FCOM: 27 - Flight Control System Flashcards
fList the main flight control protections.
- Pitch attitude
- Load factor
- High speed
- High AoA
- Bank Angle
These protections are available in flight mode in normal law.
What additional protections are available in SRS (take off) mode?
- Flight path angle protection, which ensures a minimum VS of 120fpm
- Pitch angle protection (max 15° (A321)/ 18° (A319/320) or 22.5° in windshear)
- Speed protection limiting target speed to V2+15kt
What additional protections are available in SRS (GA mode)?
- Flight path angle protection, which ensures a positive climb
- Pitch angle protection (max 15° (A321)/ 18° (A319/320)
- Speed protection (keeping speed below VFE).
Speed protection when FD orders not followed
What additional protections are available in ALT modes?
If in ALT, ALT CST or ALT CRZ mode, the VS decrease when VLS or Vmax is reached.
Alternate law protections: what are the main differences from the protections in normal law?
AoA protection is replaced by low speed stability
ɑ floor protection is not available
High speed protection is replaced by high speed stability
Bank angle protection is not available (although PFDs will display BANK BANK above 45°).
Alternate law “without reduced protection”. What is the main difference from alternate law?
“Alternate law without reduced protection” is a stupid name, because it’s basically “Alternate law without the protections that you get in normal law or the protections that you might normally get in alternate law”.
In “Alternate law without reduced protection”, the only protection you get is load factor limitation.
What protections are available in direct law?
What warnings are available in direct law?
Only stall warning and overspeed warning.
In direct law, which spoilers are used for roll control?
Spoilers 4 and 5
(if 4 has failed, 3 replaces it)
What is alpha lock?
This inhibits slat retraction at high angle of attack and low speeds.
If the speed is below 148kt (A321: 165kt) and AoA is >8.5° (A321: 8.0°) ( and you move the flap lever to 0, alpha lock activates and prevents the slats from retracting.
Slats will only start retracting when speed increases to 154kt (A321: 171kt) and AoA reduces to 7.6° (A321: 7.1°).
At what speed does auto flap retract take place?
210 kt
If you go around from Config 2 or 3, and select Config 1, what slat/flap position results?
Describe what happens as you move the sidestick rearwards (with reference to the characteristic speeds and protections in normal law) if the thrust levers are at idle?
With sidestick in the neutral position and thrust levers at idle, the aircraft will decelerate and maintain level flight until the speed reaches Vɑ-prot.
If the sidestick is then held back, the aircraft will continue to decelerate but high angle of attach protection activates. This converts the sidestick input into an angle of attack demand (instead of a load factor demand), and the crew can reduce the speed to correspond with Vɑ-max.
Between Vɑ-prot and Vɑ-max, alpha floor will activate.
What protection has priority over all other protections?
High angle of attack protection
When high speed protection is activated, how does this affect the aircraft’s stability in roll?
“positive spiral static stability” is introduced.
In other words, the aircraft returns to wings level.
Describe how high speed protection works with regard to sidestick position (assuming autopilot disconnected)
With stick neutral, in a dive situation: the aicraft will slightly overshoot VMO/MMO and fly back towards the normal flight envelope.
With stick forward, the aicraft will significantly overshoot VMO/MMO. The nose down authority reduces to zero at VMO+16kt/MMO+0.04.
How does high speed protection work if the autopilot is engaged?
As speed increases above VMO+6kt/MMO+0.01, overspeed protection becomes active and a nose up command is introduced.
At VMO+15kt/MMO+0.04, the autopilot will disconnect.
Once the autopilot disconnects, flight crew must ignore the FD bars. FDs do not take into account high speed protection.
The use of speed brakes is compatible with high speed protection.
What modes are there in Normal Law?
- Ground mode
- Rotation mode
- Flight mode
- Flare mode
Describe bank angle protection
If you roll up to 33° AoB, the aircraft will auto-trim and this bank angle will be maintained. Beyond 33°, pressure on the sidestick will need to be maintained to keep the bank, and autotrim will no longer be applied.
The aircraft can be banked up to 67°.
Automatic turn coordination will be available throughout.
Up to what bank angle is automatic turn coordination available?
If doing a steep turn, is it necessary to hold a back pressure on the sidestick?
Yes, once the bank angle gets beyond 33°.
What is the normal range of rudder trim?
