On Passage / Nav Equipment Quiz Flashcards
How often should you fix your position?
- so that the ship is kept free from dangers between fixes, depending on distance to navigational hazards and safe speed
Passage planning is done …
berth to berth and to determine safest most economical route
Where would you find the list of publications required on a British flagged vessel?
NP100 and Masters Guide to the UK
Advantage on ECDIS on passage planning
Route checking
What is alarm able safety depth or safety contour?
Safety Contour
The CATZOG value highlights the accuracy of date presented on charts. A1 has how many start
MGN ….. The use of risk assessment for using ECDIS in RCDS mode
MGN 285
Safety contour ?
- marks a boundary between safe water and shallow water with an extra wide isoline
CATZOG C, What accuracy?
+/- 500m
What to look out for when pilot on board being an OOW
- OOW remains masters representative despite presence of pilot
- OOW must ensure pilot instructions are followed provided that they do not endanger the ship or crew
- OOW maintains effective lookout throughout pilotage
- OOW must continue performance of Bridge equimpent
What to hand to the pilot
Pilot card and check wheelhouse poster
The doppler log can measure what?
Difference ECDIS and ENC ?
ECDIS is type approved and therefor complies with IMO performance standards
Echosounders should be checked against hand lead line. When
annually, on completion of resit, when any part of the equipment is changed, when there is doubt for accuracy
How accurate is GPS?
+- 25m
You must be able to switch to hand steering within
How would you check the Echosounder
against lead line in port
Do you need to keep a record of a compass error ?
Convert 045 True to compass; variation 4E and deviation 1E
040 compass
Azimuth morrow goes on …
gyro compass repeater
If the Gyro died, what equipment would be affected
Sat C
Pelorus gives what type of readings
relative bearings to the compass
Magnetic compass should be adjusted when
- they become unreliable
- when the compass shows physical damage
- they are first installed
- the ship undergoes a refit
- a Period of 2 years
- collision or major changes in lattitude
Most important equipment on board
Magnetic compass
How would you find the Declination of the sun ?
Nautical Almanac
How to check a compass
amplitude of sun
azimuth of heavenly body
How often should you check the compass
once per watch
How would you check a compass with land in sight
- with a transit of two well charted objects line up
- take the bearing
- check bearing of the same objects on chart with gives you true bearing
- compare the two and since variation is on chart
- you can work out deviation and compare to the one on deviation card
When do you take the bearing at sunrise?
when the sun is seen to be a semi diameter above the horizon
How do you check your compass at sunrise
- Take a bearing of the sun at sunrise
- Note our latitude
- Find the declination of the sun for that day in nautical almanac
- enter in worries and use correct table to work out true bearing of sun
compare the two and you can see gyro or compass error
What do you need for a stabilized Radar
Heading in Gyro input
Errors of Radar ?
Side Lobes
Shallow and blind sectors
Multiple Echoes
Indirect Echoes
Radar interference
When checking a radar what should you check first
Performance monitor
Checks hours of magnetron
familiar yourself with the controls
alignment with heading marker
check EBL and VRM
check blind and shadow sectors card in bridge
How would you set your radar for best results to detect the SART ?
use X band
Detune Radar to reduce clutter
gain to normal setting
Set radar range to 6 or 12 nm
Sea clutter to min
Rain clutter to match conditions
What can Navigational marks fit to make them more visible on radar
racon and radar reflector
You are departing, how would you set up your radar ?
