Orbit and Eye Flashcards
Roof of Orbit
Orbital plate of Frontal bone
Lateral Wall of Orbit
zygomatic bone and greater wing of sphenoid
Floor of Orbit
Orbital plate of maxilla
Medial Wall of Orbit
Frontal process of maxilla, lacrimal bone, orbital plate of ethmoid, body of sphenoid
protects eye from injury and light
meet at medial and lateral angles
palpebral fissure- opening
mucous membrane covering eyelid and surface of eyeball
Tarsal Glands
secrete oils substance to prevent overflow of tears
Orbital Septum
Fibrous sheath that supports the eyelids
Lacrimal Gland
Large orbital and small palpebral parts
located above eyeball
12 ducts
Accompanies optic nerve
Ophthalmic Artery
Frontal Nerve
divides into supratrochlear and supraorbital nn
Lacrimal Nerve
runs along lateral rectus m
joins branch of zygomaticotemporal n
inn lacrimal gland
Superior Branch of Oculomotor Nerve
inn superior rectus and levator palpebrae superioris
Inferior Branch of Oculomotor N
inn inferior and medial rectus, inferior oblique
Ciliary Ganglion
parasympathetic fibers to sphincter pupillae and ciliary m
Nasociliary Nerve
divides into anterior ethmoidal and infratrochlear nn
Communicating Branch to Ciliary Ganglion
from Nasociliary N
contains sensory fibers
Long Ciliary Nerves
from Nasociliary N
sympathetic fibers for dilator pupillae m
Posterior Ethmoidal N
supplies ethmoidal and sphenoidal air sinuses
Infratrochlear N
inn medial part of upper eyelid and adjacent part of nose
Anterior Ethmoidal N
passes thru ant ethmoidal foramen and enters nasal cavity thru the ant cranial fossa
inn part of mucosa and nose
Central Artery of Retina
from Ophthalmic A
enters eyeball at optic disc
Muscular Branches of Ophthalmic A
supply extraocular mm
Ciliary A
from Ophthalmic A
splits into anterior and posterior groups
Anterior Group of Ciliary A
enters eyeball near corneoscleral junction
Posterior Group of Ciliary A
enters near optic nerve
Lacrimal A
supplies lacrimal gland
Supratrochlear and Supraorbital AA
supply skin of the forehead
Superior Ophthalmic Vein
communicates with facial v
drains into cavernous sinus
Inferior Ophthalmic Vein
communicates thru inferior orbital fissure with pterygoid venous plexus
drains into cavernous sinus
Fibers for Ciliary Ganglion
preganglionic parasympathetic
from oculomotor
postganglionic leave as short ciliary nn