OO 03-05 Citizen Generated Electronic Reporting System Flashcards
The purpose of this order is to establish guidelines and procedures for use of the Citizen Generated Electronic Reporting System. This order supports the Sheriff’s Office Core Values of _________ and _________.
“Community Focused”
“Always Improving.”
___________ - an online police self-reporting system that is designed to eliminate the need of having police officers physically respond to document incidents where the identity of the suspect(s) is unknown and there is no evidence present which needs to be collected and processed, while still recording the incident and collecting reportable data for additional investigation, statistical analysis and state reporting requirements.
The Citizen Online Reporting System
_________ – a temporary tracking number that will be provided to the citizen via the Citizen Online Reporting System upon completion of the report.
Tracking Number
The tracking number is replaced by a ____ _____ once the report is reviewed and approved.
**case number **
_______ reports can be found in the web-based Coplogic Report Inbox system by entering the Temporary Case number into the “Report Number Field” or performing a search.
Rejected or deleted Citizen Online Reporting System reports will have a tracking number and the information submitted by the citizen will be retained in an ______________ document.
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF)
Rejected Online Reports – reports that do not meet the requirements for being reported online or have insufficient information will be ______.
The policy of the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office is to provide the citizens of Duval County a convenient way to file ______ reports of incidents which involve an unknown suspect and do not require the immediate presence of an officer.
The Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office will respond to _______ incidents and all crimes with evidence or information, which may lead to the identity of a suspect(s) and his apprehension, or if the incident just occurred and there is a likelihood the suspect may still be in the area.
The following crimes and reports may be referred to the Citizen Online Reporting System as long as the reporter is at least 18 years old, there is no evidence to collect, there are no known suspects, and the loss or damages do not exceed $5,000:
1. Criminal Mischief to public or private property, including graffiti but not including Hate Crimes (will be labeled as “Criminal Mischief/Vandalism” in the Citizen Online Reporting System);
2. Thefts, (excluding firearms);
3. Thefts from the exterior of a motor vehicle; or
4. Vehicle burglaries.
When referring citizens to the Online Reporting System, all JSO personnel, including Communications call takers, will determine if the call falls within the scope of the Online Reporting System. If so, personnel shall:
1. Determine if the citizen has internet access;
2. Inform the citizen of the option of filing the report online, which will allow the citizen to file the report immediately and print a copy of the report for free; and
3. Advise the citizen of the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office website (www.jaxsheriff.org) which will guide them through the filing process.
Police Officers, Community Service Officers, or Building Security Officers, who encounter citizens who wish to complete a report meeting the criteria outlined in Article III of this order shall follow policy outlined in Operational Order 2.01, Patrol Function, and Operational Order 11.01, Patrol Investigations, to initiate a report and shall also refer the citizen to the Citizen Online Reporting System for future incidents via an ______ _____.
informational card (P-1846)
Assigned personnel from Tele-Serv will review the Citizen Online Reporting System queue throughout their shift and approve submitted reports in accordance with Unit Procedure PAT 4.101. All reports must be reviewed within _______ hours.
If the citizen report is misclassified, such as vandalism instead of an auto burglary, the reviewer will classify the report according to the ______ of the offense described by the citizen.
The reviewer will refrain from making ________corrections to the citizen’s report that may change the factual basis of the report, unless they are minor in nature, such as “Jacksonville” spelled as “Jax.”
**grammatical **
Any changes by the reviewer are tracked in the Online Reporting System via an ____ trail.
If there is a question concerning the report’s content, in lieu of rejecting the Online Report, the reviewer shall attempt to contact the reporting citizen by _____ or _____ to make the necessary corrections to the Online Report.
telephone or email
The assigned reviewer shall request a patrol response by contacting the Communications Watch Supervisor when, in the reasonable judgment of the reviewer, circumstances indicate an on-scene investigation is warranted. In this circumstance, a rejection should be sent to the citizen and the reviewing officer will state in the ____ ____ that a patrol response will be made. The reviewer shall attempt telephone contact with the citizen to coordinate the appropriate patrol response.
rejection box
If the reviewer rejects a report, the reason for rejection will be ________ and ________ noted in the rejection box, which is sent via email to the citizen.
appropriately and professionally
If the reviewer approves a report, an automatic email will be sent to the citizen containing the report’s CCR number, a link to a free copy of the report, a link to the Victim/ Witness Services Guide, and a link allowing the citizen to provide ______ via e-mail regarding his Online Reporting experience.
