Buoyage & Colregs Flashcards
North - South America
South Korea
everything else in the world
When you don’t know the flag. Where could you look it up?
- International Code of Signals
- ALRS Volume 1 and 5
Vessel aground would sound and what appropriate whistle signal in Restricted vis ?
- 3 distinct strokes on bell , rapid ringing for 5s, 3 distinct strokes on bell
- Uniform: 2 short, 1 prolonged blast
- Lima: 1 short, 1 prolonged, 2 short
Pilot vessel engaged in pilotage duties sound what fog signals?
1 prolonged blast (for making way) and additionally may sound 4 short blasts
List some distress signals
Annex IV - Distress signals
- gun or explosive signal fired at intervals of about 1 minute
- continuous ringing of fog signal
- SOS . . . _ _ _ . . .
- Signal MAYDAY
- Int. Code signal of Distress NC
- flames as burning barrel etc.
- rocket parachute flare or hand held red flare
- orange smoke
- slowly waving outstretched hands
- DSC Altert
Where would you find COLREGS and why do we need to comply?
Found in NP100 (mariners Handbook) and MSN 1781
Admiralty list of radio signals
What are the volumes
- Maritime Radio Stations
- Radio Aids to Navigation, Differential GPS (DGPS), Legal Time, Radio Time Signals and Electronic Position Fixing System
- Maritime Safety Information Services
- Meteorological Observation Stations
- Pilot Services, Vessel Traffic Services and Port Operations
Cardinal marks definition
indicate where safe water lies
Isolated Danger mark definition
are above isolated dangers of limited extend which have navigable water all around them
Safe Water mark definition
indicate that there is navigable water all around the mark
- landfall buoy
- mid channel mark
- safestpassage under a bridge
special mark definition
indicate a special area or feature marking:
C - cables / pipelines
R - recreation area
O - ODAS buoy
F - fire practice areas
S - spoil grounds
Emergency wreck marking buoy
- used for new wrecks until adequately surveyed and marked
- nominal range 4nm, no retro reflective tape
- min 4, max 8 vertical blue / yellow stripes
- additional AIS, Racon D
What would you do if while steaming North you found a north cardinal in front of you?
Stop, call master, chart assessment, fix position, know that safe water lies astern
Your steaming 270 and you see a North cardinal what do you do Port or Starboard?
Alter to S/B to pass north of the north cardinal
Flag meaning for : NC, RY and YG
NC: I am in distress and require immediate assistance
RY: proceed at slow speed when passing
YG: Youare not complying with the TSS
Sections of COLREGS
- Vessels in all conditions of Visibility 4-10
- Vessels in sight of another 11-18
- Vessel in restricted vis 19
Define “vessel engaged in fishing”
a vessel fishing with nets, lines trawling which restricts maneuverability
Define “vessel not under command”
NUC means that through some exceptional circumstance, it is unable to maneuvre as required by the rules and therefore unable to keep out of the way of another vessel
Define “vessel restricted in her ability to manoeuvre”
RAM is from the nature of her work restricted in her ability to maneuver as required by the rules and therefore unable to keep out of the way
Define “vessels restricted in their ability to manoeuvre” shall include but not be limited to:
- laying or servicing navigational mark, submarine cables, pipeline
- vessel engaged in dredging, underwater operations
mine clearance - vessel engaged in transferring people
- vessel engaged in launching or recovering aircraft
- towing which restricts maneuverability
Define “vessel constrained by her draught”
power driven vessel which because of her draft in relation to the available depth and width of navigable water, is unable to deviate from the course she is on
Define “restricted visibility”
means any condition in which vis is restricted by fog, mist, snow, heavy rain, sandstorm and any other similar causes
Define “underway”
means vessel is not at anchor, or made fast by shore or aground
Define Look-out
every vessel shall at all times maintain a proper lookout by sight hearing as well as by all available means appropriate in the prevailing circumstances and conditions as to make a full appraisal of the situation and of RoC
Define Safe speed
Every vessel shall at all times process at a safe speed so that she can take proper and effective action to avoid collision and be stopped in within a distance appropriate to the prevailing circumstances and conditions. In determining Safe speed:
V Visibility
D Traffic density
M Maneuverability of the vessel
L any lights or background scatter
W weather, sea and wind state
D draft in relation to the available depth of water
by radar
C characteristics, efficiency and limitations of radar
C any constraints by radar range scale in use
E effect on radar detection of weather and sea state
P possibility that small vessels, ice and other floating objects may not be detected
N number, location and movement of vessels
M more exact assessment of visibility
Define Risk of collision Action to avoid collision
If compass bearing of approaching vessel does not appreciably change
ACTION to avoid:
- positive, made in ample time and with due regard to observance of good seamanship
IF sufficient sea room, alteration of course may be most effective action
Define Not Impede
take early action to allow sufficient sea room for the safe passage of the other vessel
Rule 9 Narrow channels
Always lay out Base rule first!!!!!!Ask if vessel is under 20m and if you can only safely navigate in Narrow Channel!
