OO 01-05 Assigned Vehicle Program Flashcards
______ ______ is a vehicle assigned to an employee whereby the employee is allowed to use the vehicle while off-duty subject to the terms of the “Assigned Vehicle Program” agreement.
Assigned Vehicle
______ is any automobile, motorcycle, truck, 4-wheel drive, etc., of the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office (JSO).
____ ____ is a marked or unmarked vehicle that is made available to Sheriff’s Office personnel for official business.
Pool Car
Promote the security of the citizens of the City of Jacksonville by greater ______ and _____ of police vehicles on the street and highways;
It is the policy of JSO to maximize the utilization of its vehicles toward the achievement of police goals to include the following:
- Promote the security of the citizens of the City of Jacksonville by greater visibility and presence of police vehicles on the street and highways;
- Increase police/community relations through mutual understanding of Sheriff’s Office objectives by increased personal contacts and services performed by the employees;
- Deter crime by limiting the opportunity of criminals to commit an act by the visible presence of more officers;
- Provide quicker response time to emergency and felony-in-progress calls by utilizing off-duty units thereby increasing the opportunity to save lives, recover property, and apprehend criminals;
- Reduce maintenance costs on vehicles in the fleet through fixed responsibility for each vehicle;
- Reduce the yearly mileage on each vehicle, therefore increasing vehicle life;
- Provide quicker response of off-duty personnel when called back to duty because of an emergency;
- Provide increased incentive and morale of officers participating in the program; and
- Maintain vehicles in top condition through preventive maintenance and personalized assignment.
T / F - Only authorized personnel are permitted to operate Sheriff’s Office vehicles.
T / F - While operating Sheriff’s Office vehicles, employees shall have a valid Florida Driver’s License on their person.
Vehicles shall be assigned by the ____ __ _____ ______ through the Sheriff’s Office Vehicle Coordinator’s Office; and
Director of Police Services
Assignment of vehicles to individuals under the _____ ____ _____ is a privilege and not an automatic employee right.
“Assigned Vehicle Program”
Once approved, issuance of vehicles will be handled through the Sheriff’s Office Vehicle Coordinator’s Office at the ____ ____ ____;
City Motor Pool
Prior to the release of a newly assigned vehicle, an employee shall report to the ____ _____ _____ at the Fleet Management Facility to return his currently assigned vehicle and its fuel cards, and to sign out fuel cards for the newly assigned vehicle;
Fuel Services Section
Each employee who is authorized to drive a Sheriff’s Office vehicle and regularly uses a vehicle will have an ______ _______ issued from the Fuel Services Division of the Fleet Management Facility; and
Operator’s Card
The employee will report to the ______ _______ at the Fleet Management Facility and complete a Contract for the Assigned Vehicle Program Form (P-0143E). The Contract for the Assigned Vehicle Program Form (P-0143E) must be completed and left with the ______ ______, or the vehicle will not be issued.
Vehicle Coordinator
The installation of personal property (radios, gun racks, etc.) in a JSO vehicle requires prior approval through the officer’s _____ ___ ______.
chain of command
The Sheriff’s Office Vehicle Modification Request Form (P-1693) will be completed _____ to any installation of personal property; and
Once final approval is given by the Director of Police Services, the Vehicle Modification Request Form (P-1693) will be forwarded to the ______ _______ _______.
Vehicle Coordinator’s Office.
- When a vehicle is to be returned either for reissue within the Sheriff’s Office or for surrender to the Motor Pool, the vehicle will:
a. Be thoroughly cleaned, both ______ and ______;
- When a vehicle is to be returned either for reissue within the Sheriff’s Office or for surrender to the Motor Pool, the vehicle will:
b. Have all spaces where personal equipment was installed by the assigned employee restored to the ______ condition (i.e. spaces left by the removal of music radios, etc.);
- When a vehicle is to be returned either for reissue within the Sheriff’s Office or for surrender to the Motor Pool, the vehicle will:
(1) When personal equipment is removed, ______-type cover plates will be installed, and all speaker holes covered with factory-like panels or grills.
