OO 01-07 Line and Staff Inspections Flashcards
The purpose of this order is to establish guidelines for maintaining organizational control within the Sheriff’s Office through Line, Staff, and Accreditation inspections. This order supports the Sheriff’s Office Core Value of _________.
“Always Improving.”
The inspection process, at both the line and staff levels, provides the Sheriff, agency managers, employees, and the community with a means of regularly assessing the organization’s effectiveness and efficiency, compliance with accreditation standards, and provides information necessary to plan for _____. Therefore, it is essential that personnel conducting inspections conduct them systematically, fairly, and impartially.
The ________ process is an essential mechanism for evaluating the quality of the agency’s operation, ensuring that the agency’s goals are being pursued, additional resources are being identified, and control is maintained throughout the agency.
All spaces, vehicles, equipment, and personnel are subject to inspections on a regularly scheduled or unannounced basis by agency supervisors and/or Staff Inspectors designated by the _____ of the Professional Standards Division.
_____ Inspections are defined as those inspections requested or initiated by the Sheriff or a member of his staff.
These inspections will focus on the overall _____ and ______ of the Division, Section, or Unit being inspected.
operation and processes
All staff inspections shall be conducted by Staff Inspectors designated by the Inspections Unit under the guidance of the Commanding Officer of the Inspections Unit who is designated by the Chief of the _______ Division.
Professional Standards
Each component of the Sheriff’s Office will be inspected, at least once every _____ years; however, a component may be inspected without prior notification.
______ Inspections are defined as those inspections which are performed to focus on a particular problem, operation, or procedure. Random inspections can be initiated and conducted by either the Inspections Unit or any part of the chain-of-command of the section or unit to be inspected.
____ Inspections are defined as inspections conducted by line supervisors and/or mid-management supervisors assigned or responsible for the unit, individual, or equipment to be inspected.
Line inspections are concerned with personnel, the status and condition of _______, vehicles, and the physical facilities within a given organizational component.
However, should questions arise concerning the conduct of a line inspection, the Chief of Professional Standards or Inspections Unit ________ may be consulted for assistance.
The primary responsibility for line inspections rests with the supervisors and managers at every level. Line inspections provide a mechanism for achieving ________ and, as such, should be an ongoing activity.
Regular line inspections ensure that employees are acting in concert with agency requirements in areas such as:
a. Personal appearance;
b. Use and maintenance of equipment and vehicles;
c. Adherence to agency written directives.
Line inspections will be conducted by _________ on their immediate subordinates and their assigned equipment and work areas (e.g., Captains inspect Lieutenants, Lieutenants inspect Sergeants, and Sergeants inspect Officers).
The inspecting supervisor is responsible for ensuring correction and follow-up of any deficiency found during a line inspection. If the deficiency cannot be resolved by the immediate supervisor, a report will be forwarded through the chain-of-command to the appropriate level needed to correct the deficiency, and a copy forwarded to the _______ Unit.
In addition to periodic safety and inventory inspections required by City Ordinance or regulations, supervisors in all organizational components are responsible for inspections and corrective actions relative to spaces, facilities, property, equipment, activities, and personnel within the ____________ and other Sheriff’s Office facilities.
Police Memorial Building
Any problem or discrepancy which cannot be corrected will be reported and forwarded via email to the Inspections Unit and courtesy copied to the Chain of Command to be conveyed to the ______.
Inspections of vehicles and equipment (i.e., firearm, TASER, baton, and handcuff care and usability, proper amount and type of ammunition, duty belt condition, uniform condition, etc.) by first line supervisors will be conducted and documented, at least, _____.
Supervisors are also encouraged to conduct _________ inspections of their subordinates’ vehicles and equipment.
Supervisors will:
a. Be attentive to the condition of ______ and _______ of their subordinates; and
vehicles and equipment
Supervisors will:
b. Require immediate ______ when necessary.
The _______ Unit will ensure that unannounced random inspections are conducted of property storage areas as directed by the Sheriff to ensure property accountability and security.
The responsibility of the Inspections Unit is to ensure _______ review of the Sheriff’s Office facilities, property, equipment, personnel, and administrative and operational activities which fall outside the purview of normal supervisory and line inspections.
The Inspections Unit along with designated agency members assigned to assist with inspections shall, during the course of an inspection, have full authority to discharge their _________ in conducting staff inspections.