- should stick to outer stbd side of channel
- vessel less than 20m and sailing vessel shall not impede passage of power driven vessel which can ONLY SAFELY navigate in Chanel
- fishing vessel shall not impede passage of any vessel navigating in narrow Chanel
vessel shall not cross narrow channel if that impedes passage of vessel which can ONLY SAFELY navigate in channel - avoid anchoring
- when overtaking must ask for permission if not enough space
Rule 10 TSS
Always lay out Base rule first!!!!!! Ask if vessel is under 20m
- proceed in appropriate traffic lane
- join or leave at terminations or at small angle to general direction of traffic flow
- cross at 90 degrees heading to general direction of traffic
- unless for danger, do not exit TSS and traffic separating zone
- vessel less than 20m and sailing vessel shall not impede power driver vessel navigating in TSS
- fishing vessel shall not impede any vessel navigating in TSS
- avoid anchoring
- vessel less than 20m and sailing vessel shall use inshore traffic zone
- vessel going to and from port or to pilot station can also use inshore traffic zone
- navigate with extreme caution near terminations
- RAM not to comply
Learn Rule 8 Action to Avoid Collision
- Action to avoid collision collision shall be positive, ample and with due regard to good seamanship
any alteration of course shall be large enough to be readily apparent to other vessel - alteration of course may be most sufficient
- vessel required not to impede shall take early and action to allow sufficient sea room for the safe passage of the other vessel
Explain overtaking Rule and overtaking
Shall be deemed to overtake when coming up more than 22.5 degrees abaft her beam
any doubt, assume that you are!
Define Head On situations
when 2 power driven vessel are meeting on reciprocal or nearly reciprocal course
by night sees 2 mast head lines in line or nearly in line
Learn Rule 12
Sailing Vessels
when the wind is on different sides, the vessel which has the wind on her port shall keep clear
when the wind is on the same, the vessel which has is windward shall keep out of the way
Define crossing situation
when 2 power driven vessels are crossing as to involve risk of collision
avoid crossing ahead !!!!
Action by give way vessel
take early and substantial action to keep well clear
Learn Rule 18
Responsibilities between vessels
other than RAM and NUC, vessels shall not impede CBD
Sighting CBD What to do ?
Parallel course
Masthead light means ?
a white light showing an unbroken light over the arc of horizon of 225 degrees so fixed as to show the light from deep ahead to 22.5 degrees abaft the beam on either side
5nm for vessels under 50m
6nm for vessels over 50m
Sidelight means
showing red / green light showing an unbroken light over the arc of horizon of 112.5 degrees so fixed as to show the light from dead ahead to 22.5 degrees abaft the beam
2nm for vessel under 50m
3nm for vessel over 50m
Sternlight means
white light showing an unbroken light over the arc of horizon of 135 degrees so fixed as to show the light from right astern to 67.5 degrees from right aft
2nm for vessel under 50m
3nm for vessel over 50m
Towing light means ?
same as stern light
All round light means ?
unbroken light over the arc of horizon of 360 degrees
2nm for vessel under 50m
3nm for vessel over 50m
Fog signals all of them!!!!