And why?
What indication on the PFD is missing in alternate law?
Vɑ-prot and Vɑ-max
(replaced by Vsw)
What is abnormal attitude law?
How does the SRS work?
(engagement conditions)
When does SRS engage on take off?
What speeds are commanded?
How many SRS modes are there?
In SRS GA mode, what are the speed targets?
The speed targeted is the speed at engagement of SRS GA, or Vapp (if that is higher).
The upper limit of the speed target is the lowest of VLS + 25 (VLS + 15 if OEI) and Vmax - 5.
Which hydraulic systems do the flaps use?
Green & yellow
Which hydraulic systems do the slats use?
Green & blue
Outboard ailerons use which hydraulic system?
Inboard ailerons use which hydraulic system?
Outboard ailerons: blue
Inboard ailerons: green
Which hydraulic systems are used by which spoilers?
Green Yellow Blue Yellow Green Green Blue
Which hydraulic system does the THS use?
Green & yellow
Which hydraulic system do the elevators use?
Outboard elevator is always blue
Inboard elevator is always “on side” hydraulic system.
Which hydraulic system does the rudder use?
All three systems
What is the usage priority of the SFCCs for both the slats and the flaps?
Slats use 1 then 2
Flaps use 2 then 1
How is the aircraft controlled in pitch?
Using the THS and the elevators.
Autopilot and sidestick commands normally go via the ELAC.
In the event of failure of both ELAC 1 + 2, control shifts to SEC 1 or 2.
What is the maximum elevator deflection and the maximum THS deflection?
Elevator: +30° to -17°
THS: +13.5° to -4°
In normal configuration, how are commands to the elevator translated into movement?
ELAC 2 controls the elevators and horizontal stabiliser, and the green & yellow hyrdaulic jacks drive thier respective elevators.
How is mechanical control exercised in pitch?
Via the trim wheel directly to the hydraulic motors.
Note: green or yellow hydraulic pressure must be available.
Discuss active, damping and centring modes for the elevator.
Active: the hydraulic servojack is electrically controlled.
Damping: the jack follows surface movement
Centering: the jack is retained in the neutral position.
For normal operations, one jack is in active mode and the other is in damping mode.
How is the stabiliser moved?
2 hydraulic motors drive the stabiliser.
These hydraulic motors are controlled by one of three electric motors, or the mechanical trim wheel.
What conditions that will inhibit speedbrake extension?
- ɑ-floor activation;
- Angle of attack protection is active;
- Flaps are in CONF-F;
- Thrust levers are in MCT;
- An elevator has a fault;
- SEC 1 + 3 have both failed.
Is the flap overspeed warning based on flap position or lever position?
Overspeed warning takes into account actual slat/flap position.
What is the difference between Alpha Floor, Alpha Prot and Alpha Lock?
ALPHA FLOOR is an autothrust protection.
ALPHA PROT is the angle of attack at which high AoA protection activates.
ALPHA LOCK is a protection that prevent slat retraction at high AoA or low speed, when the flaps lever is moved from 1 to 0.
What is the purpose of mechanical backup?
To temporarily manage a total electrical loss, or the loss of all five fly by wire computers, or the loss of both elevators, or the loss of ailerons and spoilers.
How can you tell if the aircraft is in Mechanical backup?
USE MAN PITCH TRIM is displayed on the PFD.
What is LAF?
Load Alleviation Function.
It is designed to reduce the wing structure loading by deflecting upwards ailerons or spoilers.
It is only available in clean configuration and in normal law.
What is the maximum bank angle when α protection is in force?
What’s the maximum bank angle when high speed protection is in force?
When high angle of attack protection is active, what happens when you release the sidestick?
The flight control computers maintain the AoA at ɑ-prot
What is the max pitch available in clean configuration? and config full?
30° nose up (clean, plus CONF 1, 2 and 3)
25° nose up (CONF F)
15° nose down (all configurations)
Once out of the α-floor condition, what thrust mode would you expect to see and how would you recover?
Recover by using the A/THR disconnect button.
What is Vls and what is its relation to the stall speed?
Lowest selectable speed.
1.28 x VS in clean configuration;
1.23 x VS after the retraction of one stage of flaps;
On take off, it is the greater of 0.95 x V2 or 1.05 x VMCA
Draw the speed tape in normal law and alternate law.