- When a vehicle is to be returned either for reissue within the Sheriff’s Office or for surrender to the Motor Pool, the vehicle will:
(2) Officers can remove personally installed equipment as long as the ____ to return the vehicle to the original configuration is borne by the employee and does not adversely affect the vehicle value.
- When a vehicle is to be returned either for reissue within the Sheriff’s Office or for surrender to the Motor Pool, the vehicle will:
c. Be inspected by the _____ _____ ______ to verify the condition of the vehicle and ensure that the conditions of this order are met. Assigned vehicles will not be accepted for reissue or surrender until the conditions of this order are met; and
Vehicle Coordinator’s Office
- When a vehicle is to be returned either for reissue within the Sheriff’s Office or for surrender to the Motor Pool, the vehicle will:
d. If any discrepancies are found by the Vehicle Coordinator, it shall be brought to the attention of the appropriate _____ _____ or higher authority for resolution.
Division Chief
All vehicle assignments/reassignments are to be made through the Vehicle Coordinator’s Office. The vehicles to be replaced are determined according to ___, mileage, maintenance record, and current mechanical condition
Vehicles that are to be removed from service shall also be handled through the Vehicle Coordinator’s Office in coordination with the appropriate _____ _____.
Division Chief
Unless an exception has been approved by a Division Chief or higher authority, employees on temporary limited duty in excess of ___ calendar days or who know they will be on temporary limited duty in excess of __ calendar days shall have their vehicles removed from personal assignment and turned into the Vehicle Coordinator’s Office until they can return to full duty status.
Any deviation from the policy in this order must have approval of the Director of _____ _____ or higher authority.
Police Services
It is the policy of JSO that ______ police vehicles shall be equipped with a radio transceiver,
the Sheriff’s Office name on the driver’s and front passenger’s ____.
the emergency telephone number and ______ lettering on each side
emergency lights, siren/public address system, and ______ and/or alley lights.
Officers assigned a marked vehicle will display his name at all times while the vehicle is in use. The name will be displayed on the _____ left quarter panel. Upon requests, officers will be provided a blank ______ ______ to cover their name when vehicle is not in official operation.
magnetic strip
Employees operating Sheriff’s Office vehicles shall carry approved firearms and be appropriately _____ to effectively perform police functions while, at the same time, presenting a favorable public image
In addition to the marked police vehicle equipment listed in Article IV, A, in this order, Patrol officers are required to carry the following equipment in marked police vehicles, including pool cars:
- Issued body armor;
- Issued first aid kit;
- Fully charged fire extinguisher;
- Gas mask and filter;
- Good spare tire and tools to change tire;
- Jumper cables;
- Resuscitation device;
- Riot helmet;
- Personal Protective Equipment (PPE):
a. Spit masks;
b. Gloves; and
c. Alcohol gel. - Any approved long gun for which the officer has qualified (shotgun and/or rifle);
- Issued Laptop with approved current applications:
a. Access to online telephone directory (internet);
b. Electronic Written Directives; and
c. Access to Criminal and Traffic Laws of Florida (internet). - Two blankets in a suitable container;
- A supply of issued reflectors;
- Traffic crash investigation supplies (clipboard, template, crash reports, and crash supplementary reports);
- Seatbelt cutter;
- A whistle;
- A supply of blank reports;
- Citation books;
- Issued traffic safety vest;
- Flashlight with orange traffic cone; and
- Any other Sheriff’s Office equipment, which may be required in order to perform assigned duties.
Marked pool cars will be equipped with these items at all times as well as a vehicle ___ card.
In addition to the items listed in Article IV, A, B, in this order, Patrol Sergeants are required to carry:
- Official barricade signs and tape;
- Arrest Warrant forms;
- Request for Reimbursement forms;
- Injury in the Line-of-Duty forms;
- Employee Complaint Forms (P-0235 and P-0235A); and
- Issued digital camera with memory cards.