Check EBL against heading marker
Check VRM against radar range rings
Check performance monitor
What are the carriage requirements for AIS
All ships of 300gt and upwards engaged on International voyages
cargo ships of 500gt not engaged on international voyages and all passenger ships
AIS send 3 types of messages
You are entering an area with no vector charts, what must you do before using ECDIS in RCDS mode
a risk assessment
ECDIS SOLAS requirements
- connection to emergency source of electrical power, gyro compass, speed log and GPS receiver
- back up arrangements complied with the requirements
- copy of type approval certificate and performance standards applied
- be maintained as to latest IHO standards
- wenn navigating charts are supplied as backup, charts should be up to date
Uk digital chart service
How to update ECDIS
just use most recent cd as they are cumulative
ECDIS is mandatory for vessels
passenger ships over 500gt
cargo ships over 3000gt
When ECDIS cannot display a chart symbol it will replay a . . . .
a question mark Symbol
How often to check Autopilot
every watch
When should you be in hand steering ?
when Restricted visibility
in areas of high traffic
when ship maneuvering is critical
Max rudder angle
35 degrees
Emergency steering drill
every 3 months
You wish the Helmsman to check the swing of the vessels head in a turn. what helm orders to give
Meet her
How quickly should the rudder move from port to stdb
When can you be a sole Lookout ?
proximity of dangers
state of weather
master is happy
daytime only
traffic density
You are at sea, where would you get the best sources of MET
Own Ship
Sat C
Weather fax
Describe the warm Sector
- stratus clouds
- moderate showers or drizzle
- visibility moderate to poor
- pressure stops falling
- Temperature steady but warm
- wind begins to veer
Which ALRS Volume for Weather
By comparing the Wet and Dry Bulb, you can work out the….
air temperature and approximate humidity
When using Hygrometer how to predict likely onset of fog:
- Measure the Wet and Dry bulb temperatures
- use this info to find depression
- go into NP100 into Dewpoint table
- Plot graph with temperature against time
- plot graph with sea temperature comparing dew point, when the two lines meet, fog is present
- at 5 degrees before fog is starting
White box around the hygrometer is called ?
Stevensen Screen
If wet and dry bulb temperatures are the same, what does this indicate
100 humidity, Rain
how would you tell which side of the TRS you are on?
buoy ballots law
wind direction
advection Fog
when a warm moist air flows over a relative cold sea surface which cools it below its dew point
How we compensate for bad weather regarding crew safety
Modify watch schedule
restrict access to outer decks
warn galley to prepare
rest crew
check life rafts
rig lifelines
ensure crew wear safety harness
when vessel is inclined by external force such as wind waves
How to compensate for bad weather regarding vessels safety ?
reduce free surface effect to minimum
increase stability GM
extra lashings
check all emergency comms
scuppers and free imports clear
stability of vessel is determined by 2 things What are they
Position of G and M
underwater profile
How to compensate for bad weather WT integrity
Hawse pipe covers on
sea valves closed
vent pipes covered
stormshutters/ deadlights in place
hull openings closed
Navtex what frequency does it work on
You see a container in the water what should you do?
Security Message
Where to find Navtex Stations
ALRS Volume 3 and 5
You see a red flag in the sky what should you do ?
Should process to distress and reply ashore by RT
Where can you find the MMSI of another yacht
ITU List 5 - List of Ship stations and Maritime Mobile Service Identity Assignments
Area A3 what coverage
Inmarsat geostationary satellite
Which Vessels need to comply with GMDSS regulations
commercial vessels over 300gt
You receive a DSC distress alert on MF in the middle of the Atlantic, What are your actions?
refer to IAMSAR volume 3
- listen on appropriate channel ch 16 / 2182 for 5min
- write down information
- then if no answer acknowledge by voice only and relay ashore
VHF range
depends on height of antenna but up to 30nm
You are a vessel over 500gt what must you have on board
3 survival craft radios
Inmarsat C
SAR 32
Medical Advice
What does TMAS stand for
Maritime tele-medical assistance Services
Geographical Range
the maximum distance at which a light can reach an observer as determined by the height of eye of the observer, the height of the structure and the curvature of the earth.
Luminous range
maximum distance at which a light can be seen, determined only by the intensity of the light and the visibility at the time. It takes no account of elevation, observer’s height of eye, or curvature of the earth.
Nominal range
Luminous range for a meteorological visibility of 10 miles. Details of these ranges, and diagrams for use with them, are given in each volume of Admiralty List of Lights.