Speed tape in normal law has VLS, Vɑ-prot and Vɑ-max
Speed tape in alternate law has VLS and VSW.
When might you see “MAN PITCH TRIM ONLY”?
When the aircraft is in Direct Law.
Explain high and low speed stability in alternate law.
High speed stability: a nose up demand is introduced to avoid excessive increases in speed. This can be overridden.
Low speed stability: gentle, progressive nose down demand is introduced and tends to keep the speed from falling below VSW+5kt.
What protections do we have in direct law?
There are no protections in direct law, and ɑ floor is inoperative.
Overspeed and stall warnings are still available, though.
What control surfaces have a mechanical link to the flight deck?
Stabiliser and rudder.
What is aileron droop, and what is its purpose?
Aileron droop extends the ailerons about 10° when the flaps are extended. This compliments flap extension.
In pitch, how long does it take to transition from ground to flight mode?
10 seconds after the pitch reaches 8° on take off.
What is ground mode?
A direct relationship between sidestick and elevator deflection.
What happens when flare mode activates on an autoland?
Lateral guidance: reduces sideslip angle to align aircraft with runway centreline.
Vertical guidance: decreases descent rate
A/THR: automatically reduces to IDLE.
What happens when flare mode activates on a manual landing?
Flare mode is essentially a direct sidestick-to-elevator relationship.
The THS is frozen, and the system memorises the aircraft attitude at 50ft (A321: 100ft). That is the initial reference for the pitch attitude on landing.
Below 30ft, a gentle pitch down attitude is introduced, so to flare manually the PF must move the sidestick rearwards.
What computer controls the characteristic speeds displayed on the PFD?
FAC (Flight Augmentation Computer)
What is the low energy alert and when would it occur?
The low energy alert is an aural “SPEED SPEED SPEED” alert.
It would occur if the aircraft’s energy is going below a threshold where an increase in thrust is required.
Also, the aircraft must be:
* in CONF 2, 3 or FULL;
* between 100ft and 2000ft RA.
The low energy aural alert is not available in alternate or direct law; when TOGA has been selected; if both RAs have failed; or if a GPWS alert is in progress.
Explain the purpose of the β target and when you might see it?
The sideslip target changes from yellow to blue. This happens when:
* CONF 1, 2, or 3 is selected;
* The difference between engine N1 values is >35%
* One engine is at >80% N1
What does it mean when the red arrow is displayed in front of you?
You have lost priority
When do you see the sidestick indication on the PFD, and when does it disappear?
Sidestick indication appears after one engine starts and disappears ???? (doesn’t say in the FCOM. It’s about 30ft though)
Explain the movement of the flaps and slats between lever position 2 and position 3.
Moving from 2 to 3 (on approach), slats will remain where they are and flaps will move to position 3.
What is the difference between selecting flaps 1 in the air and on the ground?
Flaps 1 on the ground will result in CONF 1+F. This is slats at position 1 and flaps at position 1.
Flaps 1 in the air will result on CONF 1. This is slats at position 2 and flaps still at 0.
Vfe & Vfe next are based on what?
Overspeed warnings, and Vls are based on what?
What protections may come into play when operating at heavy weights?
With a dual channel failure or loss of flaps and slats why is it still necessary to select CONF 1?
In the flap and slats jammed failure, why is it recommended to maintain Vapp or Vls, (whichever higher)?
Which spoilers act as speed brakes and which act as roll spoilers?
At what speed will the ground spoilers deploy?
Explain phased lift dumping and its purpose.
What is the effect on Vls when operating the speedbrakes?
What is the effect of the speedbrakes when operating at high mach numbers?
Approximately how long does it take for the speed brakes to retract from full?
Explain ELAC L104.
This is a software update that increases the availability of flight envelope protections.
You can assume that ELAC L104 is installed on every aircraft, unless the BNTC states that it isn’t.
A new protection is PALAL (Pitch Attitude Limitation in Alternate Law). This aims to delay a potential stall situation when in alternate law and in clean configuration. When the pitch angle reaches a predefined threshold, a gradual decrease of sidestick authority is introduced combined with a progressive pitch-down order.
What are the characteristic speeds, and which component is responsible for calculating them?
Characteristic speeds are:
They are calculated by the FAC.
Which component calculates when aircraft protections activate?