OO 01-06 Reserve / Auxiliary Flashcards
____ ____ is a person appointed by the Sheriff as a sworn Reserve Officer who has met the training requirements prescribed by the Florida Criminal Justice Standards and Training Commission (CJSTC) for individuals who aid or assist a fulltime or part time law enforcement officer and who, while under the direct supervision of a Control Officer, has authority to arrest and perform law enforcement functions and, who has maintained the qualifications of firearms and certification training as required by the State of Florida and the policies of the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office (JSO).
Reserve Officer
_____ _____ is a CJSTC certified Police Officer who is exercising supervisory control over a Reserve Officer. The Control Officer must be a full time member of the JSO, or other agency if approved by a Chief of Patrol or higher authority.
Control Officer
_____ _____ is a civilian affiliated with the law enforcement agency in a part time, non-sworn capacity, with or without compensation, because of his interest in contributing to the agency’s role in a support capacity (e.g., Community Posse, civilian volunteers, and law enforcement explorer scouts). Auxiliary citizens will not be assigned to duties requiring law enforcement officer status. Auxiliary citizens’ uniforms will clearly distinguish them from certified full time officers.
Auxiliary Citizen
______ ______ is a paid (full time or part time), non-sworn employee assigned to perform tasks that need not be performed by a qualified sworn law enforcement officer and that may be more efficiently performed by a civilian employee (e.g., school crossing guards [see Operational Order 15.14 School Crossing Guards]). Civilian employee uniforms will clearly distinguish them from certified full time officers.
Civilian Employee
______ ______ ______ is a component of the Community Affairs Division. This auxiliary organization assists in the education of the general public in crime prevention techniques and strategies. The focus of their efforts include: home and business security, crime prevention demonstrations to various community groups, and related advisory roles in the area of crime prevention and reduction.
Jacksonville Community Posse
The Sheriff is authorized by Florida State Statutes (F.S.S.), Chapter 30.09(4), and Jacksonville Municipal Ordinances, Chapter 37, “to appoint such special Police Officers as he may deem necessary to enforce law and preserve ____ in the City.”
The Police Reserve Unit is under the direction of the __________ Division.
Patrol and Enforcement
The Police Reserve Unit augments the strength of the Sheriff’s Office by providing members to assist certified full time police officers. The chain-of-command is as follows for the Police Reserve Unit:
- Director of Patrol and Enforcement Division
- Chief of Patrol West Division
- Field Training Officer Lieutenant
- Field Training Officer Sergeant
- Reserve Coordinator
- Reserve Captain
- Reserve Lieutenant
- Reserve Sergeant
- Reserve Officer
When a Reserve Officer is called to duty, he will fall under the chain of command of the ________.
Control Officer
The Police Reserve Unit is composed of ___ companies of equal strength and each company is divided into equal squads.
Reserve Officer selection criteria will meet that of a full time Police Officer with the exception of ________ requirements and writing skills test.
A Reserve Officer will be commissioned only after completion of a training program which meets or exceeds the minimum standards and Sheriff’s Office requirements for Reserve Officers.
Reserve Officers will receive ______ and practical training in those duties identified in the Sheriff’s Office written directives.
Reserve Officers will successfully complete a ____ month field-training program prior to volunteering for any additional assignments.
During the field training program, the Reserve Officer must successfully complete the following each month:
____ Patrol ride-a-longs with a full time Field Training Officer;
During the field training program, the Reserve Officer must successfully complete the following each month:
___ Special Event work-a-long, working with a full time Field Training Officer
During the field training program, the Reserve Officer must successfully complete the following each month:
___ written test, administered by the Reserve Field Training Sergeant.
Reserve Officers participating in the field training program must successfully complete a total of __ patrol ride-a-longs, four special event work-a-longs and four written tests prior to volunteering for any additional work.
A daily observation report (DOR) will be completed by the full time Field Training Officer for all work-a-long/ride-a-long activities and submitted to the __________.
Field Training Office
Reserve Officers receive in-service training equivalent to that of ______ Police Officers performing like functions. Attendance at the training is required. The hours and schedules are varied to accommodate Reserve Officers’ schedules.
full time
The Sheriff or his designee must call upon the Reserve Unit or its individual members for each specified occasion requiring needed assistance. Members of the Reserve Unit possess no inferred or inherent law enforcement authority until official ______ is made.
At the time a Reserve Unit or member is called to duty, the authority of that Reserve Unit or member is established. That authority is limited to the conditions of the situation and is not effective until the member reports for duty and is under the supervision of a ________.
Control Officer
Direct supervision is met when the Reserve Officer is directly accountable to a Control Officer that is:
a. Aware that the Reserve Officer is acting under his control
b. Able to supervise the Reserve Officer by continuous sight, sound, radio or other telecommunications equipment; and
c. Dependant on the exigencies of the given circumstance below and is present in the general vicinity of the scene, which shall be defined:
Dispatch/Patrol- when assigned to ride with a sworn officer, the Reserve Officer will remain within the ______ area of any call assignment or on-view activity.