It is not necessary for Patrol Supervisors to carry a supply of blank report forms or citation books to supply their ______.
Patrol Division ______ are required to carry, at a minimum, official barricade signs and tape, and Employee Complaint Forms
Those individuals assigned to the Patrol Divisions, but who do not report to work in a police uniform, will carry the equipment that is necessary for the safe and effective completion of their duties. The type of clothing worn will be appropriate for the task and approved by the ____ _____.
Zone Commander.
Detectives are required to carry the following equipment in unmarked police vehicles, including pool cars:
- Issued body armor;
- Issued first aid kit;
- Fully charged fire extinguisher;
- Gas mask and filter;
- Good spare tire and tools to change tire;
6 Resuscitation device; - Riot helmet;
- Any approved long gun for which the officer has qualified (shotgun and/or rifle);
- Issued Laptop with approved current applications:
a. Access to online telephone directory (internet);
b. Electronic Written Directives; and
c. Access to Criminal and Traffic Laws of Florida (internet).
- Issued traffic safety vest;
- Whistle;
- Flashlight with orange cone;
- All forms and reports pertinent to follow-up investigations; and
- Any other equipment, which may be required to complete the tasks of the individual unit which the detective is assigned.
Civilian employees are required to carry the following equipment in unmarked police vehicles, including pool cars:
- Issued first aid kit;
- Fully charged fire extinguisher;
- Good spare tire and tools to change tire; and
- Any other equipment, which may be required in order to complete the tasks of the individual unit which the employee is assigned
Each assigned vehicle operator will have an ____ (e for emergency) issued to him to maintain in his vehicle.
The eBox will be ___ in color and easily recognizable when placed in the trunks of assigned vehicles.
The eBox will be placed in the ____ of the vehicle, easily accessible and unobstructed with either the lid on or off.
Any deviation from this will require the authorization of a _____ ______ or higher for circumstances that do not allow for the use of the eBox (covert vehicles, pick-up trucks, motorcycles, etc.) Certain issued items are mandated to be stored in the eBox and some items are only recommended.
Division Chief
Mandatory items to be stored in the eBox:
a. First Aid Kit (not the Individual First Aid Kit, IFAK);
b. Crime Scene Tape;
c. Jumper Cables;
d. Rescue blankets (2);
e. Fire extinguisher;
f. Rubber gloves (1 box); and
g. Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) if applicable.
Optional items that may be stored in the eBox that are not mandatory:
a. Resuscitation device;
b. Additional ammunition;
c. Individual First Aid Kit (IFAK);
d. Seatbelt cutter;
e. Flashlight with orange cone;
f. Traffic Safety vest; and
g. Alcohol gel.
Sheriff’s Office vehicles shall, at all times, display the issued authorized ____ ____ unless otherwise authorized by the Sheriff or designee. Issued City tags, which are assigned to vehicles that display confidential tags, shall be retained concealed within the vehicle.
license tag
A current list of unmarked vehicles displaying any tag other than a City tag shall be maintained by the Vehicle Coordinator’s Office who shall furnish the Communications ____ ______ with a copy of the current list.
Watch Supervisor
Only Sheriff’s Office issued bumper stickers will be allowed on marked Sheriff’s Office vehicles. No bumper stickers/decals shall be permitted on ______ Sheriff’s Office vehicles.
All JSO personnel operating or occupying a Sheriff’s Office vehicle (other than a motorcycle) shall wear a safety belt/shoulder harness. The operator shall ensure that each ____ _____ passenger wears a safety belt/shoulder harness while in a Sheriff’s Office vehicle.
front seat
All passengers must be restrained by a safety belt or child restraint device. Sheriff’s Office personnel operating _______ shall wear helmets and use approved eye protection devices.
