OMB Flashcards
A319/A320 wing span
A319 length (nose to tail)
A320/A321 NEO Wing Span
A321 Neo length (Nose to tail)
A320/A320 NEO length (nose to tail)
All variants: Distance from eye level to bottom of landing gear?
What two things must be checked in the tech log on first arrival to the aircraft?
- Certificate of Maintenance
- Daily Inspection
Both are up to date and signed.
Minimum Oxygen Quanity for:
2 crew members
2 crew members + 1 Obs
Check the FCOM If close to these values
Neo min oxygen quantity for:
Capt or FO
Capt + 3rd occ
When does pack flow get set to LO?
Less than 130 pax
What is the difference between MTOW and RTOW?
…and when do we calculate RTOW?
Maximum Take Off Weight - The maximum weight in which an aircraft can ever take-off, under any circumstances, structural.
Regulated Take Off Weight - The maximum weight in which an aircraft can take off from a particular runway under specific conditions based on TOGA thrust (winds, weather, specific aircraft configuration, etc,). For example, runway 29 at KXYZ airport with ambient temp of 20° C. This can get as specific as you wish.
RTOW should be calculated using the ATIS and Mel items before completing the load sheet and verified against the F-PLN.
We then check that RTOW is below our actual TOW for that day. Otherwise replanning mag be necessary.
What is the altimeter tolerance between PFD’s and PFD’s and Standby?
+- 20ft
+- 60ft
When can control be handed over after Take Off?
Once clean and above the Transition Altitude (i.e standard set)
When completing the fuel uplift part of the tech log what is an abnormal discrepancy?
Up to 6T - 400kg
6 to 12T - 500kg
>12T - 600kg
What do you do if the ground crew reports a fuel leak from the engine drain mast during start up?
Run the engine at idle for 5mins.
If the leak disappears no further action required.
If it doesn’t, shut down the engine and request maintenance engineers to investigate.
What is the ice shedding procedure and when should it be used?
70% N1 for 30secs
Used when in icing conditions for more than 30mins
Neo - 50% for 5 secs
Max Flex; Min Flex for all variants
A319 Max 75 (ISA+60) Min 45 (ISA+30)
A320 Max 68 (ISA+53) Min 44 (ISA+29)
A320 Neo Max 70 (ISA+55) Min 44 (ISA+29)
A321 Neo Max 67 (ISA+52) Min 30 (ISA+15)
Min figure is called a Tref - Minimum flat rated temp
Max approach speed without failure?
I.e. in gusty conditions how much can you add on?
Vls + 15
Stable Approach Criteria:
By 1000ft
By 500ft
On a circling
By 1000ft:
Fully configured
Speed target not >30kts
By 500ft
Within +10 -5 Kts
Landing checklist complete
Correct lateral and vertical profile (Not written but <1000ft/min ROD)
Max bank angle 15 degrees
Stable by 400ft
Same as above but within 30degrees of centreline
When does the PM call:
Bank angle
Sink rate
-5 to +10kts
-2.5 to +10 degrees
>7 degrees
When does the PM call pitch and sink rate during a go around?
Less than 10 or greater than 20 degrees pitch.
Sink rate if there is no climb rate.
Second segment climb gradient
Final segment climb gradint
By what distance must the net take off flight path clear all obstacles by?
What about on a wet/contminated runway with an engine failure?
35 feet
15 feet wet runway with an engine failure.
When dont we have to follow the EOSID
Above MSA or visualy clear of all obstacles
What speed do we climb away at after an engine failure?
V2 or higher depending on when the engine failire occurs, but not >V2 +20kts
On a long runway for take off why might the V2 be quite high?
To improve the second stage climb gradient
Is reverse credit applied to a rejected take off?
Dry and wet
Dry no
Wet yes, full reverse on live engine is assumed
When is a flex take off prohibited?(2)
Contaminated runway
Gear extended dispatch
When is a runway contaminated?
More than 25% or the runway is covered by:
>3mm of water,slush or snow
Compacted snow
Apu fuel burn
Eng or wing anti ice fuel burn
When would you take off in conf 3?
Contaminated runway
What do the following limitation codes mean?