Public Events – the Control Officer must be _____ in the area within or adjacent to the facility or location holding the event.
In situations involving crowd control, direct supervision, control, and company does not require immediate physical proximity of the Control Officer, and may be accomplished through the use of _____ or other telecommunications.
________ - Shall consist of two Reserve Officers. The Romeo Units will operate only in the zone to which their Control Officer is assigned. Reserve Officers will NOT handle calls for service as a primary unit or be subject to handle any report writing calls. The Romeo Unit will be utilized for prisoner transport and/or as back-up units.
Romeo Units
In order to operate as Romeo Units, the designated Reserve Officers must have received additional training in:
Prisoner Transport;
Handcuffing Techniques;
Driving; Recognizing Excited Delirium and Medical Distress;
Radio Procedures.
The Zone Watch Commander will assign a _______ as the Control Officer of Romeo Units.
Reserve Officers working as a Romeo Unit will check in with the Zone’s _________ and be assigned a Control Officer.
Watch Commander
Reserve Officers working as a Romeo Unit will coordinate their arrival time with the ______. The Romeo Unit will not be the first officer to arrive at the scene nor engage the complainant without the primary unit being present.
primary unit
_______ (includes crime scenes, stakeouts, searches, or similar incidents) – the Control Officer must be present in the assigned zone to which the Reserve Officer has been assigned.
________ (includes Aviation, Marine, Bike etc.) – the level of a Control Officer’s presence may be established for the particular activity by a supervisor prior to or at the time of the event/incident.
Special Details
________ (deemed by the Sheriff) – the Control Officer’s proximity may be established by the Sheriff or his designee, and limited to the conditions of the situation.
Members who have completed reserve certification training at the ________ and who have qualified in firearms use may be considered for the second person in a two-person patrol car. The Control Officer shall make the determination as to whether or not the presence of the reserve member fulfills the requirement for a two-person car.
Training Center
Members of the Reserve Unit authorized to carry and use ______ will, at all times, comply with any and all written directives of the Sheriff’s Office relating to the use and display of _______;
CJSTC certified Reserve Officers are authorized to carry approved firearms, on or off duty, provided they have completed the prescribed firearm training as directed by the Training Center. They must also be current in all ________ standards established by the Training Center and Sheriff’s Office written directives;
CJSTC certified Reserve Officers are authorized to carry approved firearms while not engaged in an actual Sheriff’s Office operation and when off duty provided that:
A firearm carried must be concealed in such a manner as to be not noticeable to any other person. Reserve Officers carrying such firearms while not in uniform shall comply with the Sheriff’s Office written directive relating to carrying of a firearm by certified, full time police officers not in _____.
CJSTC certified Reserve Officers are authorized to carry approved firearms while not engaged in an actual Sheriff’s Office operation and when off duty provided that:
Reserve Officers are not authorized to carry such firearms while frequenting or visiting a commercial establishment where ___________ are sold, served, or available for consumption on the premises;
alcoholic beverages
CJSTC certified Reserve Officers are authorized to carry approved firearms while not engaged in an actual Sheriff’s Office operation and when off duty provided that:
Any display or use of a firearm by a Reserve Officer while not engaged in an actual Sheriff’s Office operation and when off duty shall be in the capacity of a ________ and shall be at risk of the individual Reserve Officer; and
private citizen
CJSTC certified Reserve Officers are authorized to carry approved firearms while not engaged in an actual Sheriff’s Office operation and when off duty provided that:
Authorization for the Reserve Officer to carry a concealed firearm, while on duty, will be applicable while under the supervision of a full time sworn ________.
Control Officer.
Members of the _______ organizations are not authorized to carry a firearm under any condition; and
The _____ may, at any time, revoke the authority of any individual Reserve Officer to carry, display, or use a firearm.
A Reserve Officer certified by the CJSTC shall, when in the company and under the direct supervision of a full time sworn Control Officer, have the same authority to make ______ and otherwise enforce the law and preserve the peace as does the full time sworn Officer;
Any arrest affected by a certified Reserve Officer not in the company or under the direct supervision of a full time sworn Officer is made as a ________;
private citizen
Any arrest affected by a certified Reserve Officer in the company of or under the direct supervision of a full time sworn Control Officer (certified police officer) shall be made under the authority of F.S.S. 901.18 which provides that “a peace officer making a lawful arrest may command the aid of persons he deems necessary to make the arrest. A person commanded to aid a police officer shall have the same authority to arrest as the peace officer and shall not be ________ for any reasonable conduct in rendering assistance to that officer”;
civilly liable
A Reserve Officer shall conform to all _________ of the Sheriff’s Office relating to arrest
written directives
Any Reserve Officer affecting an arrest as a private citizen shall:
If on duty at the time of such arrest, immediately transfer ______ of the arrestee to a certified, full time Police Officer; and
Any Reserve Officer affecting an arrest as a private citizen shall:
If not on duty at the time of such arrest, the Reserve Officer should, as soon as possible, transfer ______ of the arrestee to a certified, full time Police Officer.
