OMB Flashcards
List the stable approach criteria.
Non-circling approach:
C - Checklist completed
R - Rate of descent
A - Angle of bank
P - Path (vertical + lateral)
W - Wheels down (configuration)
S - Speed
These criteria SHOULD be met by 1000ft. If they are not, the approach may continue to 500ft if there is a good probability that they will be met.
Landing checklist must be complete by 500ft.
Commensurate with approach path and speed
15° or less
PATH (vertical)
- < 1 dot deviation (ILS glideslope)
- < ¾ dot deviation (V/DEV bar)
- < 100ft from vertical profile (for 2D approach)
- PAPI indicators not showing 4 reds or 4 whites
PATH (lateral)
- < 1 dot deviation (ILS LLZ)
- < 0.3nm XTK if using FINAL APP (not RNP-AR)
- < RNP specification if performing RNP-AR approach
- 30° of FAT for visual or circling approaches.
Landing configuration must have been achieved by 1000ft
By 1000ft, speed must be less than VAPP +30kt
By 500ft, speed must be +10kt/-5kt.
For a circling approach, all of the above must be achieved by 400ft and additionally, for AoB, when within 30° of the runway axis, it must be <15°.
The “stable/not stable” call for a circling approach must be referenced to 400ft above TDZE.
What deviations on a 3D approach require a callout from the PM?
In FINAL APP mode: 0.1nm deviation requires “CROSSTRACK” callout and ½ dot vertical deviation requires “V-DEV” callout
In LOC & GS, deviation of ½ dot requires “LOC” or “GLIDE” callout.
Excessive vertical deviations on approach must be called out when (for FINAL APP and ILS)
What are the FO handling limitations?
Autoland: no autoland
Crosswind: max 20kt
Contaminated: no RWYCC 4 or lower
Cat 1: weather must be CAT1 or better
Tailwind: no planned tailwinds for 3 star FOs.
Windshear: no reported windshear
3 - Flaps 3: 3 star FOs may not use Flaps 3
4 - 45m: unless specific training has been completed.
5 - RVR 550m
What are the segments of the NTOFP?
First segment: from screen height to gear retraction (at V2)
Second segment: start of flap retraction
Third segment: acceleration and completion of flap retraction
Fourth segment: to 1500ft.
What are the climb requirements for each segment of take off?
Net Take Off Flight Path requires:
Second segment: 2.4%
Fourth segment: 1.2%
What is the difference between Net Take Off Flight Path and Gross Take Off Flight Path?
Gross Take Off Flight Path is that profile actually flown by an aircraft. The Net Take Off Flight Path is that required by regulation. Usually, NTOFP is lower than GTOFP.
What are the climb gradient requirements applicable to approach and landing?
“Approach climb”, which must be 2.5% (or higher, if stated in the LIDO minima). This is based on the go around flaps configuration, one engine inoperative and TOGA thrust on the other engine, and landing gear up.
NB: FCOM states that go around climb gradient should be 2.1%. This is below the EASA limit of 2.5%
“Landing climb” is basically the balked landing performance. This must be 3.2%. This is based on 2 engines, landing configuration.
What is the fuel penalty for loading extra fuel?
3% per tonne per hour of flight.
When is a nav accuracy check required, and how do you do it?
- When entering NAT HLA, if not GPS PRIMARY.
- Prior to conducting an approach in FINAL APP mode
It is done by simply checking that the PROG page displays, “NAV ACCUR HIGH”.
If nav accuracy is low, what do you do?
- Don’t use TERR on ND
- If using FINAL APP mode, use TRK FPA to reference the approach final course tracking to raw navaid data.
Runway has standing water… what should you do?
(assuming performance has been calculated approriately)
Engine mode sel - IGN
Flying through heavy rain or if severe turbulence is expected after take off. What is one thing that needs to be selected?
Eng mode sel - IGN
Describe a take off in crosswind exceeding 20kt, or a tailwind.
- Hold on toe brakes
- Sidestick fully forward
- Set 50% N1
- Release brakes
- Increase thrust to 70%
- When groundspeed reaches 15kt, increase thrust to FLX/TOGA
- Takeoff thrust to be achieved by 40kt groundspeed
- Sidestick fully forward until airspeed reaches 80kt.
