Nasal Cavity and Paranasal Sinuses Flashcards
Framework of upper nose
nasal bones and frontal process of maxilla
Framework of lower nose
1 septal and 2 major alar cartilages
Connect cartilages to each other
Fibrous Tissue
Septal Cartilage
forms anterior part of nasal septum
2 lateral processes
Major Alar Cartilage
U shaped
form lateral and medial borders of nostrils
area immediately above nasal opening
lined with skin contains stiff hairs
Nasal Cavity Functions
Conditioning of air
Receive secretions of paranasal air sinuses and nasolacrimal duct
Superior Meatus
small orifices in lateral wall cause posterior ethmoidal air cells to open
Ethmoidal Bulla
lateral wall of Middle Meatus
elevated by middle ethmoidal air cells
Semilunar Hiatus
curved cleft anterior and inferior to ethmoidal bulla
in Middle meatus
Location of Ostium of Maxillary Sinus
lower part of semilunar hiatus
part of Middle Meatus
receives openings of anterior ethmoidal air cells and sometimes frontal sinus
Inferior Meatus
contains opening of nasolacrimal duct
Sphenoethmoidal Recess
Opening of Sphenoidal Sinus
Nasal Mucosa
bound to periosteum and perichondrium
in nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses, nasolcarimal duct
Olfactory Mucosa
lines roof and lateral wall
contains olfactory receptor cells
Respiratory Mucosa
lines floor and medial wall
contains respiratory epithelium
Anterior Ethmoidal Nerve
branch of nasociliary nerve (from ophthalmic n)
passes through ethmoidal foramen
splits into internal and external nasal branches
Internal Nasal Branch
from Anterior Ethmoidal N
supplies mucosa of ant part of septum and lateral wall
External Nasal Branch
from Anterior Ethmoidal N
supplies skin of lower part of nose
Nasal Branch of Infraorbital Nerve
inn skin of vestibule
Nasal Branch of Anterior Superior Alveolar Nerve
inn mucosa of ant part of inferior meatus
Posterolateral Nasal Branches
from pterygopalatine ganglion or greater palatine n
inn mucosa of post part of lateral wall
Nasopalatine Nerve
inn mucosa of posterior part of nasal septum
Olfactory Receptor Cells
bipolar neurons
in olfactory mucosa
Peripheral Processes (Dendrites)
reach mucosal surface and give rise to nonmotile cilia
Central Processes (Axons)
join to form olfactory nerves
pass through cribiform plate
end in olfactory bulb
Sphenopalatine Artery
terminal branch of maxillary artery
supplies posterior parts of lateral wall and septum
Anterior Ethmoidal Artery
branch of ophthalmic artery
supplies anterior parts of lateral wall and septum
Kiesselbach’s Area
Common place for nosebleeds
where sphenopalatine, greater palatine, anterior ethmoidal, superior labial aa fuse
Paranasal Sinuses
air spaces in frontal, maxilla, ethmoid, sphenoid bones
lined by mucous membrane
Paranasal Sinus Function
resonating chambers for voice
lighten skull bones
Maxillary Sinus
in body of maxilla
base toward nasal cavity (medial), apex toward zygomatic bone (lateral)
Nerve supply to Maxillary Sinus
Superior Alveolar Nerves (V2)
Blood Supply to Maxillary Sinus
Superior Alveolar Arteries (branch of maxillary/ infraorbital aa)
Frontal Sinuses
in frontal sinuses
open into middle nasal meatus
Nerve Supply to Frontal Sinus
supraorbital nerve (branch of frontal n, from V1)
Blood Supply to Frontal Sinus
Supraorbital Artery (branch of ophthalmic a)
Ethmoidal Air Cells
Anterior, Middle, Posterior
Anterior Ethmoidal Air Cells
open into infundibulum of middle nasal meatus
Middle Ethmoidal Air Cells
open to ethmoidal bulla of middle nasal meatus
Posterior Ethmoidal Air Cells
open into superior nasal meatus
Nerve Supply to Ethmoidal Air Cells
anterior and posterior ethmoidal nerves (branches of nasociliary n, V1)
Blood Supply to Ethmoidal Air Cells
Anterior and Posterior Ethmoidal AA (branches of ophthalmic a)
Sphenoidal Sinuses
in body of sphenoid
superior to pituitary and optic chiasm, lateral to cavernous sinus and internal carotid
open into sphenoethmoidal recess
Nerve Supply to Sphenoidal Sinuses
Posterior Ethmoidal N, Pharyngeal N
Blood Supply to Sphenoidal Sinuses
Posterior Ethmoidal A
Pharyngeal Branch of Maxillary A