Children under __ years of age and small adults (under five feet in height) may be at risk in the front seat of airbag-equipped vehicles, according to safety experts. It is strongly recommended that officers who drive department vehicles not transport children in the front seat of their assigned vehicles if those vehicles are equipped with front and passenger side airbags.
All modifications which involve a cost to the Sheriff’s Office must be placed on a Vehicle Modification Request Form (P-1693) and forwarded through the chain of command to the Director of ____ ____ for approval.
Police Services
Sheriff’s Office vehicles shall not be modified nor altered without the approval of the Director of _____ _____. Installed equipment, particularly the laptop computer, radio, siren, and emergency lights, shall not be tampered with.
Police Services
The purchase and installation of employee requested supplemental equipment (such as strobes, other additional lighting, radios, window tint, or other non-essential equipment) will be made at the ______ expense.
The installation of this equipment must be approved on a Vehicle Modification Request Form (P-1693), and installation must be done by a Department approved vendor. Once installed, all equipment becomes the property of the ___ __ _______.
City of Jacksonville.
If the operator wishes to retain the equipment upon transfer of the vehicle, he will incur the cost of removing the equipment and returning the vehicle to its ______ condition. Otherwise, the equipment will remain with the vehicle until the vehicle is removed from service.
(Post or Prior) to initial issuance of a city issued vehicle, each JSO vehicle receives a package of equipment that appropriately equips it for assignment within the JSO fleet.
The only acceptable window tint for JSO marked units is Ultraviolet (UV) Clear on all front driver and passenger side windows, and no less than ___ on the back driver, passenger and rear windows.
Employees operating motor vehicles in routine situations shall conform to all laws regulating traffic. Employees shall set an example of good driving. Due to being unreasonably distractive, members will not operate a JSO vehicle while ______ on a cell phone. While patrolling or stopping to handle a situation, special care must be exercised to prevent the unnecessary obstruction of traffic.
Officers will sound sirens, display emergency lights, hazardous warning lights, or utilize the Public Announcement (PA) System on Sheriff’s Office vehicles only when responding to emergencies or when it is necessary in the proper performance of police duty (e.g., pursuits, responding to _______ or crimes in progress calls, stopping traffic violators, assisting motorists, parking on or near roadway, etc.) and as directed in Operational Order 03.04, Call Priority.
Employees shall not leave Sheriff’s Office vehicles unattended with the keys in the ignition unless the vehicle’s doors are _____ (extra vehicle keys carried by drivers will be used to unlock the doors) and a police function is being performed.
Additionally, employees shall not leave the vehicle’s motor idling for extended periods of time (unless emergency equipment is in use or a suspect, interviewee, or canine is in the vehicle, etc.) as it is damaging to them and wastes ____.
Air-conditioned vehicles are especially vulnerable to damage as a result of excessive periods of very slow driving or extended idling. It is the responsibility of each employee to ensure that the following methods for reducing fuel consumption are strictly adhered to:
- Maintaining the proper air pressure in all the vehicle’s tires;
- The strict observation of the speed limit with the exceptions as noted in Sheriff’s Office directives;
- The reduction of unnecessary idling of vehicles; and
- The avoidance of over-acceleration on starting.
Sheriff’s Office vehicles not equipped with a ___ _____ will, generally, not be used to push inoperable vehicles clear of the roadway.
push bumper
If a situation exists where there is imminent and immediate danger to motorists, officers shall use their discretion to resolve the matter. Anytime an inoperable vehicle is pushed clear of a roadway by a Sheriff’s Office vehicle not equipped with a push bumper, the officer must complete a ____ _____ Vehicle Accident/Incident Report regardless of whether or not there is any observable damage to the Sheriff’s Office vehicle.
Blue Team
Vehicles shall not be utilized for carrying heavy or excessive loads unless specifically designed or equipped for that purpose; they shall not have objects protruding from the _____ or ______ unless it is necessary in the performance of the police function.
