Important for EXAMINER Flashcards
APEM Intro
- Publications
o Mention them and go into each a bit what information can be found in them
- Anchoring and contingency options
- Availability and up to date chart
o Go into that they need to be corrected and how to do that
- Available sea room and traffic
- Pilotage requirements
o Go into getting a pilot / Tugs requirements etc…
- Draught restrictions, UKC
o Go into how to calculate Safety Depth on ECDIS
- Weather routing general weather
- MSI ( maritime safety information) !!!
- Berth requirements
- Mooring, tugs
- Port entry requirements
- Reporting systems
- Ships draft
- Ships maneuvering date and stability checks
- Emission Control Areas
- MARPOL Special Areas
HRU what is it
Hydrostatic Release Unit
- valid for 2 years
- installed on life rafts, EPIRB
-cuts strong rope when submerged 1.5 to 4m in water
- works with membrane which gets pushed up by pressure and releases spring loaded knife
- weak link is broken with force of 1.8 to 2.6kN
- upwards acting buoyancy and inflates life raft
- green for smaller craft, blue for marine evacuation systems
ARPA Limitations
Range and bearing discrimination still exist
Target swop
lost target in sea state
Small objects, ice etc. may not be detected
SART what is it
- tranmitts on frequency of 9 Ghz
- battery life of 96 h on standby and 8h once interogated by radar
- once interogated by x band radar it transmitts signal showing up on radar screen as 12 dots in a line
LSA Weeklies and Monthlies
LSA Weeklies
- Run rescue tender engine run for 3min
- Inspect launching appliances
- Emergency alarm signal
- emergency lighting
- Immersion suits
- Lifejackets
- Liferafts visually
- Grab Bags
- Rescue tender equipment and run
- Line throwing devices
- Life raft boarding ladder
- Flares and Pyrotechniques
- General Alarm
- Medical kits
Safety Induction / Familiarization
- Must be done within first 24h after joining ship
- Safety is very important so Communicate with other people on board on elementary safety matters and raise any concerns
- Be familiar with safety signs and symbols
- Must know what to do in case of
o Fire and smoke detection
o Fire and Abandon ship is announced - Identify alarm point, call points
- Muster stations and embarkation stations
- Emergency Escape routes
- How to don a lifejacket and where they are
- Alarm signals for each emergency
- How to use portable Fire extinguisher
Pull Pin
o When CO2 in use
Make sure to only hold handle
Be aware of oxygen level dropping - Take immediate action upon encountering an accident or other medical emergency
- Close and Open Fire and Watertight doors fitted
device used to measure the density of water
- clean bucket and take sample of dock water ideally on the bow, midships and stern to get reading across whole ship
- allow water to settle
take hydrometer, make sure it is clean and then place in water
make sure not touching the bottom and and trees to remove surface tension and any bubbles
then read at bottom of meniscus and note reading
- measures temperature and can predict the onset of fog and give you the relative humidity
normally in stevensens screen hygrometer which is a white box protecting the two thermometer from heat and wind - obtain wet and dry bulb readings from mansions hygrometer
- differente between the two is called the depression
- go into Mariners Handbook into Dewpoint Table
- plot graph temp against time
one with depot temp another one with sea temp
where the two lines intersect fog is present - when temperature difference is less then 5 degrees then fog may form
250 - 400nm range
turn on before departure to receive important MSI
Rescue Tender Equipment
- Buoyant bailer
- Oars or paddles buoyant
- compass
- sea anchor
- painter with sufficient strength places forward and aft
- one buoyant line of no less then 50m
- waterproof electric torch with spare batteries
- one whistle
- searchlight
- Buoyant rescue quoits 30m
- TPAs
- Radar reflector
- portable fire extinguisher
- boat book
- safety repair kit and pump
- first aid kit
- portable VHF
precision Aneroid Barometer
- very accurate
- has a dial on the side
- press button to get light on
then when looking through viewing glass, light will start alternating from side to side so that’s when you the current pressure
ISPS when walking to the boat
Safety Familiarization
LSA Monthly and weekly checks
What is on the Rescue Boat
- Number of persons the boat is approved to carry.
- Manufacturers name & address.
- Model & serial number
- Month and year of manufacture.
- Approval information including the Administration, (MCA) which approved the craft and any operational restrictions.
Info Outside of the life raft
Anderson Term Pros and Cons
Actions Restricted Vis
Call Master
Assess Safe speed
Close WT doors
Engines ready for immediate maneuver
Start fog signal
turn on Navigation lights
post additional lookouts
open bridge doors stoop noise work
follow procedures in SMS and master standing orders and get checklist out
Pilot boarding how to set up bridge
GMDSS checks and Log book entries
Bridge Pre departure checks
Main engines
Steering checks
WT integrity
Passage Plan
Compass checks
Radar checks including VRM, EBL, PM
checks on all bridge equipment and GMDSS equipment
LSA Checks
deck communications
pilot card prepared if receiving a pilot
TSS who can use separation Zone
- for avoiding immediate danger
- Vessel engaged in fishing
- Vessel crossing TSS
- leaving or joining at small angles
- RAM when carrying out maintenance work
What is squat
Happens at 1.5 times vessels draft
Gyro repeater and Gyro do not match what to do
Morse Tango
1 prolonged
MGN343 HRU and Storage of life rafts
MSN 1781
Distress signals and preventing collisions
3min for ARPA to warm up
4min for Radar