Rwy0 - limited by TOD 0 engines inop
RWY 1 - limited by TOD 1 engine inop
Vmu - limited by min unstick speed
Calculation for Required Landing Distance dry, wet and contaminated
ALD x ___ = RLD
Dry 1.67
Wet 1.92
Contaminated 1.15
Contaminated is less because there is already a large safety margin in the actual landing distance when a runway is contaminated.
Contaminated RLD= ALDx1.15 or Wet RLD whichever is greater.
Slippery when wet crosswind limit
1) part of runway
2) whole of runway
Reports of wind shear, contamination or slippery when wet.
Can the FO land?
However if it’s not raining slippery not really applicable.
What level of contamination stops you landing and taking off?
> 13mm standing water or slush
30mm wet snow
100mm dry snow
Wet ice
Water on top or compacted snow
Dry snow or wet snow over ice
Magnetic or True wind for the follwoing?
Runway and chart
Tower wind
If you read it, its true. If you hear it, its magnetic.
Metar/Taf - True
Runway and chart -Magnetic
Tower wind - Magnetic
In Kef, Mag=True+15 (15w variation)
When is an approach angle considered steep?
What is the maxium?
What type of approaches can and cant be done?
3.5- 4.5 degrees
4.5 max
Stabalised approach is required.
Can be an ILS or NPA
Cannot be an autoland
What is the danger of having no front steps, mainly for disembarking?
If too many passengers go to the rear of the plane is could tilt.
Personal thought, get cabin crew to stop passengers moving from row 15 forwards untill rear half is gone.
What could this Ecam caution mean whilst on the ground?
Too much weight to the rear of the aircraft. An unstable situation.
Could happen when front door opened before rear and front of cabin gets lighter quicker. Stop disembarking from the front in this case.
If you only know how many pieces of baggage are being loaded, not the actual weights. What standard weights should be used?
13kg international
11kg domestic
Loadsheet LMC, when do we fully fill out the bottom section and recompute the performance?
> 250kg
+- 2%MAC
Alitemeter tolerances
PFD to Standby
PFD to outside elevation
What is the recommended technique for flying an SRA approach?
Early stabilised
AP FD on in HDG V/S
5 x the ground speed for v/s if 3 degrees
If not, v/a should be shown on the lido chart
Go visual early to reduce controller workload, FD’s off bird on, A/the speed.
Minimum equipment for an RNAV approach?
One FD
One PFD on PF side
Two ND’s (May use temporary PFD switching on PM side)
Two IRS’s
Two FCU channels
(PF needs both screens, PM needs one)
When using FINAL APP guidance what is the allowable difference between the MCDU and charted final vertical and lateral track?
0.1 degrees Vertical
3 degrees Lateral
For an RNAV approach can we accept Nav accuracy high?
No, we need GPS primary on atleast one side.
For a NPA approach, VOR or NDB, can we accept Nav accuracy low?
Yes, raw data approach using TRK FPA.
One ND on ROSE mode.
What deviation calls should the PM make on a NPA ?
V/DEV > 1/2 dot
1 for = 100ft
When would you discontinue an RNAV approach?
GPS PRIMARY lost on both sides
V/DRV > 3/4 dot
NAV position disagree on ECAM
Map shift
When do we call bank angle on approach?
If it’s greater than what figure at 500ft do we go around?
Greater than 7 degrees
Greater than 15 degrees
First officer handling limits (7)
3star (2)
Max x wind 20kts
400m rvr for take off min
Cat 1 for ILS
Min 5000m vid for circling
45m RWY width
No contaminated or slippery runway
No reported wind shear
No auto land
No planned tailwind landing
No flap 3 landing
What does SRS stand for?
What does it do?
When does it engage / disengage?
Speed reference system
The SRS mode controls pitch to maintain a speed target equal to V2+10 kt in normal engine configuration. Single engine V2 or current speed, limited by V2+15 kt.
The SRS guidance law also includes:
Attitude protection to reduce aircraft nose-up effect during takeoff (18 ° or 22.5 ° maximum in case of windshear)
Flight path angle protection that ensures a minimum vertical speed of 120 ft/min.
