Lido Flashcards
What is the obstacle separation during a circling approach?
Minimum Obstacle Clearance: 394 ft
How is the circling area built?
Max 180 kt
Arc centered on each RWY THR joined with tangent lines
- Aircraft category and speed (C: 180 kt)
- Wind speed 25 kt throughout turn
- Bank angle 20° average
Radius from threshold: 4.2 NM
Can you perform a circling approach at night without vertical guidance? OM A 8.4.7
Circling to runways without vertical guidance: Night circling without vertical guidance (ILS, PAPI, VASI or equivalent) is prohibited.
As long as you have Papi’s you can.
What does ACFT MAX 65/7” shown on Plates mean?
Plates The minima can only be used by aircraft with a maximum wingspan of 65 [m] and a vertical distance between the flight path of the landing gear and glidepath antenna in the landing configuration of maximum 7m.
Meaning of “EVS”
EVS” means Enhanced Vision System. This is not relevant to easyJet. Aircraft. Unfortunately, the references are LIDO standard and will remain on the charts.
Heads up display.