Employees who regularly drive a city vehicle, whether personally assigned or not, will have an _____ ____ and a vehicle card issued by the Fleet Management Division for that vehicle. These cards shall only be used by the employee to whom they are issued and for the vehicle, which they are issued. If a card is lost or stolen, it will be reported to the ____ ________ ______ immediately.
operator card
Fleet Management Division
POOL VEHICLES ARE NOT TO BE USED AS TAKE HOME VEHICLES. An ____ _____ _____ or higher authority must approve any exception.
Assistant Division Chief
All employees who live more than __ total driving miles (one way) outside Duval County and have an assigned take home vehicle shall park the vehicle at a secure location within Duval County as determined by the Sheriff and coordinated by the Director of Police Services prior to leaving the city limits.
Employees must complete the Affidavit of Assigned Vehicle Location Form (P-1785) through the chain of command to their ____ _____ who will forward it to the Director of Police Services.
Division Chief
If employees wish to change the location where they park their vehicles to another location on the _____ ____, they will inform their Division Chief via a Intradepartmental Correspondence Form (P-0004) or email through the chain of command each time, but may not change their parking location until approved.
pre-approved list
Their Division Chief shall forward the request to the Director of ____ ______ for approval.
Police Services
All employees who reside outside of Duval County, but within __ miles of the county line and have an assigned take home vehicle shall document the physical, permanent address the vehicle is being parked via the Affidavit of Assigned Vehicle within 10 Miles Form (P-1785A).
Vehicles shall be used outside of Duval County only on official business and when authorized by a _______. When outside Duval County, assigned take home vehicles may only be driven to and from the employee’s home; however, assigned take home vehicles may be operated within Duval County in accordance with this order.
_______ _______ pertaining to employees on-duty shall also apply to employees off-duty.
Written Directives
Weapons shall not be left in the ______ of JSO vehicles when the employee is off-duty. Weapons shall be stored in the vehicle’s trunk or safely stored per General Order LXXIII (73), Weapons Policy.
Use of Sheriff’s Office vehicles for off-duty employment shall be limited to driving to and from the place of employment unless otherwise approved by the ______ ______ of Special Events or designee.
Assistant Chief
Off-duty officers in marked units shall monitor the talk group of the ____ in which they are traveling at all times and restrict all radio communications to Sheriff’s Office business only (Detectives and specially assigned personnel in unmarked units shall monitor the ________ talk group). Civilian employees in issued Sheriff’s Office vehicles are not required to monitor the radio.
Officers using Sheriff’s Office vehicles off-duty are not required to check in and out of service, but they shall advise the _______ when near an emergency call for police service and assist on-duty officers, if needed.
When responding to calls involving a _____ while off-duty, officers may be required to handle the call to its completion to best preserve and/or handle evidence and maintain continuity.
Off-duty officers are responsible for handling or referring to an on-duty sector car all incidents coming to their attention and if the incident is referred, for the rendering of any assistance necessary until _____ units arrive.
Off-duty Patrol Division Officers, except those with permanently assigned call numbers, shall use their _____ ____ ______ when calling headquarters (HQ). To facilitate clear understanding of employee ID numbers by dispatchers, field units shall pronounce each digit of their 4 or 5 digit ID number independently (e.g. “HQ, 7-1-4-9” or “HQ, 6-0-6-0-7.”)
employee identification (ID) number
Employees having permanently assigned radio call numbers shall use those numbers when handling calls or incidents while ___ ____ (e.g. “HQ, 8504” or “HQ, SO4.”)
Employees participating in the program shall be subject to calls, both on-view and assigned; in the event an incident is handled by an off-duty unit, the officer shall be paid consistent with the appropriate employee ______.
Employees shall examine an assigned vehicle for dents, broken glass, or other readily visible damage prior to the vehicle’s use and shall report any previously unreported damage to the appropriate _____ ______.