Engages when:
Toga/flex set
V2 entered
Slats out
A/c been on ground for 30seconds
Disengages when:
Automatically at acceleartion altitude
If flight crew pulls for climb or pulls speed.
When filling in the fuel section of the techlog what is the maxium allowable difference?
400kg up to 6T
500kg 6T-12T
600kg >12T
Max bank angle in normal flight?
30 degrees
When would you not single engine taxi?
The taxi surface is slippery (if there is any doubt about the condition of the taxi surface, assume it is slippery).
Low Visibility Procedures (LVP) in force at departure aerodrome.
Pushback completed with powerpush unit via the main landing gear.
APU or APU GEN are not serviceable.
Technical defects affecting any of the following system:
Hydraulic redundancy
Electrical redundancy
Bleed Air
Steering or Braking capability
First officer handling limits?
No PLANNED tailwind landings for 3 F/Os, if the conditions change after the commencement of the final approach the F/O should continue with the landing.
No Flaps 3 landing for 3* F/Os. This restriction is not applicable if an emergency situation arises that requires the F/O to conduct a Flaps 3 landing.
*Max. X-Wind including gusts: 20 kts.
Takeoff minimum 400 m RVR.
Approach minimum: Cat I for ILS.
Published minima for non-precision approaches.
Minimum visibility for circling approach as PF 5000 m.
Min. runway width: 45 m unless specific training has been completed.
No contamination or slippery runway condition, as declared by the Airport.
No reported windshear.
No autoland for normal operations.
What is the definiton for ‘actual landing distance’ and what dose it assume?
The Actual Landing Distance (ALD) is the horizontal distance necessary to land and come to a full stop from a point 50 feet above the runway surface. The demonstrated (flight test) landing distance is based on:
Final Approach Speed VREF.
A smooth, level, hard surfaced runway.
ISA temperature and pressure.
Brake pedals depressed at main landing gear touch down, and assumes the use of ground spoilers and antiskid.
No reverse thrust (unless otherwise stated).
What calls are made to the cabin during an emergency landing, planned / unplanned?
”Cabin Crew take up Landing Positions”
Passing 2000 ft in the descent for a planned emergency landing.
“Brace, Brace”
At 500 ft in the descent for a planned emergency landing.
“Attention Crew Brace, Brace”
An unplanned emergency landing is imminent.
Glideslope normal capture range?
+-8 degrees of the centreline
How far away can a take off alternate be?
320 nm at one eng inop speed still air
Flight planning.
How far away can an adequate aerodrome be enroute?
(Enroute alternate)
60 min FLT time based on one-engine inoperative cruise speed at standard temperature in still air. This distance is:
380nm for a 319
400nm for a 320
How much fuel do we burn during taxi?
2 engines and single engine.
Commercial alternate and Fuel alternate. What is the difference? OM B 5.2.8
Fuel alternate when diversion unlikely. Commercial alternate if likelihood of diversion.
1. Thunderstorms forecast at destination.
2. Weather conditions close to operational minima at destination. 3. Winds exceeding crosswind limits.
4. FZRA/DZandSN/+SNremoval.
When do we do the battery check? And how?
When the aircraft has not been electrically supplied for 6 hours or more.
Check batterys off.
Check voltage above 25.5 V (This ensures a charge above 50%).
If below this, run a charging cycle.
Bat 1+2 auto for 20 mins
Check connected to ext power on elec page.
Bat 1+2 off, check voltage above 25.5V.
What do we do if there is a fuel leak at engine start?
Run the engine at idle for 5mins.
No leak - we can dispatch
Leak - shut down and call MOC
After landing when should brake fans be used?
If temps likely to exceed 500 then straight away.
If not wait 5 minutes.
When do we need maintenance action for brake temps?
1)One brake exceeds 900
2)One brake above 600 or below 60 and other brake on same gear has difference of 150 or more.
3) Average difference between left and right gear greater than 200
Standard bag weight International and Domestic?
13kg / 11kg
What are the normal engine parameters you would expect to see after engine start on the ceo and neo.
N1 EGT N2 fuel flow(kg/hr).
Ceo: 20% N1, 400 degrees, 60%N2, 300kg/hr.
Neo: 20% N1, 500 degrees, 70%N2, 300kg/hr.