Describe “icing conditions”.
- OAT or TAT <10°C & visible moisture (clouds or fog, visibility <1600m)
- If SAT <-40°C, engine anti ice need not be selected on for climb & cruise, but should be selected on for descent.
How should the weather radar be set for departure?
What are the calls to the cabin crew for an emergency landing?
What are the requirements for flight in RVSM airspace?
How often should the oxygen be tested?
What are the altimeter tolerances on the ground?
How should ECAMs be treated if performing an autoland?
Describe the zone count procedure.
Where is the correct place to store PEDs on the flight deck?
Does 5G cause interference with radio altimeters?
No, but it might cause COVID and for people to vote for Donald Trump, Brexit and the fucking Tories.
What are the NTOFP requirements?
Approaching the stand and parking the aircraft. What are the actions of CM1?
What are the visual approach criteria?
Are there any limitations for newly qualified captains?
What is the difference between ALD and RLD?
What callouts must be made during the approach for deviations?
For any parameter that will lead to an unstable approach.
Reminder: stable approach criteria are RPAWS:
- Rate of descent
- Path (localiser & glideslope, or track & path in FINAL APP mode)
- Angle of bank (& pitch angle)
- (Wheels down)
- Speed
- “SINK RATE” if rate of descent >1000fpm
- “BANK” for bank angle >7°
- “PITCH” for pitch <2.5° or >10° (319/320)/7.5 (321)
- “SPEED” for speed +10kt or -5kt
What callouts must be made by the PM during a go around if certain parameters are not met?
- “BANK” for bank >7°
- “PITCH” for pitch <10° or >20°
- “SINK RATE” if no positive climb
When can a flex take-off not be performed?
- Contaminated runway
- Dispatch is planned with landing gear extended (e.g., gear retraction inoperable).
If 2 alternates are required, how much fuel should be loaded?
The larger amount (e.g., if alternate 1 requires 1.5T CNR and alternate 2 requires 1.3T, then the CNR applicable is 1.5T).
On the OFP, alternate fuel is designated as “F” or “C”. Why?
“F” is a fuel alternate. This is chosen if a diversion is unlikely, considering weather conditions.
“C” is the commercial alternate is selected if a diversion is likely. Commercial alternates are numbered in terms of priority.
What is the lowest system minima for a fail passive system?
DH: 50ft, RVR: 175m
What is the maximum distance from an adequate aerodrome in the cruise?
What is its significance?
A319 - 380nm
A320 & A321 - 400nm
This is 1 hour’s flying at the one engine inoperative cruise speed (ISA, still air).
Your departure airport is below the limits make an approach (but is still acceptable for departure). Discuss.
A take off alternate is required.
The take off alternate must be within 320nm (this is the OEI speed in ISA conditions and still air).
What is the “missed approach climb gradient”?
If no MACG is specified, then 2.5% prevails.
Designing procedures is a highly specialised task that requires training and experience.
What are the SOPs regarding brake temperatures at each phase of flight?
If arc is displayed over any brake temp (>100°C): put brake fans ON.
Before take off:
If brake fans have been used, temperature must be less than 150°C to take off.
Over 300°C: do not take off.
After landing:
Temp >500°C: brake fans ON without delay.
Otherwise, wait 5 mins before putting brake fans ON (unless turnaround time is short).
Parking brake should be released after chocks in place if brake temp >500°C (brake fans off) or temp >350°C (brake fans on).
What are the standard weights used in LMCs?
84kg for Male, Female or Child.
Considering LMCs, how many passengers change will necessitate a new loadsheet?
When should Vapp be modified in normal operations?
- Vapp may be increased to a maximum of Vls+15kt if winds are strong/gusty and the crosswind component is >20kt.
(If doing this, check landing performance) - When on approach, if Vapp is less than Vls+3, then Vapp should be corrected to Vapp+5.
What is the screen height?
An imaginary obstacle at the end of the TODA. 35ft for a dry runway; 15ft in all other cases.
What are the standard weights for cabin crew and pilots?
Pilots - 85kg
Cabin crew - 75kg