Power Driven Vessel
underway and making way: 1 prolonged at intervals not exceeding 2 min
underway, not making way: 2 prolonged at intervals not exceeding 2 min
all other vessels: 1 prolonged followed by 2 short at intervals not exceeding 2 min
Rule 19
The following shall be avoided:
- alteration of course to port for a vessel forward of the beam other then a vessel being overtaking
- alteration of course towards a vessel abeam or abaft the beam
Except where it has been determined that a risk of collision does not exist, every vessel which hears apparently forward of her beam the fog signal of another vessel, shall reduce her speed to the minimum at which she can be kept on her course and if necessary take all way off and navigate with extreme caution
IALA What does is stand for
International Association lighthouse authority
Define Watercraft
is capable of moving under its own mechanical power;
is used, navigated or situated wholly or partly in or on water
is capable of being used to carry one or more persons.
Can you define Overtaking
A vessel shall be deemed to be overtaking when coming up more than 22.5 degrees abaft her beam
will only see the stern light at night
if in doubt, assume you are overtaking
North Cardinal
- safe water lies to the North of it
- Color: Black over yellow
- Shape: Pillar or Spar
- Topmark: 2 cones, apex pointing upwards
- light: White Q or VQ
- Retroreflector: blue over yellow
East Cardinal
- safe water lies to the east
- Color: black with yellow band in middle
- Shape: Pillar or Spar
- Topmark: 2 black cones bees to base, apex away
- light: Q3 ever 10s, VQ3 every 5s
- Retroreflector: blue over blue
South Carinal
- safe water lies to the south of it
- Color: yellow over black
- Shape: Pillar or Spar
- Topmark: 2 black cones apex downwards
- light: Q6, 1 long every 15s, VQ6, 1 long every 10s
-Retroreflector: yellow over black
West Cardinal
- safe water lies to the west of it
- Color: yellow with black band
- Shape: Pillar or spar
- Topmark: 2 black cones apex pointing together
- light: Q9 every 15s, Q9 every 10s
- Retroreflector: yellow over yellow
Isolated Danger
- are above isolated danger of limited extend which have navigable water all round it
- Color: black with one or more red horizontal bands
- Shape: Pillar, Spar
- Topmark: 2 black spheres one above the other
- light: group flash 2
-Retroreflector: blue over red - do chart assessment and avoid by wide margin as possible
Safe Water Mark
- indicates navigable water all around it, commonly as landfall buoy, mid channel marker and safest passage under bridge
- Color: red and white vertical stripes
- Shape: Sphere, Pillar or Spar
- Topmark: One red sphere
- light: Isophase, Occulting, 1 Long flash every 10s, Morse A
- Retroreflector: Red and white stripe
Special Mark
- indicates special area such as CROFTS
C cables, pipelines, R recreational areas, O odas Buoy, F fire practice area and channel within Channel, T tss, S spoil grounds - Color: yellow
- Shape: any
- Topmark: Yellow X
- light: any rythem not used for white light in vicinity
Emergency Wreck marking Buoy
- indicates new wreck / danger until it has been adequately surveyed and marked
- stop vessel, call master, temporary message would have been transmitted on VHF, NAVTEX, or weekly Notice to Mariners
- color: blue and yellow stripes more than 4 but less than 8
- Shape: Pillar, Spar
- Topmark: Yellow standing cross
- light: alternating occulting blue yellow
- additional fittings Racon D and AIS transponder
Lateral marks
Preferred Channel Markers:
forget the color and just go after the shape!
e.g. Preferred to STBD: leave to STBD going with direction of Buoyage, leave to port against direction of buoyage
Rule 17 Action by stand on vessel
- Shall maintain course and speed
- May however take action by her maneuver alone if it becomes apparent to her that the other vessel is not complying with the rules
- shall avoid not alter to port for a vessel on her own port side