Commanding Officer
Employees with assigned vehicles shall be fully responsible for the general maintenance and proper care of the vehicle. The vehicle is to remain clean at all times. Vehicle maintenance and cleaning, whenever possible, shall be done during an officer’s __ ____ hours.
Employees shall gas vehicles, check lubricants and fluid levels, and have any maintenance, regular vehicle service (“A” or “C”), non-emergency repairs, annual vehicle inspections, and emission tests completed during ___ ____ hours whenever possible.
“A” service will be done every _____ miles or 4.5 months from the previous service (whichever comes first) for marked units, and every 6,000 miles or six months from the date of the previous service (whichever comes first) for unmarked units.
“C” service will be done every _____ miles or nine months from the previous service (whichever comes first) for marked units, and every _____ miles or 12 months from the date of the previous service (whichever comes first) for unmarked units.
For the purpose of preventative maintenance, vehicles that are unmarked but are identified as ____ _____ (DUI, Traffic, etc.) will fall under the marked unit maintenance schedule.
pursuit vehicles
Officers on certain permanent shift assignments will not be able to complete some vehicle maintenance, repairs, or service while on-duty. In these cases, Officers shall obtain the advance approval of their immediate supervisor, check out on a signal “____” in the zone where the vehicle work will be completed, check back when the work is completed, and prepare and submit off-duty compensation through the Employee Information System (EIS).
All on-duty vehicle cleaning, repairs, or maintenance will be coordinated with an officer’s supervisor so as not to interfere with the delivery of _____ ______.
police service
If “C” service or other repairs require an extended vehicle layup, employees will make other transportation arrangements. Tire repairs and new tires can be obtained at authorized contract vendors and the Fleet Maintenance tire shop; however, when the authorized tire shops are closed, emergency flat tire repairs can be made to keep the vehicle operable provided no ____ ____ is available.
spare tire
Employees shall clean their vehicles during __ ___ hours at the designated car wash facilities available for drive through cleaning.
All items of value (e.g., weapons, portable radios, computer gas cards, personal property) shall be removed from the vehicle when a vehicle is left at the ______ _____ ______ or any other repair facility.
Fleet Maintenance Facility
Employees shall, at all times, drive vehicles with reasonable prudence to maintain the vehicles at the highest degree of ______ ______.
operating efficiency.
Damage of any type to vehicles caused by _______ of employees shall be cause for disciplinary action.
Damage of any type to vehicles for which the employee is not at fault shall be handled by the _______ _______ ______ at no expense to the officer.
Fleet Maintenance Facility
Willful negligence in the care or operation of vehicles or failure to follow rules and regulations shall be cause for taking away vehicle assignment ______.
If it becomes necessary for an assigned vehicle to be out-of-service for extended repairs, an employee shall use a _____ _____ (if available) for his tour of duty. Employees using pool vehicles shall be responsible for taking them to the Fleet Maintenance Facility for emergency repairs and notifying the Vehicle Coordinator’s Office of any other needed repairs.
pool vehicle
The unit to which the vehicle is assigned is responsible for all service, repairs, and vehicle inspections, for pool cars. Employees using pool vehicles for a tour of duty shall be responsible for the following:
- Taking vehicles to the Fleet Management Facility for emergency repairs;
- Notifying the unit of other needed repairs; and
- Ensuring the proper maintenance of vehicles prior to the use of the vehicle and at the end of each tour of duty. This shall include checking lubricant and fluid levels, and fueling the vehicle.
An employee shall not use fuel, oil, lubricants, or other liquid additives in the vehicle other than those issued at authorized ___ _____.
fuel depots
Supervisors shall inspect vehicles of officers under their command at least once a ______ and may conduct unannounced inspections.
These inspections shall be documented on a Vehicle Inspection Form (P-0102) and forwarded to the _______ in charge of the Watch/Section for review.
Once the review is complete, the Vehicle Inspection Form (P-0102) will be returned to the supervisor for use the following ______.
