Neck Flashcards
Name triangles A-E
Name structures A-E
Name structures a-j
What is the vein of the posterior triangle?
Jugular vein
What are the 3 arteries associated with the posterior triangle?
Subclavian artery, Transverse cervical
artery arising from the thyrocervical trunk,
occipital artery
Name structures a-f
Name structures A-K
Name structures A-J
Name structures a-j
Right atrium
5th rib
Cervical pleura
What nerve innervates the trapezius and sternoaidastoid?
Spinal accessory nerve (xi)
What triangle does the trapezius lie in?
What triangle does the SCM lie in?
The posterior anterior boundary
Name arteries A-G
Name the branches of the subclavian artery
Name structures A-I
What are the 4 deep fascia?
Name muscles a-d
Names structures A-K
Name the 4 deep fascia
What nerve supples the platysma muscle?
supplied by cervical branch of the facial nerve (CN VII).
What innervates the sternohyoid muscle?
C 123 from ansa cervicalis.
What innerrvates the sternothyroid muscle?
C 2 AND 3 by a branch of the ansa cervicalis.
What is the innervation of the thyrohyoid muscle?
Innervation: C1 via hypoglossal nerve (CN XII).
What innervates the omohyoid muscle?
C1, C2, C3 by a branch of ansa cervicalis.
What innervates the scalenus anterior?
Innervation: from the anterior rami of C4,
C5, C6.
What innervates the scalenus medius?
Innervation: branches from the anterior rami (C3-C7) of the cervical nerves.
What innervates the scalenus posterior?
Innervation: branches from the anterior rami of the lower cervical nerves. (C6-8)
What does the thyroid gland lie deep to?
sternothyroid and sternohyoid muscles.
What is the superior thyroid artery a branch of?
External carotid artery
What is the inferior thyroid artery a branch of?
This is a branch of the thyrocervical trunk.
What does the inferior thyroid artery have an intimate relationship with?
recurrent laryngeal nerve.
Name the blood vessels highlighted
Name the nerves
What are the 3 thyroid veins and what do they drain?
Superior thyroid veins drain its superior
* Middle thyroid veins drain its lateral parts.
* Inferior thyroid veins drain its inferior poles.
What do the superior and inferior thyroid veins drain into?
Superior and middle thyroid veins empty into the internal jugular veins.
What do the inferior thyroid veins drain into?
Inferior thyroid veins drain into the brachiocephalic veins.
Name the veins
Name the veins
Name the arteries
Name the branches of the external carotid artery
What vertebrae does the vertebral vein go through?
What vertebrae does the vertebral artery go through?
What inner ages the digastric muscle?
inferior alveolar nerve (anterior belly) and facial nerve (posterior belly)
What innervates the mylohyoid?
By inferior alveolar nerve (CN C3)
What innerervates the geniohyoid muscle?
Hypoglossal nerve (CXII)
and branches of the cervical plexus C1-2
What innervates the stylohyoid muscle?
Innervated by facial nerve (CNVII)
What do the suprahyoid muscles form?
floor of mouth
elevation of hyoid
Name muscles
What connect the 2 carotid sheaths?
Alar fascia
What does the alar fascia run between?
The pre-vertebral and pre-tracheal fascia