental care
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
- supported the health care reform and community health promotion;
Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation
- funded many diverse health programs that address human issues and provide a practical solution;
W. K. Kellogg Foundation
, which has primarily funded projects dealing with the integration of people with disabilities into all aspects of life
Milbank Memorial Fund
donation for flood and calamity victims
ABS-CBN Sagip Kapamilya Foundation
-Members of these groups enjoy social interactions with people of similar interests in addition to fulfilling the groups’ primary MISSION for existence - service to others in their communities.
- ONE GOAL: Promote your own advocacy
Service, Social, and Religious Organizations
Although health may not be the specific focus of their mission, several of these groups make important contributions in that direction by raising money and funding health-related programs. Sometimes, their contributions are substantial.
Service, Social, and Religious Organizations
Service, Social, and Religious Organizations