The Vehicle Inspection Form (P-0102) will be used for __ months unless the operator changes, which will require a new Vehicle Inspection Form (P-0102). The inspection will include, but not be limited to a check ensuring:
Special Purpose Vehicles shall be inspected at least _____ using the Vehicle Inspection Form (P-0102) or other vehicle/craft specific checklist to document necessary vehicle/craft status, function, and any other checks needed according to manufacturer’s or statutory guidelines.
_____ ______ such as fire extinguisher with current label, first aid kit with current supplies, seat belts, tires, brakes, etc. is functional and in good repair; All other assigned equipment is present and in good repair;
Safety equipment
Employees shall report to the ____ ____ as soon as possible to replenish any supplies, which have been found to be diminished or dysfunctional.
Supply Unit
The vehicle’s cleanliness (_____ and exterior);
Maintenance has been performed at the proper ______ or day/month intervals and emissions and inspection checks are current;
Proper working order of __ vehicle emergency equipment (i.e. emergency lights, siren, radio, Premier Mobile Digital Computer [MDC]); and
The officer’s name is properly ______.
All ______ employees issued an assigned vehicle will complete a Vehicle Mileage Report Form (P-1195E) each month.
The form will be completed and submitted electronically. The link to the electronic Vehicle Mileage Report Form (P-1195E) is available via the ______ __ _______ Division intranet site.
Budget & Management
Employees must certify the mileage reported is true and correct and must submit the form for approval no later than the ___ of the following month;
The submitted form must be reviewed/approved by a Chief or higher no later than the ___; and
Instructions for completing and submitting the form are available on the ______ __ _______ Division webpage.
Budget & Management
Employees will need to make emergency repairs, on-duty and off-duty, which, if not made, would cause damage to the vehicle or restrict its use. These repairs:
Will not exceed ____ and include such items as belts, hoses, and lights; and
Employees will need to make emergency repairs, on-duty and off-duty, which, if not made, would cause damage to the vehicle or restrict its use. These repairs:
Will not include brake jobs, engine tune-ups, or ______.
Off-duty officers will obtain the approval of an on-duty supervisor before performing any off-duty emergency repairs on an assigned vehicle. If approval is granted for off-duty emergency repairs, officers will check out on a signal “___” in the zone where the vehicle repairs will be completed, check back when the repairs are completed, and prepare and submit off-duty compensation through the EIS.
On-duty officers will obtain the approval of their ______ supervisors before performing any on-duty emergency repairs on an assigned vehicle.
To receive reimbursement for authorized repairs, employees, on-duty or off-duty, shall complete a Request for Reimbursement Form (P-1527). Repairs should be paid for in ____ and not with personal checks. Employees will have receipts marked paid by the vendor for all services and/or parts.
The completed Request for Reimbursement Form (P-1527) together with the _____ ______ of the paid bill shall be forwarded for approval to the JSO Fleet Administrator at Fleet Maintenance. Supervisors shall carry copies of Request for Reimbursement Form (P-1527) at all times. This form is not considered completed until signed by the vendor, driver, and approving supervisor.
original receipt
The Budget & Management Division will write a check on the Operating Expense Imprest Fund and reimburse employees for the cost of the ____ emergency repair. State taxes paid on the repairs will not be reimbursed; therefore, employees should supply the vendor with the Sheriff’s Office tax exemption number, located on the Request for Reimbursement Form (P-1527).
Emergency repairs which cost $_____ or less made to a city vehicle on an official trip outside of Duval County will be handled in accordance with the above instructions except:
Emergency repairs which cost $50.00 or less made to a city vehicle on an official trip outside of Duval County will be handled in accordance with the above instructions except:
- Permission of the employee’s supervisor is not required;
- The cost of the minor repairs may be charged on the City Fleet Management Division credit card; and
- The employee’s supervisor will be informed of the emergency repairs as soon as possible after returning to Jacksonville.
Repairs, which cost more than $50.00, will not be made without prior authorization from a ______ or higher authority.