Complete access to the Sheriff’s Office physical facilities and equipment will be given to the ________ for the purpose of staff inspections. All objections concerning the authority to inspect or analyze records and files will be referred to the Supervisor of the Inspections Unit and the Chief of Professional Standards.
Staff Inspector
Personnel shall cooperate with and assist the Staff Inspector, recognizing that staff inspections are conducted under the immediate authority of the ______.
Authorized members of the Inspections Unit are authorized to direct questions, written or oral, to ___ member of the division, section, or unit being inspected, which may impact on its operation.
Staff Inspections Officers, regardless of rank, shall be subordinate only to the Sheriff, Undersheriff, and any Inspections Unit Supervisor present when conducting a staff inspection.
The Staff Inspector shall have no direct command authority over Sheriff’s Office entities, but shall be considered _____ to the ranking member of the organizational component being inspected.
The Inspections Unit Supervisor will ensure that a staff inspection of each component of the Sheriff’s Office shall be conducted, at least, every ______ months.
thirty six (36)
The _______ Unit, working in concert with the Staff Inspections Unit, will ensure that periodic reports, reviews, and other activities mandated by applicable accreditation standards are accomplished.
In addition to inspections being scheduled to comply with ____________, the Sheriff, Undersheriff, or appointed Sheriff’s staff members may request the Inspections Unit to conduct a staff inspection of any operational process utilized by any unit or section under their commands.
accreditation standards
With the exception of inspections initiated by the ______ or _______, all requests for staff inspections shall be submitted in writing to the Chief of Professional Standards for approval and assignment.
Sheriff or Undersheriff
Inspection requests from the Sheriff or Undersheriff may be verbal or written and directed to the ____ of the Professional Standards or supervisor of the Inspections Unit.
The Chief of __________ may initiate a staff inspection into any unit, section, procedure that comes to his attention.
Professional Standards
The Sheriff’s Office ______ will conduct an annual inventory of property entered into the Property Room to ensure accountability. This inventory shall not be all-inclusive. The amount of property inventoried shall be sufficient to ensure the integrity of the system.
The auditor will also conduct random ______ audits of agency cash activities.
During the pre-inspection, a _______ of the staff inspection shall be provided to the Commanding Officer of the unit/component to be inspected.
written notice
The inspection team will conduct a pre-inspection conference with the __________, if requested, prior to the inspection to offer information as to the objectives and scope of the inspection, afford the _________ an opportunity to give input towards specific areas needing addressed, and to answer any questions.
Unit Commander
The staff inspector(s) focus is on the overall operation and processes of the unit/component to be inspected, including the areas of:
a. Facilities
b. Office equipment
c. Policy, Procedures, and Applicable Accreditation Standards
d. Files and Records
e. Supervision and Leadership
f. Personnel.
It is the responsibility of the Commanding Officer of the inspected unit/component to designate a _____ person to assist the inspection team, if necessary, and to convey information regarding the scheduled inspection to unit members.
The primary role of the liaison will be to assist in gaining access to facilities, files, reports, equipment, and to _________.
answer questions
During the inspection process, information gathered by the inspection team for a staff inspection will be accomplished by utilizing the following methods:
- A _______ will be used as a guide in order to assure that the full scope of the inspection is adequately covered by listing specific points to be examined;
During the inspection process, information gathered by the inspection team for a staff inspection will be accomplished by utilizing the following methods:
- __________ - Individuals selected during the interview phase will be interviewed and will be asked to respond to a survey questionnaire
Interview/Personnel Questionnaire
During the inspection process, information gathered by the inspection team for a staff inspection will be accomplished by utilizing the following methods:
- A ___________ of inspected areas such as facilities, personnel and equipment, etc. will be conducted;
personal observation
During the inspection process, information gathered by the inspection team for a staff inspection will be accomplished by utilizing the following methods:
- _____ - Work products, files, records, personnel files, statistical reports, and applicable directives will be reviewed
During the inspection process, information gathered by the inspection team for a staff inspection will be accomplished by utilizing the following methods:
- ________ may be taken of inspected areas.
