FRMS Flashcards
What are the cumulative flight and duty hours?
Flight Deck and Cabin Crew Cumulative Flying Hour Limits:
100 hours in any 28 consecutive days*;
900 hours in any 12 consecutive months.
Flight Deck and Cabin Crew Cumulative Duty Hour Limits:
60 hours in any 7 consecutive days*;
110 hours in any 14 consecutive days*;
190 hours in any 28 consecutive days*;
2,000 hours in any 12 consecutive months.
When is a duty classed as disruptive?
easyJet Disruptive Duty
Duty Period that occurs in any part of the period 0100 to 0659 local time.
When is a duty classed as a night duty?
easyJet Night Finish Duty
Duty Period that finishes in the period 0200 to 0459 local time
Does a standby count towards duty time?
Airport yes.
Home yes, but only counts for half in the period from 2200-0800 local.
What is commanders discretion?
Commanders discretion is the authority to modify the limits of fdp, duty time and rest periods in the case of unforseen circumstances after a duty has begun (planned discretion cannot be used).
What are the different types of commanders discretion available to use?
Discretion to Extend a Flight Duty Period
The commander shall consult all crew members on their alertness levels before deciding to extend a flight duty period.
The maximum daily FDP may not be increased by more than 2 hours. If on the final sector within an FDP the allowed increase is exceeded because of unforeseen circumstances after take-off, the flight may continue to the planned destination or alternate aerodrome.
Discretion to Reduce a Flight Duty Period
Has to be whole crew.
Discretion to Reduce/Increase a Rest Period
A rest period may be reduced but can never be less than 10 hours at the hotel.
A rest period can be increased but only for the full crew not an indivdual.
Discretion to Extend Cumulative Duty Limits Within the OMA Flight Time Limitations Scheme
Commander’s Authority to Exceed FRM Crew Roster Rules
Does airport standby count towards duty time / FDP?
What about airport duty?
Duty time - yes in full
FDP - The maximum FDP is reduced by any time spent on standby in excess of 4 hours.
Airport duty counts in full for both from the beginning.
When does FDP start on home standby if called in?
Which start time column in the FDP table do you use?
If standby ceases within the first 6 hours, the maximum FDP counts from reporting.
After 6 the FDP is reduced by however much time is spent on standby.
The start time for the fdp is when the standby started or duty report time, whichever is more limiting. Unless both start times occur between 2200 and 0800 in which case fdp is based on report time.
How long is reduced rest?
12 hours home base
10 hours away from base
The crew member must be acclimatised and the reduced rest period must include the hours between 01:00 and 05:59 local time in order to allow crew members to achieve an optimal sleep opportunity.
Who has the authority to reduce report?
What is the minimum?
Only the commander.
One pilot must be present 45 minutes before.
Window of circadian low?
Split duty, does the rest period count towards FDP?
What happens to max FDP?
Rest period counts in full towards FDP
Max FDP may be increased by 50% of the break.
Does standby count towards cumulative duty limits?
But between the period 2200-0800 it counts as half.
Does home standby count towards FDP?
No, but if it goes over 6 hours the max FDP is reduced by that amount.
If you are on home standby from 1000-1800 and you are called out to fly with a report time of 1700.
When would your fdp start?
Which FDP column would you use from the table for max fdp?
Fdp would start from report.
The column to use would be the most limiting fdp from the report time or start of the standby.
If you are on home standby from 0400-1200 and you are called out to fly with a report time of 0630.
When would your fdp start?
Which FDP column would you use from the table for max fdp?
FDP starts at report.
The time of report would be used for the table in determining the max fdp.
(Home standby between 2200-0800 report band used).