Sworn Police Officers (other jurisdictions) or ___________ shall not be members of the Reserve Unit without specific authorization of the Sheriff.
correctional officers
The Reserve Unit shall not conduct fund raising campaigns or projects without the written approval of the Sheriff. Requests for such approval shall be submitted through the _______________ Division.
Patrol and Enforcement
All Reserve Officers are subject to the _______ control of the Patrol and Enforcement Division.
The Reserve Unit roster will be updated _____ to include the name, address, phone number, date of entry, date of birth, and reserve company assignment of each officer. These rosters will be forwarded to the Communications Center upon completion.
Reserve Officers serving as a second person in a patrol car or while participating in any Sheriff’s Office operation shall wear the same uniform and be equipped the same as a certified full time Police Officer, with the following exceptions:
The badge and _____ will be different;
Reserve Officers serving as a second person in a patrol car or while participating in any Sheriff’s Office operation shall wear the same uniform and be equipped the same as a certified full time Police Officer, with the following exceptions:
An ________ will distinguish them as Reserve Officers
Reserve Officers serving as a second person in a patrol car or while participating in any Sheriff’s Office operation shall wear the same uniform and be equipped the same as a certified full time Police Officer, with the following exceptions:
Reserve Officers will display no ____ while serving with a certified Police Officer.
A Reserve Officer using his privately owned vehicle or boat on an official Sheriff’s Office operation shall transport only members of the Sheriff’s Office or such people as are authorized by the __________ in charge.
Control Officer
All constitutions, bylaws, regulations, or other written instructions issued by the Reserve Unit must be approved in writing by the ______.
Reserve Officers who have completed driver’s training may drive Sheriff’s Office vehicles only with the concurrence of and under the direct supervision of a _______, and only while possessing a valid Florida driver’s license.
Control Officer
Reserve Officers that desire to participate in the _________ program will have additional driver training.
Romeo Unit
Reserve Officers may work in _______ only with permission from the commanding officer of the requesting unit, via the Reserve Coordinator’s Office.
civilian clothes
Attendance at monthly meetings is mandatory for all Reserve Officers. More than ___ unexcused absence in a calendar year will require the Reserve Officer to submit an Intradepartmental Correspondence (P-0004) documenting the reason for the absences.
Reserve Officers must complete a ______ log for any and all reserve functions participated in. All logs for a given month must be turned in to their respective Reserve Sergeant, by the _______ day of the following month.
fifth (5th)
Reserve Officers must obtain __ working hours a quarter. Reserve Officers will be credited with ALL work performed on behalf of the Sheriff’s Office.
Examples of Reserve Officer credited time is as follows:
- Attend monthly meetings;
- Patrol ride-a-longs (at least one per quarter);
- Aviation Observer ride-a-longs;
- On-View Activity;
- Special Events (Signal 15) (at least three per quarter);
- Call-Outs;
- In-Service Training; and
- Firearm re-qualification.
Failure to obtain __ working hours each quarter without a valid excuse will lead to a written warning for the first quarter this occurs. If a Reserve Officer fails to achieve __ working hours in a second quarter of any calendar year, the Reserve Officer will be terminated from the reserve program.
A performance evaluation of each Reserve Officer will be conducted and documented at least _____ (see General Order XLII (42) Employee Performance Mastery System).
All Reserve Officer performance evaluations will be conducted by the _________ or Reserve Lieutenant when the ___________ is not available.
Reserve Sergeant
Class “__” uniforms for Reserve Officers are required for all meetings and other authorized functions unless otherwise specified.
Additionally, the following equipment should be carried or readily accessible by Reserve Officers:
traffic vest
rain gear
body armor,
Reserve Officers may NOT, at any time, whether on or off duty:
- Sign _______________.
Uniform Traffic Citations
Reserve Officers may NOT, at any time, whether on or off duty:
- Initiate or participate in any ________ while operating a Sheriff’s Office vehicle in a solo or Romeo Unit capacity;
vehicle pursuit
Reserve Officers may NOT, at any time, whether on or off duty:
- Individually make application (or swear under oath) for an _________.
arrest warrant
Reserve Officers may NOT, at any time, whether on or off duty:
- Serve, individually, any arrest or _________.
search warrant.
Reserve Officers’ uniforms will clearly distinguish them from certified full time officers by displaying the ___________ on the right uniform sleeve.
“Reserve” rocker patch
The services of the Reserve Unit are available __-hours a day and may be requested in emergencies through the Communications Center by the Communications Watch Supervisor.
Non-emergency situations requiring the use of the Reserve Unit can be scheduled through the Sheriff’s Office Reserve Coordinator during __________.
regular business hours
Reserve Officers are assigned to assist full time personnel both in the day-to-day delivery of law enforcement services and for emergencies. The two primary functions of the Reserve Unit are patrol ride-a-longs and _______.
special events.
Reserve Officers shall be _____ in the same manner as certified full time officers.
While on duty, Reserve Officers shall be afforded the ___________ of law defined in Chapter 768.28 of the F.S.S.
public liability protection