The exact length of the inspection will vary depending on the size and complexity of tasks of the unit/component. Every effort will be made not to interfere with the _________ of the unit/component being inspected.
normal operations
Immediate corrections concerning discrepancies found during an inspection shall be limited to extreme circumstances such as the following:
- Discrepancies which would adversely and/or seriously jeopardize the _______ of the Office of the Sheriff;
Immediate corrections concerning discrepancies found during an inspection shall be limited to extreme circumstances such as the following:
- Discrepancies which may seriously impair or damage the _______; and
police mission
Immediate corrections concerning discrepancies found during an inspection shall be limited to extreme circumstances such as the following:
- Discrepancies which could create a health, welfare, or safety hazard for ______ or ______.
citizens or members
Upon completion of the inspection, the inspections team will complete a written report as part of the post inspection activity. This report will:
- Be ______, but may contain comments from personnel or questionnaires as to their thoughts on deficiencies or specific problems;
Upon completion of the inspection, the inspections team will complete a written report as part of the post inspection activity. This report will:
- Include any ______ aspects of the unit/component;
Upon completion of the inspection, the inspections team will complete a written report as part of the post inspection activity. This report will:
- Reflect whether or not the unit/component inspected was in compliance with existing directives and will be specific with respect to facilities, office equipment, policy, procedures, and applicable standards, files and records, supervision and leadership, and personnel found not to conform, including any _______ which were immediately corrected;
Upon completion of the inspection, the inspections team will complete a written report as part of the post inspection activity. This report will:
- Provide applicable recommendations for revisions or corrective actions in organizational structure, policies, procedural performance, facilities, and equipment to improve ___________ or operational effectiveness; and
management control
Upon completion of the inspection, the inspections team will complete a written report as part of the post inspection activity. This report will:
- Be submitted to the _____ of Professional Standards, the Commanding Officer, Chief, and Director of the inspected unit.
All notes, data, and miscellaneous material generated by the inspection team will be maintained until the _______ value is lost and then disposed of in accordance with Florida public records law.
At the completion of the inspection, the Commanding Officer of the inspected unit/component may request an ____ conference with the assigned Staff Inspector and/or Inspections Unit Supervisor to provide an informal review of the inspection findings.
Upon the conclusion of any staff or random inspection, the Commanding Officer of the inspected unit/component shall:
- Review the ____
Upon the conclusion of any staff or random inspection, the Commanding Officer of the inspected unit/component shall:
- Check for __________
Upon the conclusion of any staff or random inspection, the Commanding Officer of the inspected unit/component shall:
- Respond to the findings within thirty ___ calendar days after receipt with a detailed plan for addressing the findings contained in the inspection report.
Upon the conclusion of any staff or random inspection, the Commanding Officer of the inspected unit/component shall:
- Ensure implementation of approved recommendations within his control and the prevention of future problems using ____________ methodologies; and
Continuous Improvement
Upon the conclusion of any staff or random inspection, the Commanding Officer of the inspected unit/component shall:
- Within ___ days of receipt of the inspection report, list all completed items in response to the inspection findings and note any uncompleted responses to findings by sending an e-mail detailing this information to the Inspections Unit and the Chief of Professional Standards.
The response will be reviewed by the _________ of the inspected unit/component through their chain of command. The response will then be submitted to the Inspections Unit, and attached to the Inspection report as an appendix.
Department Director
The final inspection report will be maintained by the Inspections Unit and placed on the Inspections _______ for viewing by agency personnel.
The Inspections Unit will maintain a file of all completed inspections. This file will include all original reports, documentation, and required responses. Files will be maintained for a _____ year period. Prior to being destroyed, files will be reviewed by the supervisor of the Inspections Unit to ensure that the destruction of the files is in accordance with State law.
four (4)
Minor discrepancies found during inspections (unless repeated) will be handled verbally by the ___________
immediate supervisor.
Supervisors will ensure that noted _________ are remedied in a timely manner.
Any inspection that reveals serious deficiencies in personnel, equipment, or facilities will be documented in a written report, by the supervisor, to the next higher level of command. This report shall include a ________ and target date for completion of corrective action, if within the capabilities of the supervisor.
plan of action
Any _______ receiving such a written report will take the necessary steps to ensure that suitable corrective action is taken. If suitable corrective action cannot be taken at this level, the report will continue through the chain-of-command until an appropriate level is reached. Each level in the chain-of-command will document its actions and attach same to the report.