OO 01-03 Crime Analysis Function Flashcards
The primary sources of data used by those persons conducting Crime Analysis are computer downloads such as calls for service (CFS), inmate tracking, criminal histories, and officer initiated calls, and the following
- General Offense/Incident,
- Adult and Juvenile Arrests,
- Field Investigative Report (FIR),
- Traffic Crash,
- Supplemental
- Traffic and Parking Citations.
Information is collected and analyzed including, but are not limited to, the following crimes:
- Murder,
- Sex Crimes,
- Robbery,
- Burglary
- Vehicle Theft.
Traffic crash data is downloaded by CAU periodically from the ______ and additional information added.
Analysis of high frequency crash ________ is conducted and distributed to patrol and other traffic enforcement officers.
___related accidents and arrest statistics are also maintained.
_______ _______ _____ (GIS) maps are provided by CAU. GIS links data from tracked crimes to mapped locations.
Geographic Information System
Special projects and tasks are handled as _______.
Data is compiled and analyzed to provide users the most complete information possible. Scheduled, written distribution of crime analysis information to the Department of Patrol and Enforcement chain of
command and/or any requesting supervisor includes: 1.
- Issuing bulletins;
a. Information,
b. Specific Crime and Modus Operandi,
c. Increasing Crime Incidence,
d. Time/Date,
e. Suspect/Suspect Vehicle,
f. Known Offender, and
g. Potential Victim.
Data is compiled and analyzed to provide users the most complete information possible. Scheduled, written distribution of crime analysis information to the Department of Patrol and Enforcement chain of
command and/or any requesting supervisor includes: 2.
- Compiling summaries;
a. Weekly,
b. Monthly,
c. Quarterly,
d. Monthly graphs,
e. Mapping, and
f. CFS; by date, location, signal, or zone.
Additional methods for the distribution of data and analyses include:
- Conducting or attending meetings to inform the Sheriff and/or his designees about;
a. Crime patterns, and
b. Crime trends.
- Roll Call Training;
- Daily attendance at Investigation Division morning meetings;
- Special requests for specific investigations or presentations; and
- Suggestions offered for Directed Patrol Deployments.
CAU analyzes data by various factors including type of crime, ______, date, time, watch, day of week, seasonal trends, suspects, victims, modus operandi, and vehicles, etc.
Geographic factors can be analyzed by zones, sectors, subsectors, ____ ____ _____ (TAZ), streets, and addresses.
traffic analysis zone
______ factors can be analyzed by year, season, quarters, months, weeks, days, watches, hours, or other breakout as requested.
Data is examined to determine possible ______ and/or victims.
Suspect descriptors are combined with various crimes, FIR’s, CFS, and other data to obtain the best, complete suspect information.
______ data from incident reports, FIR’s, CFS, and Traffic Crash Reports and download is maintained and analyzed.
Modus operandi factors such as suspect’s actions, pretexts, threats, victim’s and suspect’s locations, points/means of entry and exit, tools used, and other elements are analyzed as ______ information.
_______ Division personnel conduct the analyses of physical evidence for intelligence and information sharing purposes.
The supervisor of CAU attends _____ Department of Patrol and Enforcement staff meetings to disseminate information and obtain feedback.
______ attend daily Investigations Division meetings with personnel from the Burglary, Robbery, and Special Assault Units to share information and receive feedback.
Academy, In-service, and Division training classes are conducted _______ by the CAU supervisor to teach, inform, and receive feedback about crime analysis.
_______ law enforcement agencies are contacted by CAU regarding crime patterns, trends, and/or suspect or victim profiles which may be of interest or concern to them.