Citizen Online Reporting System reports received by the ____ ____ will be routed to the designated units as other COPS-MORE reports in the same procedure outlined by Unit Procedure SERV 4.101.
Copy Center
Citizen Online Reporting System reports received by the Crime Prevention Unit regarding incidents of graffiti will be handled in accordance with Operational Order 18.07 (Gang Investigation Unit) within ____ days. A supplement report will be completed documenting the actions of the investigating officer.
All Citizen Online Reporting System reports that include ____/______ that is located at a pawnshop, secondhand dealer or a secondary metals recycler either by a victim or by an officer shall be recovered in accordance with Operational Order 8.01 XI. B. 2. (Evidence Protection).
stolen/pawned property
The M.C.I. Officer will check the stolen/pawned property report _____ for items which have been reported stolen via the citizen online reporting system.
If an item is identified in the report, the M.C.I. Officer will assign follow-up investigation to the appropriate Zone/Unit Commander or their designee as a category “__” MCI investigation. The information forwarded will include the case number of the online crime report and the information associated with the pawn, secondhand dealer or secondary metals recycler transaction form.
The Zone/Unit Commander or their designee will then assign a ____ _____ to conduct a follow-up investigation regarding the original theft and the subsequent pawn, secondhand dealer, secondary metals recycler transaction.
patrol officer
The assigned officer will conduct a follow-up investigation in accordance with 11.01 III. G. (Patrol Investigations). The assigned officer shall complete a supplement report documenting his investigative efforts to include, but not limited to any holds, warrants obtained and clearance status. All supplement reports involving online reports where stolen property has been pawned or sold will be routed to the ___officer.
Notifications of crime tips, traffic complaints, and abandoned/ junk vehicle reports will be sent via the Citizen Online Reporting System to the ___ ________ who will log into the queue and approve submitted reports in the Online Reporting System.
FTO Coordinator
The ___ ________ will assign, track and monitor all crime tips, traffic complaints, and abandoned/ junk vehicle reports and ensure they are investigated within thirty days in accordance with Unit Procedure PAT 4.101.
FTO Coordinator
All crime tips will be forwarded to the appropriate ____ _______ for assignment. The ____ ________ will ensure that all crime tips are assigned for investigation and that actions taken are documented on a supplemental report and returned to the FTO Coordinator within thirty days.
Zone Commander
All traffic complaints and abandoned/ junk vehicle reports will be forwarded to the appropriate ____ _____ Sergeant in the affected patrol zone. The assigned _____ ____ Sergeant will ensure that all traffic complaints are assigned for investigation and that actions taken are documented on a supplemental report and returned to the FTO Coordinator within thirty days.
Traffic Unit
Complaints of abandoned/junk vehicles on ______ _____ shall be referred to the City C.A.R.E. system (http://ecare.coj.net or 630-CITY [2489]).
private property
The Tele-Serv _______ or his designee who reviewed the online report will be responsible for reviewing the recommendations made by the citizen and determining the feasibility of implementing these changes. The reviewer will then forward recommendations to the Crime Prevention Lieutenant for approval.
After review, the Crime Prevention Lieutenant will forward recommendations through the Assistant Chief of ______ _____ ______ to the Information Technology Analyst in the Information Systems Management Unit who will coordinate with Coplogic representatives in order to consider implementation of the recommended changes.
Community Affairs Division
Once ________ changes have been made, the Tele-Serv supervisor or his designee will contact the citizen who made the recommendation and thank the citizen for his input.