Oral cavity 3 Flashcards
What is the motor innervation of the buccinator muscle?
Buccal branch of facial nerve
What is the sensory innervation of the buccinator muscle?
Buccal branch of mandibular nerve
What is the function of the buccinator?
Holds cheeks against the alveolar arches
and keeps food between the teeth when chewing
Neonates use it to suckle
What are the 2 parts of the palate?
Hard and soft
What does the hard palate form?
The floor of the nasal cavity
What structures form the palate?
Palatine processes of maxillae (front)
Horizontal plates of palatine bones (back)
What palate lies anteriorly and posteriorly?
Anteriorly = hard palate
Posteriorly = soft palate
what surface covers the hard palate?
does the hard palate have submucosa?
Difficult to inject
Palatal rugae
What is the role of palatal rugae?
Help with mastication and speech
Where does the soft palate attach to the hard palate?
attached to posterior border of hard palate
What covers the soft palate?
Covered on it upper and lower surfaces by mucous membrane
What is the aponeurosis?
Fibrous sheet
flat sheets of connective tissue in your body that are similar to tendons
What does the palatine aponeurosis attach to?
the posterior border of hard palate
What does the palatine aponeurosis give origin and insertion to?
The palatine muscles
Palatine aponeurosis
Muscles of palate?
What is the action of the tensor veil palatini?
Tenses soft palate
what is the role of the levator veli palatini?
Raise soft palate
What is the role of the muscular uvulae?
Elevates uvula
What is the palatine aponeurosis an extension of?
The expanded tendon of the tensor veli palatini
What does the palatine aponeurosis split to enclose?
The muscles uvulae
What is the action of the palatoglossus?
Pulls root of tongue upward, narrowing oropharyngeal isthmus
What is the action of the palatopharyngeus?
Elevates wall of pharynx