Operating System Navigation and Command-Line Tools Flashcards
CompTIA A+ 220-1102 Exam Criteria
Purpose: Displays directory of files and directories stored on disk.
The cd (change directory) command allows you to move between directories. The cd command takes an argument, usually the name of the folder you want to move to
the md command, which creates a directory or subdirectory.
Use the rmdir command to remove the directory, specified by the Directory parameter, from the system. The directory must be empty (it can contain only . and ..) before you can remove it, and you must have write permission in its parent directory.
How can you navigate to a drive?
C: or D: - depending on the drive you want to go to
What Command do you use to check if there is any error on the disk?
chkdsk /r = Locates bad sector and recovers readable information (implies /F (fixes error on disk) when not specified)
how can I check files if there are problems with them?
System File Checker is a utility in Windows that checks for problems with files on your computer. (sfc)
What command line tool do I have to scan file for problems and replace the corrupted files?
The sfc /scannow command will scan all protected system files, and replace corrupted files with a cached copy that is located in a compressed folder at %WinDir%\System32\dllcache.
What is the difference between sfc and chkdsk ?
Both have almost the same function, which is to detect file errors. However, SFC has its specifications for the Windows series mentioned above. Not only that, but SFC will also automatically take action, unlike CHKDSK, which tends to only “report.
What command line tool do I use if I only want to verify system files without repairs being done?
sfc /verifyonly
How can I scan a particular system file only and repair it?
sfc /scanfile (filepath)
How can I check integrity of a system file without repairing it?
sfc /verifyfile (filepath)
What does the format command do?
The format command creates a new root directory and file system for the disk. It can also check for bad areas on the disk, and it can delete all data on the disk. To be able to use a new disk, you must first use this command to format the disk
How can I format the disk drive D using the format command line tool?
format Y: /q /fs:ntfs
enter current volume for drive Y: (enter drive volume)
What is the function of the diskpart on disk management command line interface?
The diskpart command interpreter helps you manage your computer’s drives (disks, partitions, volumes, or virtual hard disks). Before you can use diskpart commands, you must first list, and then select an object to give it focus. After an object has focus, any diskpart commands that you type will act on that object.